Catholics Liaison To The Big Guy In The Sky
The head of a Roman Catholic order that specialized in the treatment of pedophile priests visited with the then-pope nearly 50 years ago and followed up with a letter recommending the removal of pedophile priests from ministry, according to a copy of the letter released Wednesday.
Then you get the not me/us or whatever the reason.
A spokesman for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, defended the church and said it was unlikely Paul VI ever saw the letter.
Imagine that. What's it going to take before the soldiers of this flawed ideology say no more?
You sick fucks.
And you wonder why non-believers have no respect for any of this insanely flawed belief system.
Ramping Up For The Biggy On Sunday
But I do know this Sunday is Easter a major event for many who believe in the impossible and bizarre but don't believe they need to call out the priests who rape their children.
The lead up to the finale starts on Thursday night with rituals performed that rival any around the world. As an alter boy it was up close and personal.
Then the afternoon on Friday that became excruciating with what seemed like endless bullshit of nonsensical words that meant nothing to me ever.
Never had to do the Saturday bs as even my parents knew a kid can take only so much.
Finally after Sundays event it was back to a bit of normality but the damage had been done after a month of major mumbo jumbo religious insanity.
Outlook Ruin
For a couple older guys we did well. And the truth of the matter is although it appears dangerous and it is we were very cautious and only a stupid move would have caused one of us to get hurt.
Also we want people to know we never entered touched or removed anything from this site.
We accomplished what we set out to do for the second time in 16 years with video. We hope you enjoy this short movie of an Anasazi ruin high in the sky and for certain never seen by many people ever.
Back To Reality
Looking at the many photos taken on the old laptop of mine while camping did not think there were many good ones. Looking at them on the big screen here at home my bud and I were just blown away by what we saw. It was rather bland for colors because of overcast sky's and being just the beginning of spring where we were at. Below are some samples of what we saw. There will be more of course.
I have not read anything or listened to any politics for almost nine days now and am having a hard time going there and am not sure I want to for awhile and probably won't for the next few days. My pictures are better than the political posts I put up anyway. We'll see as starting this week work will become very intense for at least a couple months.
What is going to happen is there will a couple short movies about what we did. One is on a very intense climb to a ruin that we revisited that even amazes us and one on cooking in the desert which may provide too many chuckles on old One Fly.
Will try to get the ruin video up today.
Always good to be home but my real wish is to do this type of thing all the time - if only.
I hope all of you are good!

Still Alive
I don't wanna work no more!!!
Giv'em hell.
stupid, fat, ugly and mean: our highest aspirations
WASHINGTON (CN) - Republicans heaped ridicule on Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood at a Wednesday hearing after LaHood suggested that bicycling and walking are just as good ways to get around as cars. To laughter, Republican House members suggested LaHood was taking drugs, dismissed the very idea of bike lanes and derided any change to a car-dependent society. "What job is going to be created by having a bike lane?" asked Ohio Republican Steven LaTourette.
pit bull-types often run in vicious packs, and this day was no different. the mutt from the cornfield couldn't resist taking a few bites as well:
Republicans pounced on statements and what LaHood called a "sea change" in transportation policy. Ranking Member Tom Latham from Iowa said that one biker is one less person paying into the transportation trust fund and said real transportation needs are being "swept aside."
is that right, mr. cyclist-hater?
count me as one less car hogging up finite resources. when i ride my bike, my registered and insured vehicles sit in the driveway- producing zero emissions and not clogging the roads.
i own property and pay taxes on that so that other people's kids can go to public schools. that's fine by me.... and by the way, i don't have kids of my own and never will.
i'm still paying taxes on all of it. it's called doing my fair share, but i guess to guys like these it smacks of socialism and they find profound discomfort in that. good. when given any opportunity, slugs such as Latham choose to further marginalize those who live simply, those who are consuming less than what he believes should be consumed.
generally speaking, this is not something that i discuss to draw attention to myself and step onto the sopabox of righteousness. i go about my busines and live quiet and small. either ya get it, or ya don't.
sometimes though, me and my biker pals get riled up and pissed off by the idiots in cages. then we take action. we will see who gets "swept aside".
