I drove past this between Salida and Cotopaxi on State Highway 50 in Colorado. I had to turn around and tell whoever that I stood with them totally assuming I was correct. I was and got the biggest hug of appreciation for doing so.
From my understanding, there are close to 3000 children being held around this country after being seized from their parents at the border.
Many will never see their Mom and Dad again because Republicans are totally evil.
You bastards!
Above Nogalito
Glad to be able to do this. It is not easy, slippery and one can sweat plenty! But it has cooled down and the days have been very pleasant.
I can't capture what it's really like. It's different from canyon lands. What is here though is an anomaly at 18 sec. Very easy to watch more than once. This thing wiggles.
I think it is a rod although Wiki debunks such things.
I can't capture what it's really like. It's different from canyon lands. What is here though is an anomaly at 18 sec. Very easy to watch more than once. This thing wiggles.
I think it is a rod although Wiki debunks such things.
This Is Already Old
First time I saw this knew these two were going to be the poster terrorists for Mercuns against Muslims.
This Is Not Gonna Be Good
I can't imagine what will be said now. Nor what will be called for as a result. Many will be going all out nutso.
U.S. officials tell CBS News that 28-year-old Farook started searching for a wife using an online dating website. He met Tashfeen Malik and they became engaged in 2013 after he traveled to Saudi Arabia during the annual pilgrimage know as the Hajj. Farook returned to Saudi Arabia in July 2014 to bring her to the U.S. She passed a Homeland Security counterterrorism screening as part of the vetting process, and officials tell CBS News Farook was not on any U.S. terror watch lists.
A law enforcement source tells CBS News that the bombs found in the couple's home are near carbon copies of explosives shown in an issue of al Qaeda's on-line magazine "Inspire," which printed instructions on "how to build a bomb in the kitchen of your mom."
U.S. officials tell CBS News that 28-year-old Farook started searching for a wife using an online dating website. He met Tashfeen Malik and they became engaged in 2013 after he traveled to Saudi Arabia during the annual pilgrimage know as the Hajj. Farook returned to Saudi Arabia in July 2014 to bring her to the U.S. She passed a Homeland Security counterterrorism screening as part of the vetting process, and officials tell CBS News Farook was not on any U.S. terror watch lists.
A law enforcement source tells CBS News that the bombs found in the couple's home are near carbon copies of explosives shown in an issue of al Qaeda's on-line magazine "Inspire," which printed instructions on "how to build a bomb in the kitchen of your mom."
Possible Scenario
UPDATE 9/29/18
Almost three years ago and I was worried. Look at where the fuck we are at now. jesus fucking christ are we ever in big trouble!
Having not been so political for a time there are some things that can not slide. I am referring to this. Where you are told to rat out your neighbors for actions you think suspicious.
Caller: ringy dingy
Cops: Cops
Caller: I want to inform you about this guy in the neighborhood who is - different.
Cops: go ahead we need all the intel we can get.
Caller: He lives alone and we see him leaving most mornings early on foot and doesn't come back for a couple hours or more. Sometimes he has a bag on his shoulder. Nobody does that here. He's seen all around town on foot and no one does that either. He has no dogs and just one car and it runs. But sometimes it doesn't move for a week or more at a time. He rides a bike too all over and it has these two black bags one on each side of the rear wheel. A lot of times these black bags are packed full of something. There's a gray cat that hangs around his place too. Instead of a lawnmower he goes round and swings a cutter of some kind. Weeds don't bother us around here.
Cops: How many cats?
Caller: Just one but it looks like it could be mean. There's more too.
Cops: That's fine we got plenty to work with here. We'll get this forwarded to Central.
It's been my experience in respect to New York the state and the city there are two types of people and if anyone is offended - tough shit.
Outside the city the "Upstater's" who I have met and known so many of are a fine lot to the last. That is the honest truth.
Downtown Yorkers is another matter. A 180° matter.
Like most of them this Trump fellow is first of all a huge horse's ass. The other day I actually listened to a few seconds of him. Been years. What a New York prick.
Downtown Yorkers and Texans - hard to call. Sorry Fearguth.
It's not as much what this asshole says that I find interesting as the numbers of people who identify with it. Any one of these repug candidates pose close to an equal amount of a threat.
Our country is in severe divisive turmoil that continues to unravel in an ever quickening pace as we head towards what may be the most important election ever.
Almost three years ago and I was worried. Look at where the fuck we are at now. jesus fucking christ are we ever in big trouble!
