
The One So Sorry Quivered That Day

I think about this story from the way back machine and it may be up there with one of the first biggy apologies ever. It's J J J J Jimmy  Swaggart near the top of the heap of hypocrites. A human greaser slug. What always stood out to me and I remember laughing so hard through the whole thing but it was when his lower lip and jaw quivered that I cracked a rib and had to get wrapped up. Even da Swaggart had to practice before the mirror on that one. America loved it then and loves this kind of crap to this day. This country is in big trouble.

Laugh again because it's funny damn it..


  1. Thanks for the funny with my morning coffee. Is that Jim Carrey? Priceless.

  2. I remember that year well. John Connelly declared bankruptcy, Rock Hudson died of aides and it came out he was gay, and Swaggart got caught with his pants down.
    There was a good joke:
    Who would have thought that I would have better morals than Jimmy Swaggart, more money the John Connelly and more pussy than Rock Hudson?

  3. Yuk Yuk

    Thanks for the memories Patrick.

  4. Fucking hilarious. Back when Jim Carrey was the greatest ever. My dad urged me into the ministry but my mother was a moral woman and wouldn't hear of it.

  5. Your Mom saved you ass Cletis. She was a good women!
