
12 Year Old Kills Parents And Wounds Younger Siblings

I glanced at this looking at the papers over coffee before going to work. We all know how tragedy's like this devastate small communities. What set this kid off to do such a thing and most of the time from the initial article one can speculate and that's about all. The father was a former deputy so that's more than likely where the instrument of death came from. It did not take long to get to the probable cause. I can't prove it but if I were a betting man I would bet plenty that part of the reason for this young person to do such a thing was this!


  1. Geez that would do it to you every time.

  2. Between Rock & A Hard Place........

  3. Ya think Tim?? I've been stagnant again and have been nowhere. Good to hear from you and Tony thanks for the visit. I'll be over to yours later today.

  4. The parricide was also home schooled.

  5. I think it's fair to say most who are home schooled that religion is a big part of their curriculum.

  6. I was a Ted Nugent fan in the early 70's but his stance on guns and being a Republican crap turns me off to anyone associated with him.

  7. I saw an interview with the minister who said he was just stunned - a God-fearing family and the kid was very active in the church, Hmmmmm.

  8. A big part of the curriculum in many such religiously-oriented home schools is buggery. Tighty righties who obsess about sex just can't seem to control themselves when it comes to the thought of strokin' nubile young buttocks and using children in unseemly ways. It wouldn't surprise me at all if that were the case here.

    - Badtux the "Yes, they're sick" Penguin

  9. This incident hit a nerve with many as this place took over twice as many hits as it usually does and most coming from search engines that found OTC.

    Could it be there are bunches of religiously insane who are worried about their childruns wising up to all the lies fed to them??

  10. Reading the Old Testament alone would turn you into an axe murderer.