Having not been so political for a time there are some things that can not slide. I am referring to this. Where you are told to rat out your neighbors for actions you think suspicious.
Caller: ringy dingy
Cops: Cops
Caller: I want to inform you about this guy in the neighborhood who is - different.
Cops: go ahead we need all the intel we can get.
Caller: He lives alone and we see him leaving most mornings early on foot and doesn't come back for a couple hours or more. Sometimes he has a bag on his shoulder. Nobody does that here. He's seen all around town on foot and no one does that either. He has no dogs and just one car and it runs. But sometimes it doesn't move for a week or more at a time. He rides a bike too all over and it has these two black bags one on each side of the rear wheel. A lot of times these black bags are packed full of something. There's a gray cat that hangs around his place too. Instead of a lawnmower he goes round and swings a cutter of some kind. Weeds don't bother us around here.
Cops: How many cats?
Caller: Just one but it looks like it could be mean. There's more too.
Cops: That's fine we got plenty to work with here. We'll get this forwarded to Central.
It's been my experience in respect to New York the state and the city there are two types of people and if anyone is offended - tough shit.
Outside the city the "Upstater's" who I have met and known so many of are a fine lot to the last. That is the honest truth.
Downtown Yorkers is another matter. A 180° matter.
Like most of them this Trump fellow is first of all a huge horse's ass. The other day I actually listened to a few seconds of him. Been years. What a New York prick.
Downtown Yorkers and Texans - hard to call. Sorry Fearguth.
It's not as much what this asshole says that I find interesting as the numbers of people who identify with it. Any one of these repug candidates pose close to an equal amount of a threat.
Our country is in severe divisive turmoil that continues to unravel in an ever quickening pace as we head towards what may be the most important election ever.
Colors And Stuff
If not you should know pictures of anything are taken around here at times. This guy was inside and a bit over a 1/2" long. This new camera does not do macro's near as good as the three Pentax camera's that came before it. Still worth clicking on to get a better look though.
And yes there is quite a diversity in plants and colors.
This fellow was no more than an 1.5" long. Do not have a clue what he was going to grow up to be. This could be it.
Took a cruise a bit north of Vallarta and then east into farm country and there was a lot going on. There is no lack of food around here that is for sure.
Behind these mountains not seen here are some massive scraggly fourteener's. Do not have a picture at all. Just looks interesting and here is maybe a few hundred feet above sea level.
The job to have around here may be a tractor operator.
Many inexpensive places to eat. None out in the country though like Costa Rica.
The place I live is almost dead center.
The mountains around Nogalito are pure jungle that's all there is too it. To get to the other side here would not be easy.
And yes there is quite a diversity in plants and colors.
This fellow was no more than an 1.5" long. Do not have a clue what he was going to grow up to be. This could be it.
Took a cruise a bit north of Vallarta and then east into farm country and there was a lot going on. There is no lack of food around here that is for sure.
Behind these mountains not seen here are some massive scraggly fourteener's. Do not have a picture at all. Just looks interesting and here is maybe a few hundred feet above sea level.
The job to have around here may be a tractor operator.
Many inexpensive places to eat. None out in the country though like Costa Rica.
The place I live is almost dead center.
The mountains around Nogalito are pure jungle that's all there is too it. To get to the other side here would not be easy.
Nogalito Mexico
Brothers In The Jungle
Pancho and Andres. These two grew up in this environment. Their father owned much of the area above town where they farmed hiking much much farther than Andres and I do to get there several times a week. Can't begin to imagine the intensity of what that must have been like. This is tough terrain to raise crops and a few animals. These fellows are two tough hombres!
Click on the pictures to hugen up then agen.
That continues for Pancho who in this case harvested four pieces of bamboo that is transported like this back down to town. I did not attempt to take the fourth.
This is a wider part of the trail.
Quite a bit of bamboo and some can approach 5-6 inches in diameter.
Somebody from Vallarta picks it up and Pancho gets 1500 pesos or about $90. That can go a long way here.
Click on the pictures to hugen up then agen.
That continues for Pancho who in this case harvested four pieces of bamboo that is transported like this back down to town. I did not attempt to take the fourth.
Quite a bit of bamboo and some can approach 5-6 inches in diameter.
Somebody from Vallarta picks it up and Pancho gets 1500 pesos or about $90. That can go a long way here.
Nogalito Mexico
Patricia And The Rest Of The Story
In one word nothing. This is all new to me but at times I do think I have a clue.
