
Concealed Gun Permit Hours Expanded

That's right folks the sheriffs office can't handle the load of applications back in the cornfield and to serve their gun loving constituents they are keeping their doors open longer. Check these numbers out.

There a gun here right next to my bed in a drawer and it's loaded. It's pretty much unnecessary but it's still there.
Whether I'm here or somewhere else I'm not afraid of bad things happening where a gun might be needed. I don't even take it camping.

It's getting to the point where a gun might be needed to protect yourself from all the dumb bastards that are carrying them concealed to protect themselves from whatever at any time.



  1. I'm with you, baby!



    It's getting to the point where a gun might be needed to protect yourself from all the dumb bastards that are carrying them concealed to protect themselves from whatever at any time.

  2. You would probably be better off doing it the way Wyatt Earp did. Face down the dummies until you are close enough to pistol whip them. Saves a fortune on ammo.
