
It Was Hammer Time For The Old Man

I saw this story yesterday - shook my head and laughed at the same time. This is something my dad would have done.

A cell phone used by a Wyoming 13-year-old to run up a nearly $5,000 phone bill will text no more thanks to her angry father and his hammer.

Adults text a lot to but not like the kids. What kills me is seeing so many young people walking with their heads down. They have no clue what is going on around them. Personally I like to know what's happening in my immediate environment.


  1. it will come as no surprise to you,perhaps, that I have a theory about texting/twitter and the ubiquitous cell-phone:

    These phenomena are the "modern" equivalent--and replacement-- of the familiar chattering and grooming that occurs constantly among individuals in other primate societies, which serves always and instantly to reassure them of their status in the troop...

  2. I'll put my money on that Woody.

  3. not to mention their incessant need for instant gratification as well- but i guess you already said that, Woody.

    i can remember the good ol' (analog) days when everyone knew and accepted the fact that a phone call meant that someone answered it... or not, and that was o.k.. then there were answering machines, which were o.k., too. point being is that the caller knew that they would eventually get in contact with the other person or that they would probably get a call call back if a message was left on the machine. now we have the "miracle" of cell phones and if some callers know that you have one, you are just a dog on a leash and they get all butt-hurt if you don't answer or call back right away. patience is truly a lost virtue.

    don't even get me going about the idiots who text/twitter/yap on these damn things while they are driving... argh.

  4. All this technology is isolating everyone.

  5. It pisses me off that:
    1) No cell phone is made that will not receive text messages, and
    2) There's no way to turn off either the reception or sending of same.

    The young lady in question is lucky her dad took the hammer to her phone and not her head. . .