First this came so fast and many just heard of it Wed or after. For most there were few choices if any of getting away and the question then was where because of the ocean and the way it was tracking.
Simply the tension here Friday afternoon in Nogalito was easily felt and no macho shit here this guy was scared even with having probably the best casa in town for an event like this. There were others who felt the same.
In the afternoon it was sprinkling and raining lightly off and on. Walking around talking with others in other words taking up time till the first effects of the "biggest hurricane" arrived.
Had lunch and went up and got things food and other, secured it best I could and went back down to my friends and landlord's to wait as was not going to go through this thing alone.
Was watching the track very closely as the internets and electricity have remained on and here is my take -
Patricia was headed due north directly at Puerto Vallarta with the eye maybe 80 miles away approximately.
15 to 20 miles before making landfall just west of the 105th longitude the eye collapsed. It made land where the eye would have been 60 miles due south of here. We were within the perimeters of this thing and it drifted to the east. A little after 6 I came home.
The wind never blew nor was there intense rain. It rained most of the night but sleeping was good so don't know how much.
The storm weakening PLUS mountains were key without question. That's my story. I really don't know what this has done inland.
Walking around yesterday thought but only for a fleeting second of taking pictures for a before and after comparison. No way was the door going to opened into that realm. Maybe it's because of not doing so that made a difference as well. Just as plausible as other reasons that get thrown around to my way of thinking. In any case -
I am very happy. Not been out but sure many others are just as elated. I will be happy for a long period I think.
This whole coastal area north and south of Puerto Vallarta has been spared. Have not been out yet as the peaceful feeling this morning is wonderful. Cerveza will be had today and more than one.
Feel extremely fortunate and my hopes that others inland faired as well. It truly amazes me that this monster of a storm and so close that if you didn't know it was there you wouldn't have.
First this came so fast and many just heard of it Wed or after. For most there were few choices if any of getting away and the question then was where because of the ocean and the way it was tracking.
Simply the tension here Friday afternoon in Nogalito was easily felt and no macho shit here this guy was scared even with having probably the best casa in town for an event like this. There were others who felt the same.
In the afternoon it was sprinkling and raining lightly off and on. Walking around talking with others in other words taking up time till the first effects of the "biggest hurricane" arrived.
Had lunch and went up and got things food and other, secured it best I could and went back down to my friends and landlord's to wait as was not going to go through this thing alone.
Was watching the track very closely as the internets and electricity have remained on and here is my take -
Patricia was headed due north directly at Puerto Vallarta with the eye maybe 80 miles away approximately.
15 to 20 miles before making landfall just west of the 105th longitude the eye collapsed. It made land where the eye would have been 60 miles due south of here. We were within the perimeters of this thing and it drifted to the east. A little after 6 I came home.
The wind never blew nor was there intense rain. It rained most of the night but sleeping was good so don't know how much.
The storm weakening PLUS mountains were key without question. That's my story. I really don't know what this has done inland.
Walking around yesterday thought but only for a fleeting second of taking pictures for a before and after comparison. No way was the door going to opened into that realm. Maybe it's because of not doing so that made a difference as well. Just as plausible as other reasons that get thrown around to my way of thinking. In any case -
I am very happy. Not been out but sure many others are just as elated. I will be happy for a long period I think.
This whole coastal area north and south of Puerto Vallarta has been spared. Have not been out yet as the peaceful feeling this morning is wonderful. Cerveza will be had today and more than one.
Feel extremely fortunate and my hopes that others inland faired as well. It truly amazes me that this monster of a storm and so close that if you didn't know it was there you wouldn't have.
Nogalito Mexico
New Girl Coming To Town
Her name is Patricia and it's unknown whether she is going to be naughty or nice.
The sooner she takes a right turn is all good with me.
This was bothering no one in Vallarta this morning but one gringo I spoke with was pretty nervous.
The sooner she takes a right turn is all good with me.
This was bothering no one in Vallarta this morning but one gringo I spoke with was pretty nervous.
Nogalito Mexico
Sweat Happens
Settled into a bit more of a routine. Have purchased some items that are somewhat needed and just make things better.
A recliner was more of a must and a grill - well because. Have both now and the grille was used last night for the first time with fairly surprising very tasty results. The reason was the flame was easily adjusted down lower than the temp control allowed. This device will make a difference. The chair is a huge plus as well.
