
Cheezburger Cheezburger

Actually more like fish taco. In town there is one chain burger establishment. A while back went in and got myself a plain old cheezburger. I'll take it just the way it comes.

I will say that one tasted better than the other two major burger players but just like theirs got about half way and couldn't take anymore. Shit canned the rest.

So - - - this place here put fish taco's on the menu. I want fish most of the time but never get it much. Just a bit ago gave one a ride. Here it is just like it comes.
Wasn't bad necessarily but sure wasn't that good either and sure as hell wasn't worth $2.58. Buck ten maybe? Better than their burger because the whole thing got eaten but that ain't saying much.

Went from there directly across the street to this small office supply business run by this very nice lady to buy paper to write short letters to people and I ran across this.

I had just pulled out this Kente bag(link)to show a friend a day or so ago. Kente is West African cloth. Very special stuff. Mine is Ewe and the Wiki link speaks of Ashanti/Akan Kente. Bought the three pads of this she had.

This is what goes on in my world as things warm up and blossoms can be seen even if some are weeds. That and what the future may hold - hopefully anyway. Looking forward to all of it.


  1. Carl's Jr has been going downhill since the investors forced Carl out.

  2. Maybe there was a chance at one time I coulda got the whole thing down. Too bad about Carl.

  3. Those American heart-attack special burgers don't even clog up your arteries. They go straight for the heart. I still eat them though.

  4. You be careful with those things Tony.

  5. I take it Kenti refers to the design pattern on the pad pages and not the cloth. Striking bag as well.
    My neighbor two doors down brought me a bouquet of her first daffodils. An explosion of yellow and white and orange hues. Grand relief to my grey, winter wearied existence. My first bulbs are peeking out but nothing blooming yet. Soon, though ... very soon.
    I'm beginning to believe I have lived through another winter. Better not get my hopes up, though. I'll know fer shure in a week or two ....

    1. Yes the design and the type of intricate weave done by hand of course.

      Yes another winter - spring is very close. last year at this time was still in Costa Rica. Didn't happen this year but in Nov plan on being gone for five months. Will go to La Paz first and if I like it probably will not go much farther. I can't wait.

  6. The name 'Carl's Jr.' reminds me of a prettry good electronica act named 'Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr.'

    1. Really now. Do you have any kind of link to that?

      As many music venues you attend my friend I'm glad you were not in Austin.

  7. i cant tell but was that picture of the fish taco taken before or after consumption?

  8. " blossoms can be seen even if some are weeds". Weeds are just plants with an opportunity we haven't discovered yet. Maybe for them the longer they hide it the better.

  9. Some of their flowers can be striking for sure.
