There are two bloggers I will forever be thankful to and for that turned the light on and included me into their blogging world. OTC and many others entered the blogosphere in those couple days and that spirit continues now and will grow even larger in the coming days.
skippy the bush kangaroo and Jon Swift you be da men!! What you are doing is way too cool and I thank you once again.

And away we go.
PM Prescott over at Captain's Log has been on my blog roll for a bit and deserves mention in this endeavor. Not a prolific poster but worth reading what's on his mind.
Then there's Russ who started a new blog Private Buffoon who has already been linked to from Crooks&Liars. Way to go Russ!!
Ran across Matt's site Project Change. This guy covers a lot of ground and I'm looking forward to seeing what else is on his mind.
Kajsa Hallberg Adu posts out of Tema,Ghana. Rain in Africa is informative fun and political at times. Food items also. I surely do miss some of that Ghanaian chop. You are welcome Kajsa.
The last and most important by far because FX Fishing Pole captures the essence of Blogroll Amnesty Day. Jon Vaughn put his first post up yesterday. Currency exchange, trading in the hope of learning and making money. Start your link list and build associations with others as I did a year ago. This is a great way to kick start your blog. Good luck.
Looking forward to looking at all the other places bloggers have come up with. This is important and I'm glad to be part of it.
This page will remain at the top for the next couple days.
Have taken the liberty of adding another because it's good. Happy to add Mad Blog Media a site with a attitude for sure combined with some cycling. Welcome!
Gonna chec out your links, toots, got 45 to check so far :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the mention.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know you Blogged with Jon Swift! My favorite Republican. He just had something about a month ago of your Blogs best story and I liked the one he picked of mine. Take care I am around just been a bit busy or absent or something maybe slow!
Like the picture that is what you call a real hazard!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link in the spirit of BAD. Will be sure to check out your blog and some of your interesting links, first out is Skippy the bush kangaroo, haha.