On the issue of perspiration - temps and humidity are up. Both should start to decline in a couple weeks. You're still gonna sweat trust me. It's doable and better than the alternative for this guy.
No one is being shot and killed here. That's a real nice change!
A recliner was more of a must and a grill - well because. Have both now and the grille was used last night for the first time with fairly surprising very tasty results. The reason was the flame was easily adjusted down lower than the temp control allowed. This device will make a difference. The chair is a huge plus as well.
On the issue of perspiration - temps and humidity are up. Both should start to decline in a couple weeks. You're still gonna sweat trust me. It's doable and better than the alternative for this guy.
No one is being shot and killed here. That's a real nice change!
Nogalito Mexico
"Living In Mexico Is Like Camping Except You Have Four Walls Around You"
A friend made that comment early this year when I was here in Nogalito. It's fair to include "the tropics" in general. It's warm and humid for sure.
It's good to be back! Was fairly certain that would be the case. Old friends/acquaintances are happy to see me as I them. Feels good. Last several days have been chasing several items down that are important.
One is a propane grill and the other is a recliner. There are just a couple choices found with each and think we'll go in and pull the trigger on both today. I hope the recliner is still there.
Grilling is important me and need to increase the ways I can cook. The chair is even more important as issues and not good ones crop up if a chair is not good for me. The ones in mi casa are not that bad but bad enough to already be a literal pain in the ass. Friends just up the road have torture chairs. It's true. Neither of these two items are perfect but they will do quite nicely and am ready to eat fresh caught grilled pescado.
Stuff like that. A picture just because. It's the road in and out of town. Puerto Vallarta is known as town.
It's good to be back! Was fairly certain that would be the case. Old friends/acquaintances are happy to see me as I them. Feels good. Last several days have been chasing several items down that are important.
One is a propane grill and the other is a recliner. There are just a couple choices found with each and think we'll go in and pull the trigger on both today. I hope the recliner is still there.
Grilling is important me and need to increase the ways I can cook. The chair is even more important as issues and not good ones crop up if a chair is not good for me. The ones in mi casa are not that bad but bad enough to already be a literal pain in the ass. Friends just up the road have torture chairs. It's true. Neither of these two items are perfect but they will do quite nicely and am ready to eat fresh caught grilled pescado.
Stuff like that. A picture just because. It's the road in and out of town. Puerto Vallarta is known as town.
Four Years Ago Today About The Same Time
Drove out of Routt County Colorado to about 300 miles south east where I've been living since. It's not the same here but life without work and life in general has been overall pretty decent. There has been changes along the way personal and other. Same happens to others as well. For myself anyway I've not done this before and still get satisfaction knowing there is no job that I'm required to be at.
Never thought when I got here four years later I would be leaving with the intent of actually staying this time possibly up to six months.
The reasons remain the same basically warm weather and being active will keep me healthier. Will add too that I have become weary of a number of things happening here and in our country. It's worse then when the bush regime was in power and it's not about Obama.
Another reason is there will be many others like me who are there for the same reasons as I. Here feel like the Lone Stranger at times.
This time it's very different. In previous travels I was a visitor and not really a tourist. Returning to the same casa I left in March and it will be "home" this time. Will purchase some things to reflect that and make the place work a bit better. For instance I badly want a gas grille but that may be a tough one. It ain't perfect by any means but for this guy it's better than Huerfano County in the winter time. Understand too that there are quite a few moving into this very area because of it's mild winters.
So this coming Monday am heading back to El Nogalito Mexico which is less than four miles south of Puerto Vallarta. It's my hope to be able to find a walking route into "town" as the locals call it. Some of the road is just not conducive to walking and a route on the beach is needed. Walk in have breakfast, shop and take the bus back. Sounds like an idea to me anyway.
Feel fortunate to be able to do this as the bottom line is that many I know, meet, or hear about are struggling in life from different things. That aspect of life I do think about for sure.
Hope to recapture that tremendous feeling of peace I had the last couple months in Nogalito. Believe it will still be there. Similar thing happened those many years ago living on the Volta River in Ghana. That's an add on - if not life is still sweet.
I'm gonna miss the damn cat!
Never thought when I got here four years later I would be leaving with the intent of actually staying this time possibly up to six months.
The reasons remain the same basically warm weather and being active will keep me healthier. Will add too that I have become weary of a number of things happening here and in our country. It's worse then when the bush regime was in power and it's not about Obama.