(click the link and read the article. it gives some insight as to why the repugs dislike cyclists so much).
complete story from the source: courthouse news
Out Of Here
One thing we want to do for sure is explore once again this tiny ruin that sits very high up on a small ledge that we found years ago. Not many have been to this place. Way too cool.
It's 0 degrees and time to hit it. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week. Spring is close-yes!
Kondi Baby Back In Da News
Coulda woulda shoulda
It will never happen but if these killers ever swing for their numerous treasonous actions OTC wants to be polite and proper about the process.
Fat ass lying bitches first. You betcha!
Religious Crazy's Circling The Wagons
A coalition that includes Colorado Family Action and the Colorado Catholic Conference has taken the first step toward amending the state constitution to prohibit the government from infringing on the religious liberty of an individual or a religious organization. Kraska, also a representative of a coalition called Coloradans for Liberty, said a ballot initiative to amend the constitution is being considered because of a general sense that religious freedom is eroding under governmental pressure.
The way our side continues to give in like a bunch of cry baby pussy's eventually these people will get this and more-the prize being prayer to an invisible cloud being every place you can think of. That and penalty's for any person who questions them. Coming soon - count on it.
Dumb Shits In Boulder
Yea even though you're following the letter of the law doesn't make it quite right and now the do-gooders feel they are forced to make the existing law even stronger so that in the end we all have less few rights. There are better ways.
A nudist in Boulder who was threatened with eviction last spring for gardening outside wearing only pasties and a thong has caused another stir by gardening topless. At least four callers told police 52-year-old Catharine Pierce was in her yard topless on Wednesday. State law prohibits exposed genitals, but Pierce was wearing a thong and gardening gloves. Police spokeswoman Sarah Huntley says an officer told Pierce to consider wearing a shirt because children at the school across the street were playing outside. Pierce's husband then complained to police. Huntley says a police supervisor agreed with Pierce's husband that Pierce wasn't breaking any laws. Boulder is considering expanding its anti-nudity law.
On the Side Of The Men In Blue On This One
Three booby-trap attacks on an anti-gang task force in Southern California prompted the arrests of about 30 members of California's largest motorcycle gang, prosecutors said Wednesday. Members of the Vagos were arrested as part of the crackdown in Riverside and Shasta counties in California, Arizona, Nevada and Utah after the attacks on police in Hemet, Calif.

It's Getting Dark Out
I don't give a shit what anyone says this bill if passed does not come anywhere close to what is needed. It's a sham and unacceptable.
In the wings is Broadband legislation.
Judging from the back-slapping and high fives over at the FCC, you’d think that America’s Internet was sailing smoothly into the future. Think again.
When this is finished the corporations will be just as happy as the HC bastards. We will be screwed here as well and when they have control of the internets - game over.
I suppose many will call that a win as well.
Sexual Assaults Are Up In The Military
It's like this-
3230 is a huge number and the fact of the matter is even with all the lip service over this issue the problem has not gone away and continues. You fuckers have done nothing that was effective in getting this under control and should be shit canned out of the service.
But it's all otay in a country that loves war when there's Talibans to kill ya know.
Same BS Just A Different Year
“Significant work remains in improving the quality of the Afghan force through enhanced partnering, training and recruiting.”
“critical shortages” that “continue to degrade mission effectiveness.”
and on and on. Big fucking deal.
Then there's the complaint-
To that end, more trainers are needed — and more may come out of U.S. forces. NATO countries, Petraeus said, have supplied only about half of the total U.S. officials recently pressed for.
Anybody with an ounce of humanity doesn't want to play your war games asshole. You know country's that choose health care and education over war.
No you wouldn't would you!
AG Holder Tells Congress The Truth
Sounds like a good idea to me.
Everybody shut the fuck up and go get him or his corpse so we can get the hell out of that shit hole now!!
Taking Charge In Afghanistan
If anyone out there thinks this rhetoric will make a difference will be believing a delusion!
