How to add links in comments
To be able to do this go here.
Click on Taoski and it will drop down with the html code. Can't put it in here as it turns into a link.
I am self taught on all this stuff and just figured it out myself a few days ago.
Paste the address between the "link" and what ever you want the link to say where it says "text to click on". Copy and paste the whole code in the comment and wa la there is link in the comments.
I take that code and put it in note pad or what ever on the desktop with the link to outta the cornfield ready to go and the code itself several times so when I need it I can just grab a blank and insert what I want.
Thanks for the link to your site.
Giv'em hell, Tom
Post for High Country News

Written 4/07
This is a picture of an ethanol plant. There are many of these in the area with quite a few others being planned and the ones in operation many of which are being expanded. I bring this up because the dynamics of this area will affect all of our pocketbooks. Last July(2006) we heard of recent land sales that were far higher than what was the norm of 3500 to $4000 an acre. We were not sure whether this was a fluke or not but what I found out this time is that it is not a fluke. Land is selling for that amount and has risen from that lower figure in a very short period of time. Cousin Jay has listed his 80 for $5,400 an acre. There was a recent land sale west of