Another reason is there will be many others like me who are there for the same reasons as I. Here feel like the Lone Stranger at times.
This time it's very different. In previous travels I was a visitor and not really a tourist. Returning to the same casa I left in March and it will be "home" this time. Will purchase some things to reflect that and make the place work a bit better. For instance I badly want a gas grille but that may be a tough one. It ain't perfect by any means but for this guy it's better than Huerfano County in the winter time. Understand too that there are quite a few moving into this very area because of it's mild winters.
So this coming Monday am heading back to El Nogalito Mexico which is less than four miles south of Puerto Vallarta. It's my hope to be able to find a walking route into "town" as the locals call it. Some of the road is just not conducive to walking and a route on the beach is needed. Walk in have breakfast, shop and take the bus back. Sounds like an idea to me anyway.
Feel fortunate to be able to do this as the bottom line is that many I know, meet, or hear about are struggling in life from different things. That aspect of life I do think about for sure.
Hope to recapture that tremendous feeling of peace I had the last couple months in Nogalito. Believe it will still be there. Similar thing happened those many years ago living on the Volta River in Ghana. That's an add on - if not life is still sweet.
I'm gonna miss the damn cat!
Two Years Ago
2/3/13 moved into my place. On the 10th crashed and burnt less than two blocks away on my bike while doing for the first time one of the criteria I wanted in a lifestyle.
It was the most and the longest this guy had ever hurt in his life. It was a finger on each hand that was the major issue. A year later still could not grip correctly let alone swing a golf club. Now it's pretty much ok with just a couple very minor remnants of that event left.
Life in the neighborhood has been a pleasant surprise actually until the first week of June this year when what turned out to be wanna be punks moved in directly across the street and immediately started dealing. It was meth and black tar heroin according to the pulice who never really did anything to stop it even with bunches of evidence from me.
This was a really bad deal and saw things I tell you. This period has been a downhill slide for me till now but it's about all over with.
They were evicted a couple weeks ago ONLY because the rent was not paid when stipulated by the court else they'd still be there. Stoopid wanna be punk drug dealers. Stick your red caps and white t-shirts and baggy ass always falling off shorts along with your tats all the way up your asses you dirty bastards!!
Knew this was not going to end well and when the knife came out the pulice rolled up within two minutes guns out as they were well aware of this place. This picture is off a video and the guy had the knife. Six or seven got handcuffed and later all released. In a follow up find out the knife hoodlum is on a parole and the video may put him back in. Make it so! This could not be ignored as this is what I saw out my kitchen window. Hundreds of people and cars coming and going over these seven weeks or so. Soooo glad they are gone. This was a 100 yards away from City Park and the towns water theme park.
This is not the only thing that happened in this town that day and I suggest you read this for the rest of the story. http://huerfanojournal.com/first-responders-have-a-busy-day-to-remember/Several days ago my neighbor had four tires slashed on two vehicles. A rattlesnake was dispatched night before last just out in the street. That don't bother as much as these slugs of humanity across the way and that's a fact!
This place had been empty for the better part of two years and always figured there was a good chance of it being a shit hole. Was saying to myself to not be so judgmental about the way these people were living over there as I didn't really know. On occasion not often at all a half dozen your males would come out for a bit and what really stood out for me was this - never once did I see a thing moved into this home not once. This day three pickup loads along with at least five car loads of stuff was removed from this place. All this was done at night and I understand that people such as this basically just come out at night. Yup - normal people don't act like this that is for certain at least in the world I know of.
This is pretty much what it was like outside when they were there. Admit to being curious as to what conditions were like inside. I did get inside. Throw any benefit of doubt - be a nice guy - don't be so judgmental shit straight out the window. These people were all a bunch of lowlifes plain and simple and lived in a real life shit hole.

It needs to be said and this is a true statement - real estate sales have never been close to the numbers seen this last year compared to the last 20. Some who come from other states do so because of several reasons one of which is that they are tired of being life long criminals because of pot. Population is 3000
Very much want to live on the other side of the mountains and we call the other side of the Continental Divide in Colorado The West Slope. There is not much of a bond with this place - just not going to happen.
Gonna head back down to Mexico and veeeery much looking forward to that.
Life is pretty damn good actually. Feel great and that is because it is real warm and I am active it's just that simple and has always been the primary reason for going to the warm.
Missing This
When I watch the fishing video's of mine it makes me realize even more how much I miss fishing. There are no places like these anywhere close and any trout found are stockers. In this case a stocker is NOT a car.
