
Herr Goper Akin Never Left And Was Never Going To

If anyone thought this slug from the very beginning was going to do anything that would be considered "right" by many like quit or apologize like he meant it you were wrong just like all the other times people like him pull the same kind of shit.

Republicans in Missouri and across the country started moving back toward supporting Todd Akin's Senate bid

Don't be deceived by this bull shit line either. It a diversion from the reality that these people on the right actually have a heart. They do not!

Get it straight - this is where this party is at and this is where our country is at as well. There are more than enough and then some who think like this. Enough that hate and teh stupid becomes the message across the land drowning out most sense of reason from the rest of us.

Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2012/09/26/169727/gop-throws-support-to-todd-akin.html#storylink=cpy


  1. Newt, Santorum and their fellow traveling cretins that ran to his side should be exposed for what they are.

    1. Both sides are doing the same so that just wouldn't be fair.

  2. Looks like the school I went too in Cedaredge!!!

