
The Weiner Is A Dick

This man spoke out for our side so well but he's has to go. In some cultures this behavior flies and may even be rewarded but not here. Get it Weiner? No I guess not. Do I give a shit what you do in your spare time - not really. But when it enters my world I give a huge shit what you do after hours.

You screwed the pooch in such a way that you will never be allowed to have any credibility again. Some people forgive this but not the right wing whore lie machine that will never let people forget how you lied just like them. Time and again and all of a sudden I understand the tears came and da mighty Weiner fessed up.

You dick! You care more about your self and your weiner than the people you represent. What don't you understand that in this day and age you just can't do this shit and get away with it. That chances are very high you will be found out.

Your credibility is gone and the right will assure that there you will never have any.

Get your weiner ass out of Dodge as you are far too flawed to be of any good. You're a dick!


  1. Man, that guy wanted to get caught.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. "Frank"ly, Fly, Weiner didn't give a damn." R. Butler

  4. Exit stage left, Mr. Creepsex.

  5. Everyone of us is correct here. I feel really bad for his wife. Throw the guy out with the dish water and take him foe all he's worth. For a public figure he deserves everything and more.

    Now-the repugs of course never are punished by their own and in their back rooms of debauchery they applaud each other for their indiscretions and laugh their asses off cuz they know they won't be punished.

    We must hold ours to a much higher standard because in no way do I want to be like those on the other side!

  6. Oh my he sends a few pictures of himself and the world has come to an end. Stupid to have done it and to have denied it, but nothing compared to Newt and the other Repubocrits and priests that abuse boys.

  7. Ah, come on.
    Lets do sing along.

    Oh - I- wish - I- were - an - Oscar Meyer - Wiener.
    Well you know the rest of the song. LOL

  8. Accompanied with an Oscar Meyer Wiener Whistle, of course.

  9. Lauren Bacall asked Bogie if he knew how to whistle

    Just put your lips together and blow.

    Maybe if the Congress Critter would have had an Oscar Meyer whistle.
    He would not be in the toilet.

  10. And I have a picture of that weiner too. No not Weiner's weiner but the real OM weiner. Looked but can't find it. It was a real nice weiner too.

  11. This is great. I get to "listen" to you boys banter. Guy talk, and all that. Really. I mean it. It's fun damnit.

  12. That's right and I can tell ya that I'm real particular about my weiners. Very special as far as weiners go. It's true.