Crank it up !!!
BTW just the same time as posting this a rattlesnake was dispatched just out in the street by a couple guys. Sounded like it may have been this way.
Crank it up !!!
BTW just the same time as posting this a rattlesnake was dispatched just out in the street by a couple guys. Sounded like it may have been this way.
Just Plain Flabbergasted Big Time
Saw something today that has me shaking my head in extreme confusion. The picture below is not it but something needs to be said about this as well.
It is not the first time I have seen trash strewn about by a bear at this very same place and even a couple times the dumpster has been tipped over. Personally I'd put a padlock on this so I would not have to continually pick up after bears and particularly this can happen in the heat of the summer when things are smelling really really good.
This is on a road that I walk or ride a lot and it leads from the west edge of town and dead ends at the golf course that sits within the boundaries of a state park. Smooth surface riding with little traffic in the park. There is a picture below that I'm hoping can't be seen yet as an explanation is in order.
Earlier this year when it was wet there was a mud hole. The people who live here only turn right as there is no other way out. The driveway is very wide but these people whether wet or dry were driving through this pot hole every time including entering as well. I'm looking at this and was confused then too as to why anyone would do that over and over when it's more than easily avoided. I don't understand that and what comes next I understand even less.
So what did these people do?????????
Click on the picture below and see for yourself.
Normal people don't do this kinda shit! Putting a piece of asphalt in the pot hole to lessen the impact a bit instead other obvious and better alternatives.
It's a different breed of cat around here I tell you and I don't like it at all for the most part and I'm gonna try to move to the west slope. That will be hard to accomplish and will be pursued a bit before I head back to Mexico I'm thinking in Oct.
I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to that and leaving this nonsense behind as there is another post coming about another matter.
It is not the first time I have seen trash strewn about by a bear at this very same place and even a couple times the dumpster has been tipped over. Personally I'd put a padlock on this so I would not have to continually pick up after bears and particularly this can happen in the heat of the summer when things are smelling really really good.
This is on a road that I walk or ride a lot and it leads from the west edge of town and dead ends at the golf course that sits within the boundaries of a state park. Smooth surface riding with little traffic in the park. There is a picture below that I'm hoping can't be seen yet as an explanation is in order.
Earlier this year when it was wet there was a mud hole. The people who live here only turn right as there is no other way out. The driveway is very wide but these people whether wet or dry were driving through this pot hole every time including entering as well. I'm looking at this and was confused then too as to why anyone would do that over and over when it's more than easily avoided. I don't understand that and what comes next I understand even less.
So what did these people do?????????
Click on the picture below and see for yourself.
Normal people don't do this kinda shit! Putting a piece of asphalt in the pot hole to lessen the impact a bit instead other obvious and better alternatives.
It's a different breed of cat around here I tell you and I don't like it at all for the most part and I'm gonna try to move to the west slope. That will be hard to accomplish and will be pursued a bit before I head back to Mexico I'm thinking in Oct.
I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to that and leaving this nonsense behind as there is another post coming about another matter.
The Good And The Disgusting
Disgusting at least to this guy. It took a while to readjust after being in Mexico in particular with the cost of things and how lousy for the most part food tastes in restaurants eaten at around here.
The picture below is from a Chinese joint I've eaten at before in the north part of Pueblo and it is well above average. While I was gone they raised the prices. This lunch plate which was very good without a drink and a buck fifty tip was $11.40. Certainly not disgusting because it tasted so good but too rich for my budget. After all it's Chinese chop plus it's lunch time.
(click on the pictures to enlarge - twice if you want)
Another lunch example here at a palapa joint next to a small river that flows into the Bahía de Banderas in Mismaloya south of Puerto Vallarta.
On the table is soup with fishballs and vegetables. Behind the coke are at least ten small and warmed tortillas and to the right are condiments of your choosing. Cane sugar is used instead of high fructose corn syrup in soft drinks. It was ice cold and would indulge myself occasionally and this was veeeery rewarding - it tasted sooo good. The soup was even better.
This the place and the cooking is done in the back part of the picture.
Located on this street with the ocean and bay a 100yds away behind.
