
War Lovers And Some Iraqi's Are Fretting

 Yup they sure are. The lovers of war here over the possible loss of a war they continue to love and Iraqi's who are afraid of increased violence.

Well no shit Cisco and frankly that's a huge"tough shit" from this part of the field.

One of my many points against the invasion of Iraq that was being based on the lies of a few was that even for someone like myself who was not that knowledgeable about the area you did not have to be to understand this - no way absolutely no way a conflict undertaken by this country in Iraq was going to turn out anything but bad. You did not have to be a Middle East expert to understand this.

It seems we may be close to at least getting most of our troops out of there and it's troops and not Americans or other ex-pat contractors. I wanted to puke when chimpy talked about standing up then down and the numbers trained so far - for years and years knowing that as usual it was all a fucking lie for over a decade. You treasonous bastards. 

So to all you whiners/complainers and fretters I muster up the very best TOUGH SHIT AND KISS MY ASS that I can.

Let's at least get these guys home now but remember until it happens it has not and when it does it can be believed and only then when you are dealing in matters of those who control most everything especially war and death.


  1. So, do you suppose Blackwater has enough money now, or are they preparing for the war in Iran?

  2. There are some Iraqis who have reason to fret because of their working with the US. But with 11,000 State Dept employees in the wolds largest embassy you would think getting a visa should be easy. And there will be 5,000 mercs to protect them when they apply.

  3. I assume there are probably thousands on that payroll all over the place and the truth be known - in this country as well.

    You bet Mont and let them live with those who supported this invasion for lies.
