These were good times back then. I'd go for a bit of Indian Summer just now.
Was looking at Poco videos and lo and behold as they say here was one uploaded by Susan the Neon Nurse. Met Susan at a Progress Now Roots Camp in Denver a few weeks ago. What a nice surprise. Never know what or who you'll run across on the internets.
I drove past this between Salida and Cotopaxi on State Highway 50 in Colorado. I had to turn around and tell whoever that I stood with them totally assuming I was correct. I was and got the biggest hug of appreciation for doing so.
From my understanding, there are close to 3000 children being held around this country after being seized from their parents at the border.
Many will never see their Mom and Dad again because Republicans are totally evil.
You bastards!
William the Bloody
Listen to this delusional insane bastard. He was one of the many war whores on Fox Whore News that took this country to war on lies. War is good for him and his employer just as long he and his remain here. After all some have to fight the battle stateside you know. Telling lies is hard work too. 30sec
One Ornery Bastard
Ran across this ornery fellow that has prompted this post. His site and this one are similar as to the number of hits they take and to the content. He is pretty damn ornery though so don't be offended. Have linked to that because I appreciate how in no uncertain terms the way he expresses his outrage plus it's funny. Ornery Bastard is worth a visit.
This site was and is an experiment and with Sitemeter much can be learned. Chief Russ gets googled a bit. Links in the local paper generate many hits but no more than a couple from Oak Creek it's self. Of the last 100 visitors 2 of 17 from here spent 8min. A few visitors actually spend an hour or two. The average is 7min.
A comment about this site mentioned "propaganda" which is interesting. Itch so bad to get ornery! The worst here was "sacless bastards" because it happens to be true. Of course whores because that's true too. Posts on the town are informational only. It's the Internet and Blogging. Didn't understand the magnitude of this initially but that has changed. For monkeys even though all the bananas in the world would not change your mind Al Gore did not invent the Internet! If one chooses to visit this site there is actually quite a bit of information on the town of Oak Creek.
What is important is not what's on this piss ant site that takes13 hits a day but what's going to be on. The FCC this afternoon voted for more media consolidation against the pleas of all as there was no one who voiced approval for more consolidation. This is so the propaganda monkeys can get theirs. The kind that took us to war on lies when the truth of the matter was the only truth at that time was on the Internet and a handful of programming that media giants don't include. Why did this happen? Because Chairman Kevin Martin is a little neocon whore along with the other two who voted with him. Net Neutrality has taken a back burner and you can bet your life the battle for who controls the Internet will be rejoined? If that battle is lost chances are very high sites like this will be extremely difficult to access if at all. Things like that is what this is all about.
This site was and is an experiment and with Sitemeter much can be learned. Chief Russ gets googled a bit. Links in the local paper generate many hits but no more than a couple from Oak Creek it's self. Of the last 100 visitors 2 of 17 from here spent 8min. A few visitors actually spend an hour or two. The average is 7min.
A comment about this site mentioned "propaganda" which is interesting. Itch so bad to get ornery! The worst here was "sacless bastards" because it happens to be true. Of course whores because that's true too. Posts on the town are informational only. It's the Internet and Blogging. Didn't understand the magnitude of this initially but that has changed. For monkeys even though all the bananas in the world would not change your mind Al Gore did not invent the Internet! If one chooses to visit this site there is actually quite a bit of information on the town of Oak Creek.
What is important is not what's on this piss ant site that takes13 hits a day but what's going to be on. The FCC this afternoon voted for more media consolidation against the pleas of all as there was no one who voiced approval for more consolidation. This is so the propaganda monkeys can get theirs. The kind that took us to war on lies when the truth of the matter was the only truth at that time was on the Internet and a handful of programming that media giants don't include. Why did this happen? Because Chairman Kevin Martin is a little neocon whore along with the other two who voted with him. Net Neutrality has taken a back burner and you can bet your life the battle for who controls the Internet will be rejoined? If that battle is lost chances are very high sites like this will be extremely difficult to access if at all. Things like that is what this is all about.
Progress Now Roots Camp
Last weekend (12/1) for two full days I attended this event organized by ProgressNow. Met many like minded Progressive people and was impressed by each and every one. The staff was great. Here's Alan Franklin the IT manager. Bobby Clark the Deputy Director. Brittney Wilburn the Outreach Director and there are others. Another clip that aired on Fox 31 about bloggers and the upcoming DNC convention and the role ProgressNow will play.
I was impressed by the passion of all and their knowledge of the issues. ProgressNow is a player for sure and in the future will continue to make positive Progressive change in Colorado and beyond. I encourage everyone to participate whether it's with this group or another.
A few pictures
I was impressed by the passion of all and their knowledge of the issues. ProgressNow is a player for sure and in the future will continue to make positive Progressive change in Colorado and beyond. I encourage everyone to participate whether it's with this group or another.
A few pictures
Local Blogger Information for the DNC
Courtesy of Square State this video filmed at Roots Camp answers many questions about blogging at and access during the DNC convention. This event will probably be the most important convention ever. The blogging world will attend this in force and this is an excellent resource tool for that purpose.
I Want Some Now!
I'd kiss the Monkey like Lieberwhore did for some of this served with proper palm nut soup made with fish beef or fowl it makes no difference. It's called fufu. White boys were not allowed to run the pounder at least not for very long and I don't blame them.
Randi Rhodes Rocks
Anybody remember Jeffy boy?? You know the gay hooker who was given press credentials to the White House press conferences. The Jeffy who made some well over a hundred visits to the White House after hours. Wonder if good 'ol Wide Stance Larry was there too?

Randi Rhodes scares Bush's personal hooker, Jeff Gannon

Randi Rhodes scares Bush's personal hooker, Jeff Gannon
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