
Bama Says

President Barack Obama says the growth of the U.S. economy will depend in part on training new workers for jobs in the manufacturing industry.
And this-
"Right now, there are people across America with talents just waiting to be tapped, sparks waiting to be lit. Our job is to light them. And there's no time to lose when we've got folks looking for work, when we've got companies that need to stay competitive in this 21st-century economy," he said.

Fly says this-
BULLSHIT! This country shipped those jobs out of the country long time ago and is still doing it. The only thing for the most part people are being trained for is flipping shitty tasting burgers and other mushy meats that taste like shit as well. That and scrubbing toilets. Don't believe this for a second.


  1. Obama should be sending Congress every possible job program, no matter how liberal or conservative, as long as it doesn't include tax cuts. The Republicans would not give him any, but if he was loud and proud of his efforts he could make the Republicans look very, very bad.

    That's what he should do if he were a Democrat.

  2. Ain't that no shit!

  3. Anon:
    "if he were a democrat".
    Spot on.

    This is all lip service.
    O can not win re-election on the economy.
    If any thing it will be worst by then.
    He will have to run as a war president.
    A position he is very comfortable at.
    He is a war of choice president.
    Now it looks like we are bombing Yemen.
    Libya was a total regime change agenda for the West.
    Beware of false flags before the election.
    Either abroad or in America.

  4. I agree with Reality Zone's view.
    In fact, I'm beginning to think that american presidents seek action (war) outside (Vietnam, Irak, Aganistan, Libya)to justify their election, because they're unable to solve any major problem inside their country.

  5. That is an excellent observation there Duta and of course the corporations need to be greased as well on a continuing basis.
