The Rat Is Gonna Sing
He's not only going to be singing but be doing some heavy duty pray'in as well. Who knows this crusty old Nazi bastard might even strike up a fucking jig-that'd be real special.
Ever hear a priest sing? Most of them suck worse than a hind teat. Stay the hell away from this one folks!!
Running Away From Church - I Know The Feeling Kid
Nice try but at your age the other side is too much for ya. The good thing is that you didn't get charged with anything. Bide your time and when they start with the bullshit shut down any input as much as possible and go somewhere else in your mind until it stops. Eventually you'll be able to get away completely and you will be better for it. Don't give in and you will win in the end. Trust me - I know! Good luck!
Repuglicans Crapping Their Panties In Fear

Yea the GOP are getting nightmares just from the look from these two chumps.
Democrats warned the GOP it would pay a steep price for opposing the judge who would be the first Hispanic justice
How damn stupid are these guys to think that just because they pretend to be mad about this that the goose stepper's care or are going to change their vote because they know a very angry letter is on its way from the likes of Limp Dick.
jesus h christ give me a fucking break here!
Animals Seen And Interacted With Today
This spring I did a video of this friendly marmot that allows me to get very close without being afraid. The first one was pretty good but this once a day is even better.
This is a video of a juvenile red tailed hawk. There are several of these around and they been raising hell with the rakes that are in the sand traps. This gives you some ideal of what's going on but I've missed the good stuff.
The problem is that I'm supposed to be working instead of doing this kind of thing. So this Sunday if it's a nice morning which it should be I will be around early with plenty of time on my hands and I'm going to try as hard as I can to get some really good video of what these birds are really up to and capable of doing.
It may not be much but I sure get a kick out of shift like this.
What Plan?
No you slimy behind closed door whored out bought off sonsofbitches it's us that backed a single payer option not this one that will even if passed suck a hind teat at best.
Bipartisan negotiations huh? All that means is that the repugs had you dimwit fuckers down on your knees praying is all.
Bottom line is that you Dims will not fight for us and haven't tried. You will take what these crazy repugs give you-wipe the shit off your face-smile and tell us that's the best you could do.
If something is passed by the likes of you slugs in DC it will bear no resemblance to what works so well for other countries and that you can take to the bank as they say.
It Was The Chair
So didn't have anything to put up but remembered this video that is so much fun and it happens in a church believe it or not. This went viral quickly and comes from just north of the cornfield.
H/T Happy To Be From Iowa
Success Thanks To Friends
Thanks guys!!!

The A Team Arrived And Performed Window Maneuvers

Two through four out of 17.

Around the the first corner

The back side.

Headed for home. It was like a machine.

Four have been trimmed like this and it was the end of the day at 5:30. Two of us will finish this trim while the others will start the inside rim.
It's already an amazing difference,

Limp Dick Harry Waves To Us

Imagine that and then imagine there may well be no vote of any kind even then.
Then take into consideration Limp Prick and the other Blue Whore Demofuctards want some bipartisanship-you betcha!
Friends-hate to continue to have this piss poor attitude but the facts are that if you expect good things from a health care bill if ever there is one you will be severely disappointed.
We get nothing from these tards who are supposed to be on my side and this time will be no different! If you expect nothing the disappointment won't be so bad when reality hits home once again.
I Can Almost See Clearly Now
This is what I'll be busy with so there will not be much going on here. Summer is flying by. Thank's for taking the time to see what's happening here in the cornfield. OF

