
Stopping Cell Service To Curb Dissent

Let's just say the badges will do what ever they want to keep order as they think order needs to be. That's a fact and there is no changing that and no one who will stick up for our rights in DC that has the power to make a difference.

My other 2-cents is this. The Dark One (Cheney) when he would come to Beaver Creek in the Vail valley and when he did cell phone service was stopped for an hour on either side of his planes touch down. Imagine all the people that pissed off but they still loved his killer ass in the enclave that houses the worlds most rich and powerful.


  1. If we ever get to the place where we plan some serious dissent, the first to go will be cell service, then the internet. What happened in
    Egypt can and would happen here. We're not as far from martial law as we want to think.

  2. Exactly Teresa and what's even more scary is that the badges that are sworn to protect us will turn on us like a pack of wild dogs.

  3. Agree with everything here. Keep up the good work One Fly! :0

  4. America the Free(*). U S A! U S A! U S A!

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin
    (*)Offer void everywhere. Batteries for tasers not included. See your local police officer for details, right after he beats you to a senseless pulp and arrests you for assaulting a police officer with your very presence in a public space such as a public transit train station.
