I drove past this between Salida and Cotopaxi on State Highway 50 in Colorado. I had to turn around and tell whoever that I stood with them totally assuming I was correct. I was and got the biggest hug of appreciation for doing so.

From my understanding, there are close to 3000 children being held around this country after being seized from their parents at the border.

Many will never see their Mom and Dad again because Republicans are totally evil.

You bastards!


Poor Man's Country

On the drive across the San Luis valley and beyond yesterday did not see many supportive signs for Obama. Did see this one however.

Then you have this paid slut for Fox Whore news getting off her bus up the road and some of the first crap outta her mouth was this.

But Crowley started by targeting "left-wing kooks" and ended by saying the existence of the U.S. depended on the ouster of President Barack Obama."We're still a young country," she said. "The American mind is still idealistic, so it's hard to believe, it's hard to hear that the president of the United States wants to destroy us within, but that's what's happening."

On a tour you see-

 The bus tour, sponsored by Americans for Prosperity, was billed as an "issue advocacy effort" that didn't "expressly advocate for the success or defeat of any candidate.

Media will eventually be the root cause of this country's failure.


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