One of the good things I get to do while at work. You'd be surprised at what you might see on a short little ride like this sometimes.
Gates Says This And Then Says That About Afghanistan And None Of It Is Any Good
I'm not going to even link to this article because it's too depressing but will include a few tidbits from war pig Defense Secretary Gates.
The Pentagon's chief said Thursday he could send more U.S. troops to Afghanistan this year than he'd initially expected and is considering increasing the number of soldiers in the Army.
That's real special since they've already increased the size of our military once this year.
Gates and other military leaders have said they are reluctant to send many more U.S. troops to Afghanistan, because of concerns that a large American footprint there could appear to Afghans as an occupying force.
Do you fucking think?
"We are very mindful of stress on the force," he said.
No shit Cisco. Our whole fucking country is under stress because of this shit and we are just beginning to enter a new era of death and mayhem in our second war front called Afghanistan and in recent days we have seen it ain't going to be pretty.
Thanks a lot you war loving fucking Democrats elected to do the opposite of what you've done since '06.
Dirty rotten bastards!
Godly Towns
A few years ago there was a strong effort to get prayer in the local schools but fortunately people were smarter than that and it did not happen.
About a year ago now the local county sheriff started an investigation into this allegation.
Two months after a mass raid of a polygamist Mormon compound in Texas piqued the nation’s interest, a similar sect in southern Colorado is flourishing — and in fact some speculate that the tiny town of Westcliffe in southwest Colorado may become the next polygamist nerve center in the United States. A compound there already hosts an estimated 30 members of the breakaway Mormon sect, and an aide to jailed polygamist leader Warren Jeffs has already shelled out more than $1 million for nearly 200 acres of land nearby.
I have not seen another article about this investigation but last month this article appeared in the Denver Post about the Amish in Pennsylvania coming to Westcliffe to settle because of cheaper land prices. There are Amish back in the cornfield but you never hear much about them and I'm not quite sure why.
Which brings me to why I'm writing this post. I had not been through Westcliffe since the end of March when I returned from a road trip from California. So last Sunday it very nice out and I pulled off to take a picture or do a video of the mountains which is below. I didn't take a picture but at the very end of the video is the picture I should have taken.
So I decided I'm going to drive down the road for 3 miles and just see just what the hell is out here. I don't go over a mile and way down the road I see a horse and buggy coming.

I did not do a very good job on the pictures or on this short video. Part of the reason is that I did not want to intrude on these people's privacy. Remember the movie Witness? I had the first two articles stored for some time to eventually do a post about the number of religious crazies in this area. And when the story about the Amish locating here and the coincidence of me pulling off and seeing his horse and carriage was kind of cool. I get a kick outta of shit like this.
But I want everybody to understand that I do not have an issue with the Amish here or anywhere else. Unlike so many other believers who feel they need to spread and force their dogma on others here and all over the world these people never enter that realm of religious nuttery.
Because of that and the fact that they live more green than probably 95% of this country I'm okay with that. Now if they come knocking on my door like the Mormons do then we have a problem but until then there is probably a lot we can learn from these people and the first thing would be to live simply!
Sanford Proves Theory
Every time cause it works!
What does it prove-that they are seriously fucking deranged and that we are screwed when the media lets a piss ant like this cheating prick have a mouthpiece to the world.
Had a good trip this weekend and will have something up late today. Will be scarce this week as there's work to be done.
I Am For The Ranch
Friends will be there and good food plenty. I need a change of pace cause next week 17 windows will be put in hopefully in this abode of mine.
I'll have my eyeballs peeled for pictures and dumb ass drivers.
Thanks for stopping and all of you have a fun and safe weekend.

