
For You Winter Lovers

Let it be known that I am available to change places with you if you live in a warm part of anywhere. It's true.

As of yesterday afternoon when the sun came out the ski mountain has recorded 74" and could easily break the record for most snow ever in November. If one listens closely you can hear squeals of joy coming from all points of the compass.

It's also 10* this morning and is getting colder.

Unlike the slugs in congress I know a deal can be made here.

Spring can not get here soon enough!


  1. When the snow starts falling is the only time I think about moving to LA.

  2. so that means we're not changing places I guess.

  3. I'd trade places with you in a heartbeat but I don't think you'd want to swap the snow for ice, the dryness for humidity, or the bug-free for the insects.

  4. Aaaaaah you lucky shit! I love snow and we're supposed to be mild here in the mid-Atlantic this winter! :-(

  5. It sucks to have to deal with, but the snow makes for some lovely pictures.

  6. We can do this Leslie as I wouldn't mind that for three months. Can you be sure and get to work on time and get a whole bunch done so I can sit on ass when I get back?? Thanks in advance.

    It is going to snow Sue. It's actually very nice out right now.

    I get tired of the white Cujo.

  7. Getting cold here, Adirondacks and it look to me that winters about to start.

    TB i hit delete instead of respond and have deleted all my contacts due to virus so, I'm working on that post kinda hit a wall on creativity and sense.

  8. How does a winter night's low of 65 sound? At that, we think hypothermia is setting in. Daytime winter about 80-85. Summer nights 85 with days at 90-95 with humidity between 70% and 90%. Oh, and 80 inches of rain a year.

  9. Hi Eric-that's one of the reasons the SW is a good place to live. No humidity and not a great deal of rain. You didn't mention incests.

  10. Dunno about the incests - some people call this the 'deep north' like you have your 'deep south' ;-)
    Insects aren't as a big a problem as people might think. A few mosquitoes at times but not too many bitey things.

    The humidity isn't hard to acclimatize to and the rains are lovely, especially when accompanied by thunder and lightning.
