
Fuzzy & Boomer Blogging

A blogger friend who grew up and farms with her hubby in Delta on Friday's blogs from her dogs perspective. Fuzzy and Boomer's escapades are the best and I have found them to be something to take your mind off of other things and enjoy some chuckles. Link

What I find interesting with Linda her blog Life on a Colorado Farm is that the equipment they use is old John Deere which is a testament on just how good this stuff is if you take care of it.

Meet Fuzzy and Boomer. I tell her she can sell these stories as they're that good.


  1. I have fun putting words in my Buddy's mouth, creating a little story as we go. Pups are such fun. I read her latest on coyotes and I have had to be more alert, as well. Haven't heard them in awhile, but you never know. It's hard cause I always liked coyotes when I lived in SF and didn't have pets, but I know what Wily Coyote was named for.

  2. Check this bit of coyote action out. Jake was getting set up by these guys because he was getting older and was continually being tested.

    I never saw one when I grew up and now they're everywhere it seems.

  3. Yikes! That makes me realize that I need to stay even more alert.

  4. The scenery in that video reminds me of Sierra Valley, in California. We were camped in a ranchers meadow a few years ago (with permission, of course). In the evening, a huge pack of coyotes trotted by on their way to a little lava outcropping. Our own dogs jumped in our laps and wouldn't budge, but the rancher's Irish Setter was running with the pack and went out howling with them. The rancher told us later that the dog often joined the coyotes at night. I don't know if this is a good story or a bad one, it just is.

  5. I think that's a good story Jan and entirely possible.