The damages for the meal above are as follows -
8 peso bus ride
40 peso lunch
10 peso half litre bottle of coke
10 peso tip
8 peso bus ride back
76 total
That is less than $5
Then there was this experience just the other day in the upscale part of downtown Pueblo at this burger place a chain of some kind. Lunch was on my bud but even with that Fly was having issues with the menu. Gonna try to make this as short as possible. I got a lamb burger only and water to drink. That was $8.50
My friend had what you see in the picture that doesn't do it justice and a drink. I don't know what this was nor care. It was at least five inches tall and started falling apart pretty much immediately.
"Handcut French Fries" is what these are. Don't give a shit if the Queen of Egypt had her pinkies on these things they were plain old crappy fries and tasted just as bad as all the others when they cooled off. The damage for this - no tip was $28.50
Seriously I was taken aback a bit by this and find it disgusting. Even when working would probably turned around and left after figuring things out. Ordered at a counter and you cleared your teeny table.
It was busy and quite a few big people. This is not an affluent area by any means but it's not about that but about what people want these days and that is massive amounts of shitty bad for you food.
I can't tell you how much this guy is looking forward to many more real decent 50 peso lunches!
The picture below is from a Chinese joint I've eaten at before in the north part of Pueblo and it is well above average. While I was gone they raised the prices. This lunch plate which was very good without a drink and a buck fifty tip was $11.40. Certainly not disgusting because it tasted so good but too rich for my budget. After all it's Chinese chop plus it's lunch time.
(click on the pictures to enlarge - twice if you want)
Another lunch example here at a palapa joint next to a small river that flows into the Bahía de Banderas in Mismaloya south of Puerto Vallarta.
On the table is soup with fishballs and vegetables. Behind the coke are at least ten small and warmed tortillas and to the right are condiments of your choosing. Cane sugar is used instead of high fructose corn syrup in soft drinks. It was ice cold and would indulge myself occasionally and this was veeeery rewarding - it tasted sooo good. The soup was even better.
This the place and the cooking is done in the back part of the picture.
Located on this street with the ocean and bay a 100yds away behind.
The damages for the meal above are as follows -
8 peso bus ride
40 peso lunch
10 peso half litre bottle of coke
10 peso tip
8 peso bus ride back
76 total
That is less than $5
Then there was this experience just the other day in the upscale part of downtown Pueblo at this burger place a chain of some kind. Lunch was on my bud but even with that Fly was having issues with the menu. Gonna try to make this as short as possible. I got a lamb burger only and water to drink. That was $8.50
My friend had what you see in the picture that doesn't do it justice and a drink. I don't know what this was nor care. It was at least five inches tall and started falling apart pretty much immediately.
"Handcut French Fries" is what these are. Don't give a shit if the Queen of Egypt had her pinkies on these things they were plain old crappy fries and tasted just as bad as all the others when they cooled off. The damage for this - no tip was $28.50
Seriously I was taken aback a bit by this and find it disgusting. Even when working would probably turned around and left after figuring things out. Ordered at a counter and you cleared your teeny table.
It was busy and quite a few big people. This is not an affluent area by any means but it's not about that but about what people want these days and that is massive amounts of shitty bad for you food.
I can't tell you how much this guy is looking forward to many more real decent 50 peso lunches!
Short Story
Was in Mexico and have been home since early March and since Feb have not posted. Wanted to but just hasn't happened and today will tell what I think is a good story from there.
Shortly after arriving a situation arose that this fellow needed a tooth pulled. Took a couple days to reach that conclusion and an appointment was scheduled. Dentist office with Hernon which was a few steps away from where the bus stopped in Vallarta. It got done along with some in office denture work at the same time. There was no assistant. There was a later visit to tweak things a bit. Yes it was inexpensive and all is good today as Hernon was a decent dentist.
Sometime later maybe a month or more developed a cough mostly at night. Many people had coughs especially children. This was just part of it. My friend/landlord/hiking partner Andres was struggling with the same. Was not a good deal at all. Finally Andres said he was going to the doctor and do I want to come with. Declined as I always or should say generally get better. It was a series of three antibiotic shots sufferer's was given. Think most got the same.
After a couple days and a couple shots Andres is feeling totally better. Me I'm struggling bad at night. Not feeling particularly bad but very difficult to get decent rest. Still thinking it will get better. Andres keeps telling me how good his doctor is and he'll take me into see him anytime. Decline several of those invitations and after a week ten days it's "Andres will you please take me in to see your doctor" hopefully to get the shots he got that fixed him up quickly as I am struggling.
No problem and jump into the pickup and take the short ride into town. Locals refer to Puerto Vallarta as town. We walk right in - Andres explains to the doctor that I have the same thing he had.