Afghanistan Lie Begins In Ernest
Read this and then go out and buy a fresh tube of lube because you're going to need it.
The Pentagon's chief said Thursday he could send more U.S. troops to Afghanistan this year than he'd initially expected and is considering increasing the number of soldiers in the Army.
We as citizens of this country who voted overwhelmingly to end this shit literally have no control and our votes have proved as worthless as tits on a boar the last two elections.
These fuckers will never do the right thing cause they are being told what to do in matters such as this. It's either their way or else.
Ft. Carson Veterans Continue To Kill At Home
Army officials speaking Wednesday denied there was any connection between combat and crime, pointing out that their own data show 65 percent of violent crimes committed by soldiers were done by troops who had not been to war.
These killings of mostly women have been perpetrated by one unit. But I find this extremely troubling and I wonder how many more murders have been committed by veterans who have served in these two hellholes called Iraq and Afghanistan?
And on top of that the fact that the Army continues to obviously lie at will.
We have no control-not even a little bit over the military. And they have the most and the biggest guns.
Not Here -You Don't Dare
This is what dieing with dignity is all about. It's long past due that common sense and the right of those who wish to call an end to their life on this earth be allowed to do so without fear.
Downes — Sir Edward since he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 1991 — and his wife ended their lives last week at a Zurich clinic run by the assisted suicide group Dignitas. They drank a small amount of clear liquid and died hand-in-hand, their two adult children by their side. He was 85 and she was 74.
Me - I'll Have A Butt Wipe And My Friend Will Have Six 357 Hollow Points
There are a number of rules that apply with this but rest assured abuses will happen and in the end there will be some shoot'in going on.
Concealed weapon permit holders were going into bars before this anyway and you're not supposed to consume alcohol - yea right. What this does is open the door for dumb monkey's who think they need to carry a weapon down to their local watering hole.
America We Have A Problem
More than 4,000 people lined up in the early-morning hours, estimated Patrick Lynn, "American Idol" supervisor producer. He said he expected double that number by the end of auditions Tuesday. To get to this point, they had hitchhiked, borrowed money and forfeited sleep, some traveling from as far away as Hawaii, a few for a second or third try at getting on the No. 1-rated show on television.
I understand that the world I grew up in is much different than the world these young people are experiencing today. Dusty a few days ago made a comment about how much more unattractive overweight people appear if good choices are not made with the clothes that they wear and she was referring to younger women.
On the Fourth of July I was around more people than I had been in many months. Locally for the most part people are fit and it's the tourists were talking about here. What I noticed was the amount of overweight people particularly young women.
Yes it was a long time ago but I do not remember the girls carrying so much extra weight around. I know for fact that was not the case not like it is today.
For one thing most every young person I knew worked and worked pretty damn hard and that probably has something to do with it. And while working we were all learning skills that we carry with us today.
What I and many other friends were concerned about during those times was what in the fuck is going to be our association with Vietnam. This country is fighting two wars and you damn well bet these thousands of young people who have showed up in an attempt to possibly get on TV first of all to not have any responsibilities in respect of holding a job because they don't have one and secondly chances are very good they don't know squat about the wars were it now. And if there was a chance that they had to go and possibly die in these faraway places they may not care so much about getting on TV.
Just say'in that we as a society and a country are regressing.
Convoy Bomb And OTC Calls Bull Shit
A roadside bomb exploded near a convoy carrying U.S. ambassador to Baghdad Chris Hill in southern Iraq, but the envoy was unhurt, the U.S. embassy said on Monday
But what I call bullshit on is this-
Iraq is littered with munitions dumps from the time of Saddam Hussein, many of them left unguarded by U.S. forces after the 2003 invasion to oust him. Militants have since then had a steady supply of explosives with which to fashion home made bombs that can easily be concealed in pot holes or trash piles.
Why in the fuck if this is true are these munitions dumps still around after all these years? Give me a goddamn break here. I just get a serious attitude when it comes to dumb ass shit like this.
Texting Fools
A texting teen is recovering after falling into an open manhole.
Personally I like to know what's going on around me at all times and I keep aware of it. When I read this article what popped into my mind was Zappa's Dancing Fool because I have noticed this issue of texting while walking for some time now and find it a bit odd.
Obroni Big Man Arrives In Ghana
If I had planned the Obama's itinerary this evening would start with this dish prepared with proper palm nut soup and fowl.