Poor Man's Hotrod
Boehner And OTC Agree
It sure is and we agree. What we will never agree on is how you will have accomplished that feat.
For Gear Heads And Those Who Wonder How
When I came around the corner like the pickup is doing I noticed these tracks immediately. As I came closer I began questioning how the hell were these done? The grade on this road is probably 6 to 8%. I was headed to the river to fish and I knew when I came back I would try to take a half ass decent picture in an attempt to figure out just how they were made.
In a different life many dollars worth of tire rubber has been deposited on all sorts of roads because that's just the way it was. I like the smell of burning rubber not just in the morning but anytime but with all that experience I have never seen a set of tire marks like these.
After looking at this closely my conclusion is this-I do think they are from a burnout. What's important to note if you take a close look and see the grooves of the tires are not distorted where it changes direction.
These are not skid marks from locking the brakes up going down hill. This vehicle did not necessarily have posi-traction. Less weight was on the right side because of the incline and that's why the tire marks are so dark. I think the tires were spinning very fast at least on the right side initially and because again it is uphill the vehicle was moving very slow and that allowed with a very quick move of the steering wheel the vehicle to change direction in such a way that rear end of the vehicle did not begin to slide.
In support of that you can see that as the vehicle begins to change direction the weight transfers and the left tire gains traction and the marks become darker and after the transition completely both tires even out almost identical as the weight of the vehicle is centered because it is going straight.
It may not be much but I get a kick out of stuff like this. I think I may have got this correct but unclear why I couldn't figure it out before. Right or wrong.
Hugeness with a click of the picture
Run Run There Could Be A Wolf Pack Out There
Yea the tough guys are afraid. You know the ones with ample amounts of rifles and bullets. Big ass pickup trucks and $10,000 4wheelers in the back. Some with packs of dogs for running down and treeing mountain lions so they can be easily shot. These fellows are afraid? Imagine what it must be like on the receiving end of all that fear.
I would very much like to hear and see a wolf around these parts. There is more than enough room for everybody.
Stunned Again In The State Of Mormon
It doesn't end when it comes to the religiously insane no matter who or where you are.
A late-night confession by Utah's House majority leader about sitting nude in a hot tub with a minor 25 years ago has shocked this conservative state's political establishment but has not prompted calls from party leaders for him to resign.
This is actually a cover up article by the whore AP because the man says he didn't get any from this minor and payed her off in 2002 to keep quite and the women said she wasn't talking.
The fact of the matter is found in the Mormon paper itself imagine that!
Cheryl Maher said Friday that Utah House Majority Leader Kevin Garn is lying about having no physical contact with her when they went hot-tubbing in the nude when she was 15 years old.
Somebody is full of shit and I put my money on the Mormon to come in first in the department of lie like a rug and maybe the story will go away.
Couldn't resist this. Garn's fellow legislators applauding that their leader had sex with a minor-you betcha!
Cat Killer
A 27-year-old Oak Creek man is accused of aggravated animal cruelty after witnesses said he ran over a cat in downtown Oak Creek last week. The Routt County Sheriff’s Office has not released the man’s name. According to a news release from the Sheriff’s Office, witnesses said the man, driving a red pickup, chased the cat up the hill on Moffat Avenue and ran it over. A passenger in the pickup reportedly admitted to running over the cat because it was living in a shop nearby. The suspect is ordered to appear in court at 8:30 a.m. April 27 on charges of aggravated animal cruelty, a Class 6 felony.
Lock It Up Or Else Go Lowrider
Thursday's 360 Shimmy
Not In My Cyber Space
A new poll finds most Americans oppose Internet and half oppose sports betting, but many have gambled themselves at a casino.
It's okay to throw your money away in casino's all over the country but not on the net.
Gambling Pays
Nearly $1.7 Million In Grants Awarded From Wild Rose Casino Profits
This is in a county of 10,000 people and if you click on the link above you can see just how far 1.7 mil can go. These monies have an impact on every resident who live in this county.
Without a doubt when this time of year rolls around gambling unlike corn is king.
