
Panetta Lies Like A Rock

Why are these questions even asked? It's a waste of every ones time and only gives these so called (reporters) justification to themselves that they've actually done something when the reality is anyone with an ounce of brains knows what the answer is going to be when you ask an obvious dumb ass question.

We all know the answer to that.


  1. What the Obama junta wants from Libya is oil. Period.

    Libya is the largest producer of oil on the African continent followed by Nigeria. But Nigeria, with a huge population of 100 million is much more problematic. Which is why the CIA has been busy trying to topple the Nigerian government for more than a decade.

    None of this is complicated and Obama -- like Bush before him, has a foreign policy underlined not by human rights concerns but by oil needs.

  2. Well said Christopher - thank you for that.

    While down in the 4-Corners area last week ran across a younger fellow who was retired and just returned from three years in Kenya and would not really answer what he was doing. He was up to no fucking good - you can bet on it!

    While in Ghana those many years ago was called CIA plenty times because they knew how we interfered with their hero Nkrumah.
