
The President's Prayers Do Not Count

The prez said he and his wife have had Ambassador Holbrooke in their prayers since his collapse last Friday.

Even if he and his wife conjured up a million white angels flying around DC playing and singing xmas carols that still would not be enough. The comments on the thread of the linked to article show the depth of the stupidity of people in this country and their hatred for this man.

If Bama would have come our swinging and kicked these simpleton fuckers asses around there would be much less of this mentality. As an atheist since as long as I can remember my position is that if someone wants to pray for old Fly then bring it on-I don't have a problem with that except don't try to get me to assist you.


  1. What a bunch of ignorant sick fucks. These fucking christians piss me off.

    Allah is God is Dios is Dieu. Islam is an Abrahamic religions same as Christianity. Christianity has the blood of millions on its hands, including aggressive invasions and occupations of two Muslim nations right now - and THEY're the bloodthirsty ones?

    Fuck these christian assholes.

    I'm Christian and would be very comfortable being Muslim, religion is a wonderful thing.

    Hatred isn't.

    Excuse the obscenities One Fly, I slip into rage pretty easy these days.

    Keep on writing the truth man.

  2. I have read the Koran.
    I actually find a lot of peace and serenity there.
    I have one major Problem with Islam>
    I really dig eating pork. :-)

    Oso go here I think you might like it there.


  3. Not even close to any issues Oso. I changed my ways for awhile and toned my language down a bit -for what? To show I'm a nice guy? I really don't give a shit anymore. They don't like what they see here fuck 'em.

    You two guys always bring the truth and that's what we need. Thanks!
