
From Pauline In Abidjan

It's not getting better but worse in France's Jewel of West Africa. I feel for these people because of the mind set of a very few powerful men who care little about fellow human beings who just happen to be from the same country.

Rebels in the Ivory Coast who back Alassane Ouattara as the nation’s elected leader said they took control of a fourth town in the western cocoa-growing region, as residents reported fighting in the commercial capital, Abidjan.

In addition a State Department spokesman today said a group of U.S. diplomats were turned back from Abidjan’s international airport on March 10. 

 Pauline's Blogger Site


  1. Great, this doesn't make me feel warm and fuzzy either..but then, nothing does these days.

  2. I can not remember the last time politics or world events made me feel like that recently or if ever.

    This is a really bad deal over there Dusty. Not so much for the well to do but for people like us Dusty.

  3. There was a time the French would drop the Legion Etrangere into one of their former colonies whenever there was trouble in the economic union they left behind. What has changed?

  4. My take would be they just don't want any part of it anymore and there's not much to gain if anything. They already got most of it.

  5. People are fed up with the globalized Plutocracy. Our turn is coming, and it'll be sooner rather than later.
