Even if I had cash money for this with billions left I would not buy something like this. Call me an asshole but I have major issues with structures of this size and dollar amount being called homes. I don't even know the people who may buy this but one thing is clear I'm not going to like them no matter how nice they are.

Sure is nice that our good Congressmen changed the tax code so these pigs and the mortgage that goes with them is tax deductible. It was just a nice little gesture to say thank you for all those campaign contibutions. The idea was good ol' supply side econ to spur business activity in the rural areas like "empowerment zones" in the blighted areas of cities. So how's all that economic growth working out for ya? If 1000 middle-class voters pooled all their money could they buy even 20 minutes with the politician who guided this "gift" through the "hallowed halls of our great gov't"? Again, I'm not buying it.!!!
ReplyDeleteWho has the time to clean all those rooms? Guess if you have the money to buy the place, then you have the money to pay people to maintain it. I'm with you on this One Fly. My house is relatively large for just two adults and what has happened is we filled it with stuff we don't need and now we are getting rid of this stuff we don't need. The plus side of the size is that there is plenty of room for the grandchildren and these little ones make life worth living.
ReplyDeleteYou could start a religious cult, plenty of room for your followers and a shower for them, too. :-p