Observations From Last Weekend
No one has taken our guns away as there are plenty to be had along with bullets.
This is the thousands of dollars room where money comes to shop. If I pay big bucks for a gun you can damn well bet it's gonna have some wood in it.
Won't say where this was but I swear there were baggers and nutters damn near everywhere you turned. Most of the merchandise in this massive store are toys nothing more. I did buy three pocket t-shirts and a $30 pair of hip waders. Boats and 4wheelers are toys but waders is business.
Then there was Strudel Boy climbing a windmill in the Pawnee National Grasslands.
It was nice to get away for a few days.
Can You Go To Hell For Looking The Other Way?
The pope's brother said in a newspaper interview published Tuesday that he slapped pupils as punishment after he took over a renowned German boys' choir in the 1960s. He also said he was aware of allegations of physical abuse at an elementary school linked to the choir but did nothing about it.
This is really getting old and now it's the pope's brother that looked the other way. They all look the other way and for a long time too.
This is sick shit because it continues to this very day and nothing is really done except for a bit of lip service.
This has become evil and every Catholic who does not demand this stop even at parish level becomes part of the evil that is called pedophilia.
The Dirt Baggers-Oops I Mean Dirt Farmers Are Worried Back In The Cornfield
This is what some are bitching about now.
But she's the kind of farmer the Obama administration wants more of, and that raises alarms among some colleagues in conventional agriculture. They worry they'll be harmed by the Agriculture Department's new focus on small farms and encouragement local production of fruits and vegetables.
A female agricultural terrorist wreaking havoc in da cornfield you betcha.
Personally I would like to see the corn belt filled with this type of agriculture. There are opinions from the other side that say vegetable production like this would not even make a dent in what is consumed. I disagree and think that in the future this is where and how most of our vegetables will be grown.
That is if the bitchers can pull their bigoted heads out of there asses and contribute. Don't count on it.
There's More To This Story
A Utah businessman who worked a two-year sting operation for federal officials investigating the looting of American Indian relics across the Southwest has died, apparently of a self-inflicted gunshot.
Filling Shoes
Pastor E. Christopher Hill, protege of influential televangelist T.D. Jakes, is succeeding Heritage Christian Church founder Dennis Leonard as senior pastor of one of the city's largest churches, newly renamed Potter's House Church of Denver.
Well no shit Cisco. Then I call you an American Taliban. You are and have been a threat to my country!
Religiously insane crazy bastard no different than any other religiously insane crazy bastards anywhere else on this planet.
It's So Easy To Get Hurt
We would have been okay but almost the whole length of the dam fell something that has never happened before.
Missed this by a mile and if I'm around next year and it needs to be done
again which it will this will never happen again. One of the issues many face when you live in snow country.
As is his will cost $400 easy not to mention the time. Click on the picture and look at the hood.
This is dangerous doing these things. Not this year but someone and it's not me in this picture have to go up and clear the fresh air and exhaust vent that gets covered in snow so the furnace continues to function
Last year about this time and not going to dig up bad memories posted here but I hurt myself and was very lucky to be able to walk away from what happened. My boss was driving down the road and saw it happen and thought I was probably dead. But he's still here and can't tell you how fast this shit can reach out and kick your butt.
I am going to make a point and a commitment from here on out in the time I have left in this type of work environment to take just a little bit more time to evaluate what needs to be done and how it will get done.
Over the years there have been no serious accidents of any kind in what is a inherently dangerous environment.
Yes We Did
We drank this local concoction in Ghana more times than not. "Akpet" was cheap and all in all pretty damn nasty. Some of these guys would distill it twice and surprisingly when made like that it was quite good. Accidentally saw this and it reminded me of days gone by.

Akpeteshie is a popular local spirit used for ceremonial purposes and also recreational drinking. In conjunction with other local ingredients some local community members believe that it is an effective male performance enhancer. For some individuals, distillation is an important means of generating an income in addition to the sale of crops.
Gin Distillation from Palm Wine is a traditional local process and a source of supplementary income. However, the process currently has a number of areas in which improvement is desired.