
No More Booty And Da Bible

Yup that's right as the bishops have replaced that with "spoils" as the kiddies were yukking it up in mind screw class.

Here's a couple more.

Proverbs 31:10, the ode to "The Ideal Wife," is now a "Poem on the Woman of Worth."

Call or do what you want with this but the fact remains it's still remains a bunch of runny stinky bull shit.


  1. I don't know about the runny stinky bullshit, but that sure does look like it would be one fine place to live in your header photo. Mountains right outside the door....

  2. I'd live around here too Teresa. This was taken north of Westcliff before you get to State Highway 50 between Salida and Canyon City. These mountains around here just loom out at you and seem so huge. Not sure why that is. I also admit to this being a window picture.

  3. The thing that impressed me when I went thru Westcliff is the long view west towards the Sangria De Cristo Mountains and it was in the spring when the mountains were bleeding.

  4. May I interject? Sangre de Cristo Mountains, blood of Christ. The snow, when it starts to melt, in certain light, looks almost red.

  5. Of course you can-I had never heard that they at times they looked red. maybe I will get to see that.

  6. Translating words from another language can produce a number of words to convey the same thought. If a word changes it common meaning over time there is nothing wrong with replacing the word or words for the reader to better understand the original writers meaning.
    Changing a title to a passage that was added centuries later as a study aid isn't that big of a deal. It doesn't change what the writer intended.
