
Bama's Justice Department Allows Another Bush Whore To Remain Free

This woman is no different than any of the others who aided the chimp and the dark one in their treasonous crimes against humanity. This women is guilty as hell sure as shit.

Point being is that from the time the chimp lowered his hand from taking the oath in 2000 all of these people knew they would never be held accountable for any of their actions. Can't you see it.

The Justice Department has closed an ethics probe of former Interior Secretary Gale Norton, the Obama administration said Friday. Norton was accused of using her position to steer lucrative oil leases on federal land in Colorado to Royal Dutch Shell PLC, where she took a job soon after leaving Interior. But a two-year investigation failed to prove a conflict of interest, said Mary Kendall, the Interior Department's acting inspector general, who announced Justice's decision. 

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  1. The Big O Team has not held one person accountable for the W crimes.
    Not one.
    There is only one conclusion.
    O is an extension of the Bush dynasty.
    The Manchurian Candidate is a plant.

  2. Gale Norton was only doing what she was hired to do, unlike that horrible, terrible, very bad Julian Assange.

  3. Wish I could say this was unexpected, One Fly.

  4. Expectations remain--sorry I got confused as there are none.

    He's something RZ and a plant fit's in exactly with the reality.
