
Another Milestone For Our Declining Empire

You read this stuff and I can't help but to feel sad and then the sadness turns to despair knowing that it going to get worse before it can get better if it ever does which is doubtful. These bastards do not have a heart. The figures are from 2009. What's it like now almost three years later with the economy in even worse shape. I am not proud of my country and despise the people who have done this but you know that.

We could have Americans starving to death on the streets of this country and those in DC would still vote to take food away from them and that's a goddamn fact. This is where we are at.


  1. I heard that statistic on NPR this morning. We're on our way to becoming a banana republic.

  2. Yes, Fly, another millstone.

  3. Cannon fodder and cheap labor and an easy way to deal with the excess. An oligarchs delight.

  4. The sad thing is that our oligarchs and their apologists see nothing wrong with this. "At least they're not starving and dying like in Somalia!" appears to be their notion. As in, if you aren't dying of starvation and exposure, you're not really poor. What a buncha jerks.

    - Badtux the Ticked-off Penguin

  5. In saw your response BT. A excellent
    ass kicking.

    Our government does not care they just do not or are they in the near future if ever. This is where we are at.
