I drove past this between Salida and Cotopaxi on State Highway 50 in Colorado. I had to turn around and tell whoever that I stood with them totally assuming I was correct. I was and got the biggest hug of appreciation for doing so.

From my understanding, there are close to 3000 children being held around this country after being seized from their parents at the border.

Many will never see their Mom and Dad again because Republicans are totally evil.

You bastards!


Quick Update

I am glad I came back to this country. I like it here in Atenas. You would too probably. I do look at the internets although said I would not. It's warm and people are friendly helpful and smile very easily. I am completely safe and walk most places. Am not at 100% but get along fine and tell someone whenever I go out.

This is a couple video's from this morning in the town square in front of the church. Not that much happens except life. I like the fact the priest greets everyone.

Later, OF



  1. What a cool community! Hope you're getting some fun pics of that church.

  2. It is sleeting and freezing rain here in SW Indiana.



  3. When did the Happy Holligans go to the MQ-9? I think I remember working them as 106's while in the tower at Tyndall. Maybe E model F-4s?


  4. I love hearing the talking and the wind...seeing the green and the people in shirt sleeves. It's snowing here.


  5. I watch this and am reminded how superficial and manufactured our lives have become here in the U.S., and that ours is NOT the natural order of things. Have a wonderful, relaxing time.

  6. Lovely video, 'Fly and fer shure a beautiful place ... but ... I think THIS (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/13/breastfeeding-mothers-protest-costa-rica-mall_n_2465529.html) is the real reason you went to Costa Rica. heh Enjoy Paradise .....

    1. More people I've been able to talk to like the lady Prez than not. It's a wonder world to many of us but to the Tican's it's home and the way it is. It's easier when it's warm when you have less.

  7. Enjoy your trip. It's really cold up here.
