
News As It Is Now

Pretty much the way it appeared this morning from this "news source" in Colorado Springs. It's probably pretty much the same where you live.

Not only are we watching out planet die but society as well. I don't give a shit this is NOT the way it's supposed to be.

Capitalism will not be denied!

Man Killed In Officer-Involved Shooting 3 mins ago - Investigators say an officer was forced to shoot a man after he aimed a gun at police during a domestic violence call in Pueblo late Wednesday night.

3 Inmates Captured After Otero County Jailbreak, 1 Remains At Large

Bike Thefts Caught On Camera

Some Members Of 4th BCT Under Investigation AP Source:

Shots Fired During Armed Robbery
Caught On Camera: Crook Steals Package Updated: 5:15 AM - 11 News has the surveillance video of a crook stealing a package right from a local woman's front porch.

Video Map New Scam Circulating In Pueblo 59 mins ago -

Man Accused of Using Meth To Lure Girls Into Prostitution -
A suburban Denver man is accused of luring teenage girls into lives of prostitution with the promise of free methamphetamine.


  1. It's a shame isn't it?!!! and I absolutely love that header.

  2. Yes it is TMoon.

    It was the 12th or 13th of Nov when I was there. The light was just perfect in these rooms. I got all kinds of good ones. Thanks.

  3. Sad. Really sad. But your header brings great joy!

    ♬♬♬ Happy Saint Patrick’s Day ♬♬♬

  4. Remember 'Grit'? The Good News Newspaper? My first job was selling those when I was 11 or 12. I believe the magazine is still available online but it's nothing like it used to be. Grit didn't keep the ills of society from occurring it just didn't point those bad things out to us. I guess no one looks for the good side of anything anymore .... I suspect we aren't 'entertained' by most anything good anymore ......

  5. I do remember "Grit".

    I suspect we aren't 'entertained' by most anything good anymore ......

    That's a good point as it seems to me society is captivated with programs and movies where people are getting hurt badly and it's humor to them.

    1. I suppose, like the Romans with the Colosseum, proles must be distracted. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, you see, so we are fed what they want us to consume.
      As I get older I must admit, I am more entertained by less..... and when I said no one looks for the good side I was referring to most news outlets. I come here for the neat photos, your POV, and the comments. All three of which are very 'Good' .....

    2. Thank you for that bj. I used to put up a new picture almost daily along with more posts. Nor have I posted at the other place in several months. Things change. I don't see myself ever reaching the levels of posting here as in years before. This thing of not working still is new and one evolves as time goes along - at least that's the way it's been for me. I hope to get motivated and get some picture posts up. It's much harder to find pictures here.

      My "POV". Not many do. You must be all kinds of messed up.
