
Tough Shit Arizona

This is what you get when you blatantly show your racism to the rest of the country.

If it hurts real bad that's a double tough shit. The problem is that along the way the little guy got hurt the worst as they can least afford it. The simple bastards who supported this don't even have a clue that they or anyone could be the target of the states various Gestapo agency's.

If I get back to this state I will be very careful where I spend my money. Very careful!


  1. Glad to hear this though I am sure they don't care and call it temporary. Knowing how they are there I was very surprised to hear they passed medicinal marijuana.

  2. Part of it may be that Hispanics got tired of taking care of Snowbirds and bailed, maybe?

  3. Excellent. That will deprive America's largest Nazi (and I am not kidding here; do a little scratching and you'll see for yourself) movement of some needed cash.

  4. There's a bunch of rich low-lifes down there for sure.

    What I take from situations like this is that if our side could come together which it can't we do have the power to cripple in a short time many of the entities that are screwing things up. Our dollars are better than bullets.

  5. Az. and its economy is a joke.
    We lost our business partly due to the racist mentality of Joe Arpaio, and Russel Pearce.
    Many Latinos have left and will never come back.
    Last one out turn out the lights.
