
Local Government Does The Right Thing

And it was the correct action to take in what is not a small town by any means.

Pueblo City Council members have decided that a moment of silence will now replace the opening prayer before their City Council meetings.

Forced screams of being picked on and persecuted I'm sure will be heard from many places not just from here.

I applaud this council for adopting a moment of silence where both sides get what they want. But that's not enough for the religiously insane who wish to impose their world many other places. Places where it's my right as an American not to be forced to experience their doctrine.

They can't get it because they are insane in a way. Religious insanity rules our country for the most part right now. The American Taliban. Little different than the ones we fear "over there".


  1. It's definitely a step in the right direction.

  2. Good post! Now, if my home town of Colorado Springs could do the same....

  3. Many will want these council members who voted for this to pay a price for betraying those living a delusion.

  4. If that happened I would have to go into town and get all pissed up and be somebody. Thanks for the visit RW!

  5. Because of California earthquake safety requirements, a lot of our beautiful old schools were abandoned for ticky tacky new ones. The old buildings are, however, being used as places where adults can take art lessons or do their exercises and small groups can meet and drink coffee together. It's like a community center that's actually in the center of the community.

    I doubt the schools that were built to replace these fine old buildings will last that long. That's what makes them earthquake-safe, they're built out of balsa wood and paper instead of brick and stone.

  6. Good deal these buildings are being utilized in other ways. As with many of the houses being built. They will not and can not stand the test of time.

    How was Hawaii??
