
bama Keeps 10K Troop Offer In Irak Open - And The Rest Ain't Coming Home In December

Yup the peace prez offers guns instead of withdrawal. The 46,000 are slated to all come home at the end of December. The linked to article has plenty of info as to why it won't happen.

The fact of the matter is that it was never going to happen! There are no plans ready to withdraw these troops and all that is associated with them. No way! So it will be another photo-op for the wheels from DC on xmas day.. You know what dogs do to wheels.

I wonder what the number of contractors is as well. We don't hear a thing about them or our grand embassy.

And the sheep will bleet for more.


  1. "if it wasn’t vitally important for the accomplishment of our mission in Iraq.”

    We never have and never will know what "our mission" in Iraq really is. At least the Perfumed Princes in the Pentagon will get a chance to blood their proteges.

  2. That is for damn sure.

    I thought you were on vacation?

  3. The lying motherfuckers! Just you WATCH if some poor woman tries to get some sort of feminine health care though! NOW Mr. General Sir BETRAYUS says our "mission" in Afghani is going to be to go into the mountains and root out alqaida! No fucking shit! He JUST said that! I thought that was the mission ten fucking years ago?
    NOBODY - NOFUCKINGBODY is saying a THING about HOW they are going to MIRACULOUSLY cause jobs to happen or gert people back into SOMETHING with a fucking roof on it!


  4. You see Mr. N. and literally not a soul says shit except guys like us. Do you think the dumb ass dims in dc will demand something other-of course not

  5. Chatter has it that the State Dept wants 5K contractors [mercenaries] to guard the white elephant embassy and their staff.

    The rethugs will now run as anti-war candidates.
    Dems give this war of choice president a pass because he is supposedly a dem.
    Shame on these bastards and bitches.
    I despise them all.
