
Local Flag Desecration

 A quote from a parade watcher. “One of the meanings of the Fourth is celebrating our independence and supporting our troops”.

And you do that I guess if you are repuglican/bagger and support the women above breaking the law because after all the right has first dibs on wannabe patriots ya see. 

The supporter of our troops probably has no issue with our wars of choice and wars for lies just as long as there's troops to support for next year's parade.


  1. Remember when hippies wore stuff like that to ridicule the right they passed laws against desacrating(sic) the flag and treated it like flag burning. If they do it it's okay, they're being patriotic.

  2. Exactly and nobody says boo.

  3. A great demonstration of how things have changed in the name of the gods of raw profit...

  4. and the sheep bleet for more
