
Crazy Ass Bigot Rejoins Repug Party

You may have guessed who and you would be right more than likely.

Of course some are saying they don't like this prick and that he's not really a real repug-but they lie like they always do. These fuckers lie at will day in and day out.

It's only a ploy used to make the many stupids who are willing enough to believe that the Republican party is not an extremist organization. It is just that.


  1. The republican party definitely attracts and exploits the idiots and extremists.

    Rove and Cheney are laughing their asses off.

  2. It worked so well for them Truth as it is today for the new breed of thugs who are packing and killing us.

  3. My guess is when we attack Iran, they'll be dancing in the streets.

    Right up to the big blast.

    But that's why they've already changed those radiation ranges, right?

  4. We haven't heard much about I ran lately have we. Just wait like you say Susan.

    Those who run the Empire will always feel the need to blast those brown rag heads.
