I drove past this between Salida and Cotopaxi on State Highway 50 in Colorado. I had to turn around and tell whoever that I stood with them totally assuming I was correct. I was and got the biggest hug of appreciation for doing so.

From my understanding, there are close to 3000 children being held around this country after being seized from their parents at the border.

Many will never see their Mom and Dad again because Republicans are totally evil.

You bastards!


A Typical Morning

This is a pretty quiet place around here. Generally most mornings are like this. It's just very pleasant. Not perfect but better than where I came from. Enjoy the humongous trees and towering palms that seem to be everywhere.


For A Friend

I returned to Mexico 1/7/17. On the 4th received a call that Andres had collapsed in Puerto Vallarta. He is the one sitting and the photo is from this post. He never regained consciousness and passed away on the 18th.

Never would I have thought this guy would go out like this. Just figured he'd be around like forever. Many took a big hit losing him. It's a different place around this tiny burg but the shock is wearing off. We had a lot in common and this has me seriously looking at life and what's left of it a bit differently.

So this ones for you mi amigo! He would have liked this. Adios.