
Happy Father's Day

The same post for 011 as the three years previous. I miss my Dad.

The best to all Father's out there and I know most of you hold your children very close to your heart. Here is one of my favorite pictures of my Dad taken in France in 1945. Enjoy your day.


Happy Father's Day to all the dad's out there. I am not one and my dad is gone so the best to all of you guys out there. I bet my blogger friends who are fathers have some great kids. I miss my dad!

FROM '08

This is the first Father's Day I will not be making that call. I claim my Father's brother Rollie as a substitute Dad for this year. What I miss most is making those calls on a whim just to bs. The picture is a one shot deal. Up for a day only for the obvious reason. Taken next to the cornfield over two years ago the one I grew up in and my Dad farmed. Dad's name was Paul. NOTE The picture is back and will remain.


Dad is gone-Uncle Rollie's pooch gone-just found out another long time friend gone at 47-a first cousin soon to be gone-Tim Russert bang, gone at 58 my age-Mom's side of the family having a history of being gone just like that.

May not be related to Father's Day but very much value the close and few friendships I have and that includes relationships on the highway of the internets those that are the most informed of all.

Given the fragility of life every once in a while and the importance some put on theirs it's good to put things in perspective now and then. After all none of us are no more than piss ants in time. I love this video.

                  WHAT WE ARE



  1. Great Picture.
    Enjoy your memories and day!
    Thanks for all you do!

  2. Same back at you my friend!

  3. I wish we could ease the pain of a lot of fathers by getting their kids the hell out of those lost wars. But I'm not holding my breath waiting for it to happen.

    Maybe defaulting wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, if it led to ending those wars.

  4. How I hate the same refrain from myself - - but I believe the wars will never end. There will always be a cause and the defense budget will only grow. People may think they can make the change needed by voting but that is not the case. We are royally screwed.

  5. Great picture of your dad. He looks like a good guy. The pic of the two of you in that "field of dreams," is nice, too. Dad's are such a big part of our lives.

    I have to say, I agree with your assessment of our dire situation, Tom.

  6. Thank you Teresa!

    The house about a half a mile behind us in the picture still stands and is still being lived in and for back there that's not too bad.
