
Spell IED - D E A T H

They still work real good.

That makes 21 Americans killed for the month. Another gruesome statistic is that at this time 2011 is in third place for overall deaths by IED's and could come in second before the end of the year.


  1. How ironic that soldiers equipped with the most advanced weapons money can buy are so easily killed with home-made bombs.

  2. You know as well as I do that's why the big guys have a hard time "winning".

  3. 1,157 U.S. soldiers have died in Afghanistan under Obama's watch.

    More than twice the number of U.S. soldiers who died there under Bush's watch.

    Of course, Dear Leader tripled the number of American combat troops in Afghanistan than under Bush, so it makes sense.

    I know many O-Bots are cheering Obama since he gave the order to kill Osama bin Laden and Qadaffi is dead too.

    But, the fact is, Obama and death go hand in hand, so perhaps as a show goodwill, Dear Leader should return the unwarranted Nobel Peace prize he was bestowed.

    Obama doesn't deserve it, IMHO.

  4. Dead on Christopher!

    bama will or is soon gonna give a speech and one topic is student loans and how he will make it better.

    I don't believe there will be any substance in that at all - not for a second. We'll know very soon.

    I'll kiss my own ass if something huge comes out of this.
