I drove past this between Salida and Cotopaxi on State Highway 50 in Colorado. I had to turn around and tell whoever that I stood with them totally assuming I was correct. I was and got the biggest hug of appreciation for doing so.

From my understanding, there are close to 3000 children being held around this country after being seized from their parents at the border.

Many will never see their Mom and Dad again because Republicans are totally evil.

You bastards!


Gestapo Joe

Like it was going to be someone else? These two are pure evil.

Arizona's Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio on Tuesday endorsed Donald Trump for president, according to a release provided by his campaign


Tree Wells Happen And Again

I think about this and just cringe. The kicker about this for me and it's in the post and story from a day back in '08 is that even if you are with a friend who can help you can still die.

There has been a lot of snow in the high country of Colorado. I believe Da Boat got at least a 100" and understand skiing is fantastic.

I'm really sorry bud!

Snowboarder found dead on Vail Mountain on Thursday



Death In A Tree Well

It happened again yesterday with a very experienced skier who was also an instructor. A post from almost two years ago describes what this about and just how lethal this situation can be if you screw up. It's that simple and that deadly. Two years ago two people died within 10 ten days of each other. Said it back then and saying it again-this really sucks.


Unfortunate to say the least

This is the second one in ten days. At lunch today talking about the first with a good friend and former ski patroller he related several stories he experienced with skiers who fell into tree wells. Exactly what Bill said a few hours ago happened two hours after we talked. You're alone and go in and it's head first and can't get out you are dead. Even with a partner that may not be enough as that is what happened today. His bud couldn't get him out and he didn't make it. That really sucks.


Public Lands Means They Are Yours Not Anyone Else's

And it's pretty much that simple. People along the way did us an amazing thing in that they left these lands for every American and visitor from wherever they may be from unlimited opportunity to see, explore and experience at their leisure and as much as they want and for little and mostly nothing.

Is it all wonderful - no but it works and one must participate and make their voices heard when it comes to management decision making and it does make a difference.

Anyone who has spent time out and about on these lands has run across Bundy Bastard types who threaten and intimidate people into thinking they are trespassing when of course they are not. A lease for grazing in many of these instances does NOT give ownership rights that allow them to do so.

The rational used by these Bundy Bastards is off the wall. Again it's not the gubmit's property but yours and mine and this time I very much want these people out of and off of what is mine and reprimanded for breaking numbers of laws that we would all be held accountable for.

And make no mistake about it the action taken by these Bundy Bastards is religious in nature - Mormon to be specific. LINK

The Right has it's sights on Public Lands like they do other things involving huge amounts of money they see as exploitable. "Oh there is so much a little won't be missed" or something similar is often heard from Bundy types.

I want these lands protected now and forever and you should as well for many obvious reasons all of which are correct unlike the nonsense thrown about by Bundy Bastard types where ever they may be from.

If you have never been to the West a visit may forever change you. If the election goes badly very quickly the face of the West and your lands will be forever changed in huge negative ways and that is a fact!


Happy New Year

Yup the start of another and may it be good for you and yours. The crazy's out there not so much in these times. Later these times will be discussed as history. And we've been watching to me anyway some real shitty stuff since 2000. I do not see if they are honest these times being described as positive. Plus I think the upcoming election will be the culmination of all the efforts of the Right at last.
The best -OF.

A picture - well because. Taken the same one before and just like it.

This guy was cool to see.