I drove past this between Salida and Cotopaxi on State Highway 50 in Colorado. I had to turn around and tell whoever that I stood with them totally assuming I was correct. I was and got the biggest hug of appreciation for doing so.

From my understanding, there are close to 3000 children being held around this country after being seized from their parents at the border.

Many will never see their Mom and Dad again because Republicans are totally evil.

You bastards!


Understanding ANN T

Living here like everywhere outside the US for the most part you meet expats from different places obviously. In the Vallarta area it is primarily Americans and Canadians with those from the north having the edge in numbers.

Local ex-pat acquaintances cannot understand why Native Americans don't get with the program so to speak and integrate into society. It's not easily nor quickly explained and don't know if I even could but throw this in.

I look at this picture from Wounded Knee and to me ANN T covers a great part of it which I identify with in these times in the United States.

In those terms in solidarity with ANN T One Fly respects nothing that comes from the political Right including the religiously insane (Bart Cop term) and the gun people. Specifically that means the human part of that and this guy wants little or nothing to do with those who think like that and associate with those things.

We'll throw in the gringo prick upstairs as well who has taken away my quality of life, the ugly overweight gringos who walk around with alcohol when I have never seen a local do the same. If there is anyone who does NOT greet or respond it'll be those from north of the border. Es cierto!

Just saying. 


  1. Beauty is only skin deep, but religious insanity goes all the way to the bone.

  2. Through the marrow out the other side to start it all over again.

  3. There's a LOT goin' on in that photo header, dood! and alive with color, too!
    I feel you on the tryn'a represent America in a foreign country - with 'Murkans actin' a damn fool all round. Allen Funt got famous catching Americans in the "act of being themselves", remember? 'Murkans being themselves these days is not the humorous show of yesteryear.
    Those folks you speak of? the wide eyed bible and gun clutchers? They always seem to have the least respect for the rights and beliefs of OTHERS ... while demanding the highest caliber of respect for theirs. No es cierto?

    1. Si - es cierto bj

      I like the south side of Vallarta. I like the people here and mean it when I say I get treated better here than there.

      Missed it when those two were smiling at each other. Kids are great here like they were in Costa Rica. That's true too.

  4. And always half dressed...nasty looking.


    1. And if you are Mexican doing the same the police stop you very quickly.

      Of course they want you to return. Spoke to my neighbor and they don't like seeing this either.

  5. Meant to ask if they're becoming ZIKA freaky, down there where the skeeters really ARE. Hearing much about it there?

    1. No they are not but the dengue people were in the village a couple weeks ago and I believe there has been one case of that here but not too bad overall and I see spraying going on in different places.

  6. I love the header and the caption.
    I've recently seen a father and his 3 kids around a table, outside a cafe. The kids were licking ice-cream, and the father was reading his newspaper. I was sorry I didn't have the camera with me as it was a lovely scene.

    1. Interaction with adults and children here and Costa Rica is a much more positive/ happy than I see in the States. It's true!