After that they would attend an outdoor venue for an evening dancing to Highlife and partaking of spirits while listening to music such as this. I just heard this and it is SO good!
If I were to return much time would be spent in outdoor beer joints so to speak listening,dancing,eating kabobs,flirting with the girls and having some Club beer. You betcha.
One thing that they will hear from the moment they step off the plane from every Ghanaian they meet is "You are welcome". We would all get the same treatment and I can't tell how nice that is. That is Ghana.
Please-you are welcome President Obama
Looking around came across these. A travel site that covers starting out where I was. It works well.
A post from today from an Obroni Mom where life away from where the Obama's will be hanging isn't so "sweet" as is said there a lot.
Then this a video put up before that I like. It crosses Highlife with a bit of hip hop and it's just fun.
A Good Story
Dreams come true at any age, residents of a northwest Iowa retirement home found out this week.
Gertie Vander Ploeg, 89, who wanted to learn how to e-mail her children, received a donated computer and free lessons. Ken Roos, a World War II veteran weakened by stroke, was visited by Army pals who shared a tent with him on Okinawa. Daloris Rensink, 82, saw the family farm she left behind - from 1,500 feet in the air.
Churchill Won But He Lost
In a ruling Tuesday, Denver District Judge Larry Naves vacated a jury finding that CU's Board of Regents improperly terminated Churchill, who was a professor in the Boulder campus' ethnic-studies department.
Sonsofbitches every last one of them!
A Creature From The Pond
Another Ploy To Get Religion In Schools
Public school students in Spencer will get to study the Bible and pray at graduation if school district leaders approve a proposed "religious liberties" policy, the first of its kind in Iowa.
Reading this piece was difficult for me because it seems these religiously insane people and in this case there is one of them sitting on the board never stop and if we are not ever vigilant they're going to accomplish this.
Locally crazies tried to pass an amendment to the state Constitution that defined a fertilized egg is a person with all the rights of a living human being. It was soundly defeated but they too are coming back in 2010 with the exact same agenda using different language in an attempt to make our populace even fucking dumber than it is now.
This Is Way Too Funny
H/T Border Explorer
Mexico Builds Border Wall To Keep Out US Assholes
Palin And Piss Ants
What she doesn't realize too is that she definitely is nothing more than a piss ant in time like we all are and if she would keep that in perspective which she won't we would be hearing less from her which would be a very good thing!
A War Whore From The Past Has Died
It would be our policy to use nuclear weapons wherever we felt it necessary to protect our forces and achieve our objectives.
Robert McNamara
Happy this man never never got his way but it's the same o years later even with a person in charge who is supposed to be on our side.
Another from him.
Neither conscience nor sanity itself suggests that the United States is, should or could be the global gendarme.
Robert McNamara
At least this man served his country but it has been decades since this man played a role and we did not learn a damn thing. He is no different that the bastards that took us to war in Irak for lies.
Then I see four more of ours were killed this morning in Afghanistan. A roadside bomb-imagine that.
Sick shit this is!
Stirring Up The DU
VP Biden couldn't take a helicopter to where he was going-damn.
So he was forced to use four wheels like real people plus wear his body armor because I guess she's just not safe yet but all the parties involved continue to work on that. Word is too there won't be any street shopping going on with Joe. He's going to leave that to the repugs who are braver.
One thing 'ol Joe can't get away from is Depleted Uranium as for damn sure it's blowing in the wind.
From The 4TH

There's a new wildflower we haven't seen before

Pretty soon the cedar waxwings will be here making short work of these fellows. I bet they taste pretty damn good to a bird.

The finale to the fireworks last night and of course this does not come close to doing this justice. The pressure from the hundreds of explosions could be felt on your chest.
Nutter Mania
Been two days since I've put anything up but there is a parade today and the local nutters will be out in force after that on the court house lawn with their 1773 nonsense. We'll see how long I can swallow this shit but I'm going to be on the fringe just to see for myself in person for real just how fucking imbeccillian these people are. Maybe I can get something good to share.
Right now I'm headed to work not to do that but to attempt to take some pictures in a non-work situation. Then I get to see a monster fireworks display tonight. It will be monster cause I haven't seen any in years so it'll all be gravy.
Here's another picture of this horse fly from a couple days ago. This is too much.

Sword Striking - Ramping Up In Afghannystan
Officials described the operation — dubbed Khanjar, or "Strike of the Sword" — as the largest and fastest-moving of the war's new phase and the biggest Marine offensive since the one in Falloojeh.
Ain't it fucking great and then making comparisons to what we did twice to Falloojeh and the people who live there indicates to me it's business as usual from a country that loves war and death just as long as it happens to people of color and is a long way from here.
We are so screwed!