
The Rich Just Can't Make It With Their Millions

Times are tough and I can't help having a bad attitude here.  The fact is:

Having goals was something not talked about much when I grew up. 30 years ago I did have a goal and that was to get a "good" job at city, county, state or recreation district level. I was not successful in that although I've had a good job and now it's time for all that to come to and end towards the end of the year.

When my income becomes less than a third of what it is now and all expenses are paid Fly will have 18 smacks left over each day to play with. That and less than a 100k that has to last till he croaks. A whole lot less than the rich and a whole lot more than those who have little. It'll work.

I will be living and eating like a PCV again and I don't have a problem with that and by choice I choose to do this plus being without health insurance for three years till I turn 65. It's going to be very hard but I over getting up and going to work everyday for most of my life. I've had several who get enormous monthly amounts to live on say "I worked hard for my money".  Most of us have as well.

To try not to be too big of an asshole here and - - - - no I take that back these people need some asshole like me. So I say to those the article is about and anyone who is worth over a million dollars and feel you just don't have enough to "make it". Kiss my ass and the fucking horse you rode in on!

I don't even know these pricks and I don't like 'em.


  1. Times are tough and I can't help having a bad attitude here.

    That's not having a bad attitude. That's just noticing reality.

  2. Yup and I was attempting to be civil rather than tell it like it is bad words and all. Bad words help describe the depth of reality.

  3. What I find interesting is that these were people who had over a million dollars EXCLUDING real estate and retirement accounts. So, most likely if you included real estate and retirement accounts, they were worth several more millions of dollars.

    Who gives a shit if they don't FEEL wealthy. They are probably in the top 1% of the richest people in the country, if not the world. In my book, that makes you wealthy, whether you feel it or not.

  4. Yes...and they can kiss mine...!!!

  5. It never ends from these people on the right. This is true and every day my disdain for these people grows. I do not see how that could ever change in my lifetime.
