
Backoff On The Pedestal

Some may not like this but tough shit. From the top of the page @ Injustice Everywhere -

  • Aurora CO settles suit for $215k to man left partially paralyzed in officer-involved shooting that violated policy [0] bit.ly/tgsLex
  • Lake Co CA deputy pleads guilty to felony unlawful intercourse w/child under 16, faced 18 counts involving 2 girls [1] bit.ly/tIsY1V
  • Chicago IL cop ordered to pay $3,000 in jury award to man he shot at after date w/cop’s ex-girlfriend [0] bit.ly/uhyDrF
From Boulder -A Boulder County Sheriff's deputy was arrested Tuesday for allegedly having sexually explicit contact with girls on the Internet. 

You have the sex/meth freak former sheriff in a jail named after him up on the front range near Denver getting his bond reduced from 500k to 50k because he was a good guy before ya see. Of course he bonded right outta there. Get this - 
A 22-member task force will handle the expanding investigation into former Sheriff Pat Sullivan's alleged meth-for-sex case


Whether is here or someplace else it's all done the same. The pedestal is far too high and all humans are capable and do perform heroic deeds. You do not need a badge to be considered special.

I know and understand the dynamics of this profession. Frankly you don't like your job get the fuck out of the business and grow flowers or something.

Treat us like people instead of criminals and keep your damn hand away from your fucking gun. Almost all of us are no threat to you. You feel danger use a shield when you approach and that way you don't scare the holy shit out of people because you keep you're damn hand near your gun like you gonna use it you asshole.

Another reason is there is little respect for we the people and the men in blue won't change. We are adversaries and that mentality is proven easily with the text messages by police in Denver with the OWS people.

I have nothing but respect for other responders and the job they do. There's a big difference and that is they can't shoot or beat you because they feel like it.


  1. The best way to make sure a task never gets done is to appoint a task force.

  2. I know a young man who works in Folsom Prison, he's not a guard, he has an office job. He says he prefers the prisoners to the guards.

  3. You can bet that any exonerating evidence turned up by the 22 hard working investigators will be turned over to the defense immediately instead of getting lost in the files forever.

  4. Police Officers who abuse the trust of their office deserve an additional criminal penalty upon those of the crime they committed.

    Unfortunately, criminal officers make the job harder on others by building an emotional instinct/memory in the minds of those who hear/witness their malfeasance.

  5. It's a system/cycle that is not going to change anytime soon that is for damn sure.
