
Drone Lies

Example -

Think about this for a second people and look -

Iran landed this thing and finally after lie after lie bama says it is ours. They controlled this. How dramatic is that? WOW!

There is much more going on with this and that is obvious and from what I have seen Big Whore Media has not gone there.


  1. Fist they said they shot it down. Then they said they landed it. Which one is the lie?

  2. Point being is that it is in Iran.International borders are there for a reason.
    If Iran flew a drone or even a balloon over the U.S. we would immediately declare war, and show Iran some of that good ol' American shock and awe.
    I am sure this is not the first drone flight over Iran.
    We have been supporting terrorist groups in Iran for some time now.
    U.S. and Israel want regime change in Iran no matter what.
    The Zio/Cons will take this and us to the brink.

  3. Well ano i guess the evidence speaks for itself.

  4. Oh man, my son and his computer game-playing friends would get so jazzed if they thought they could cyber kidnap a REAL drone.

  5. I don't see why not. Hell yes!

  6. I'm a good Iran hating America but the truth is this is kind of funny to me.

    It's like a couple teenage boys bragging who's dick is longer but neither one of them will submit it to measurement.

  7. Think Francis Gary Powers. They ALWAYS lie, until the proof is produced.

  8. And they may fight over that too Truth. These big boys want to do that very much so. I do not want to see that.

  9. Barry Soereto learned from his predecessor George W. Bush, that wartime presidents are rewarded more favorably by history than peacetime presidents.

    Especially, in war-loving Murika.

    Of course this is one of Barry's love drones. He and his team are gathering the intel needed for the war against Iran. A war many say will begin either just before the 2012 General Election or, shortly after he is elected to a second term.

    At the end of the day, he can't do much about the economy or jobs so what better legacy than war?

    And the O-Bots cheer.

  10. I've never seen one like this, have you?

  11. I did have one of those Osprey thingies fly over the freeway and scare the crap out of me. I've never seen one fly before and I think there is a reason for that.

  12. Like this no. From what I understand they are flying these and other things to the SE of here maybe a 100 miles away. Will be going that direction maybe sooner than later. I expect anything I really do.

    b b b b but jobs are up and unemployment down. I didn't listen to a word bama said four years ago or more and sure as hell won't listen now.