Hernon proceeds to give me the first shot in that series of three. It fixed me up and feel good to this day.
Shortly after arriving a situation arose that this fellow needed a tooth pulled. Took a couple days to reach that conclusion and an appointment was scheduled. Dentist office with Hernon which was a few steps away from where the bus stopped in Vallarta. It got done along with some in office denture work at the same time. There was no assistant. There was a later visit to tweak things a bit. Yes it was inexpensive and all is good today as Hernon was a decent dentist.
Sometime later maybe a month or more developed a cough mostly at night. Many people had coughs especially children. This was just part of it. My friend/landlord/hiking partner Andres was struggling with the same. Was not a good deal at all. Finally Andres said he was going to the doctor and do I want to come with. Declined as I always or should say generally get better. It was a series of three antibiotic shots sufferer's was given. Think most got the same.
After a couple days and a couple shots Andres is feeling totally better. Me I'm struggling bad at night. Not feeling particularly bad but very difficult to get decent rest. Still thinking it will get better. Andres keeps telling me how good his doctor is and he'll take me into see him anytime. Decline several of those invitations and after a week ten days it's "Andres will you please take me in to see your doctor" hopefully to get the shots he got that fixed him up quickly as I am struggling.
No problem and jump into the pickup and take the short ride into town. Locals refer to Puerto Vallarta as town. We walk right in - Andres explains to the doctor that I have the same thing he had.
Hernon proceeds to give me the first shot in that series of three. It fixed me up and feel good to this day.
Nogalito Mexico
Simple Pleasures
Went into Vallarta this morning after several things. It's easy to do. Walk a half mile pay eight pesos and take a seat on a bus for a less than ten minute ride into town where your shopping and/or business is then done on foot. Very easy to get done. There are many just like you. Many.
The things I was after was realized on the ride in are all straight forward but the difference is that it's all the good/better stuff at least to me. Here you go different places for different things.
Wanted some of the yellow mango's seen below. These are some of the best ever. There were six and three got missing to friends on the way home.
Fresh baked bread from this tiny hole in the wall place. There were two loaves but one of those went missing as well. This stuff is veeery good.
Then a bunch of chicken wings. The chicken here is the best. It is always very fresh. Just a treat to have these they're that good.
And here's the lady who sells me my chicky.
My pineapple guy has not been on this certain corner last two times. His pina's are the very best. So sweet and with all the food mentioned it's like with every bite you say "this tastes sooo good". I will take some of that frustration what little there is if any out on the three remaining mango's.
It's true. Simple things that bring a lot of pleasure. Mucho gusto! Life has been and is good.
Four shots took care of a respiratory issue many get here. Returning first week of March. Probably kick myself for that one.
Don't think Fly - only just a little bit.
The things I was after was realized on the ride in are all straight forward but the difference is that it's all the good/better stuff at least to me. Here you go different places for different things.
Wanted some of the yellow mango's seen below. These are some of the best ever. There were six and three got missing to friends on the way home.
Fresh baked bread from this tiny hole in the wall place. There were two loaves but one of those went missing as well. This stuff is veeery good.
Then a bunch of chicken wings. The chicken here is the best. It is always very fresh. Just a treat to have these they're that good.
And here's the lady who sells me my chicky.
My pineapple guy has not been on this certain corner last two times. His pina's are the very best. So sweet and with all the food mentioned it's like with every bite you say "this tastes sooo good". I will take some of that frustration what little there is if any out on the three remaining mango's.
It's true. Simple things that bring a lot of pleasure. Mucho gusto! Life has been and is good.
Four shots took care of a respiratory issue many get here. Returning first week of March. Probably kick myself for that one.
Don't think Fly - only just a little bit.
The Dead Man Wanted Out
Interesting. They ain't shitting this guy. The dead man wanted out. His friends helped. The cops know that too - bet on it. Nothing will happen nor should it probably.
Why do we have to do it like this.
The alleged shooter, Joseph Eric McClane of Clinton, reportedly met deputies outside and told them he had “accidentally shot” Bunch. According to several sources, the shooting victim had been in a wheelchair all of his life and suffered from spina bifida.
H/T Mikeb302000
Why do we have to do it like this.
The alleged shooter, Joseph Eric McClane of Clinton, reportedly met deputies outside and told them he had “accidentally shot” Bunch. According to several sources, the shooting victim had been in a wheelchair all of his life and suffered from spina bifida.
H/T Mikeb302000
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