
Truth In TV Labeling

H/T to Onefly for making me aware.

It says on the side of my pack of Marlboro's:
Surgeon General
Cigarette Smoke Contains
Carbon Monoxide

Do we need a small D or R to in the corner of our television screens to denote which party the channel favors? and a rating sysytem like a LAL for lies a lot, LST for lies some times, TTT for totally the truth and an agency which reviews television channels for truthfulness and political bent?

Sort of a truth in labeling law.

I can see this working as a way to make people aware of what they are watching. Wanna watch the LAL channels with the R in the corner and masturbate politically, go ahead.

I'm getting on the phone with my senator next!


  1. I can't take the truth. Don't tell me the American people are too stupid to tell if Faux news is really fuxted. They need a label? Pathetic.

  2. Yes, Vig, they do. Just look at how many FOX "News" lies get treated as legitimate by the MSM.

  3. And no one calls them lies day in and day out except us guys. So tired of having to accept this shit as the norm. We're so screwed.
