
Guvmint Quick Service

You betcha it was quick and didn't think it was going to be approved but it was.

First day of this month wrote two checks at mid afternoon for a total $140 for a passport. I had one that was included with the application but it was years expired. The new one came today and in 15 days. That's not too shabby.

I can at least leave the country now and although there are no plans at present this was important none the less.

Well shit fire-the bell got rung so there's only one thing to do.


  1. the best thing anyone can do is keep their passport up to date and a quick few bucks ready...

    problem is what country would take us?

  2. My friend DCap thanks for the visit!! You must be on a different schedule because it seems like I never see your posts roll by and I do appreciate what you put up. I have been very busy and remain so but I have been lax in visiting some of my blogger buds.

    It's real tempting to go south past Mexico. I don't have much but I don't need much and if you don't need much there are places you can live very nice on a K a month at least that's what I gather.

    I'm leaving da Boat end of Sept for sure and moving my stuff to my new home end of this one. I better cuz if that don't happen I'm really gonna get screwed even more.
    It's a difficult time for me right now and it shouldn't be. The fuckers stole more of what little I have but I stopped that and they won't get another dime.

    I hope you're doing well.
