
Dougherty Sibling Update

Do you remember the nation wide manhunt?? They eventually got caught right on the intestate just outside the Huerferno County seat city of Walsenburg where they have been housed very effectively so you can sleep at night. The bail is 1.25 mil each and no one has shown up with the cabbage.

They have appeared in court several times and are being tried separately some time down the road. The latest appearance was yesterday with sibling sister Lee Grace. Her public defender has filed dozens of motions all of which have been denied I believe with several no's again yesterday.

I find the article from today's Pueblo paper a bit troubling in the way this woman was questioned. The reason I post this is if you do not remember the fear factor the badges and the media ratcheted up with this family in the end I was surprised they were not all killed but at the time the public was close by. These crooks are not being defended here but what I'm saying is given the intensity of the badges and the piece today there is no doubt in my mind these people had rights violated.  LINK

Where they live now. The Hueferno County jail.
It's worthy to note that like the former meth freak/gay sex addict sheriff up in Denver who spent time in the very slammer named after him the former sheriff here received the same honor for crimes he committed against the very people he swore to serve. SHEEZ!

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