
Teabaggers Don't Need To Follow Laws

Just the ones they like because after all they are special and you are not. Even elected baggers who swear an oath to uphold the Constitution and the statutes of this country and the state of Colorado. This piece of shit should be thrown out of office for kicking all who take this oath and take it seriously square in the nuts.

GRAND JUNCTION — A Mesa County commissioner's claim that it is OK to selectively break "nanny state laws" has exposed a deep rift among Western Slope Tea Partyers who either view Craig Meis as a hero or a scofflaw unfit to hold office.Meis, a Republican and a member of the Western Slope Conservative Alliance Tea Party umbrella group, stirred up the infighting and a general public outcry after he was ticketed for allowing his 14-year-old son to operate a personal watercraft on a state-park lake in June. State law requires operators to be 16. Rather than pay the $52 ticket, Meis tried to rally local Republicans and Tea Partyers to support his feeling that he should have gotten "a pat on the back, rather than a ticket," for being a good parent who was teaching his son how to be a responsible watercraft operator.

He was found guilty but this prick will do it again and you can bet other across the country others like him will do more of the same. I do not want to live by the laws these Amerikan Talibans will come up with. 


  1. Th4ese hypocrites piss me off! Did you see that tea party Senator who voted against the health care bill mad because as a freshman he had to wait a month for his to kick in saying he never heard of that before. I thought that was normal but anyway, whoever voted against the bill should forfeit their own.

  2. Nice catch!

    Let's start a Prick Board.

    Every Rethug guilty of these type of "me-special, you not so much" misdemeanors should be rated as to their Prickiness (or something similar).

    Sounds like something to do to while away the time anyway until election 2012.

    Love ya!


  3. I believe it is all about ego with these politicians. They view their election to office, be it local, state or national as entry into a club that allow them to order those in the employ of government to do as they are told because they are their bosses. It is not that they actually feel they are breaking any laws in their opinions, they think that the laws they break are for those below them. Ya know the voters! Those who, "were not elected like themselves".

  4. Transfuse anarchists don't need no stinkin laws! Except the ones that tell women what they can do with their uteruses or tell guys that they can't marry other guys or tell Muslims where they can and cannot build things!

  5. Why even have these people take an oath when it means nothing to any of them. In this case to uphold the statutes of the state of Colorado.

    Such blatant disrespect for the law -he should have his ass thrown out of office by the attorney general.

  6. Amazing how they're for "Law and Order" for others, but not for them.

  7. Campaigning for "Law and Order" since Nixon has only been the dog whistle for keeping down the minorities.

    Meaningless in all other contexts.

    Love ya,

