Grassley is at it again.
Woody has the specifics and an
action link to stop this asshole from inserting an amendment that would
stop any discussion on the legalization or decriminalization of drugs as a solution to our failed drug war. This man is
a real piece of fresh pig shit. Don't let him get by with it.
shoes is staking claim to this style of shoe as
Kajsa and other Ghanaian
bloggers are pointing out is pure rubbish
. They are calling this the kenta shoe a take off on the word kente.

This highly sought after hand woven cloth made and worn for centuries is being stolen by a corporation that doesn't have a clue that this is an art form they can't stake a claim on. The specifics are at
Kajsa's link above. I hate it when corporations steal like this.
I do not have much
kente cloth left but what I do have I value greatly and it doesn't belong on shoes from corporate slugs who stole it.
How about Grassley knowing that in Salem, Or. farmers are waiting for the Federal rule to expain the parameters by which Industrial Hemp can be cultivated and sold legally? Dou ya think ol Chucky is tryin to block this at the behest of Monsanto, Cargill, ADM, etc. Methinks he's using drug policy to help Midwest Cornhaulers..er, I mean Midwest Corngrowers. PS Thanks for the heads up on Adidas. I have friends here in Portland(Home of Addidas,U.S.A.) who love tennys and who need to be told of this ripoff. I'm sure they'll here about it from our local activist and art comunities even though " shoes as art" is an accepted fact. Am I surprised Addidas would do this? Does Poop Benny shit in the Vatican?
ReplyDeleteAno - didn't you mean to say corn holers?
ReplyDeleteI got confused between the hand lotion Cornhuskers which we called Cornhaulers and cornholers-sorry.
ReplyDeleteAll You Sort of Youngish Dudes, Carry the News: Owens may win in NY-23. Corzine dies because of his connections to Goldman-Sachs and Wall Street: End of Fuckin' Story!! Palin& Pawlenty are Fuchin' Pukes with No More Legitimacy than a 3 nutted boar. Fuck their Tea-Bagging Revolution. I got somethin' for Glenn Beck; a good old fashioned back of the barn ass-kickin if he'll show up. These fuckin jackasses got worst than nothing. Is it true that Sarah hears best when her ankles are behind her ears? Fuck a bunch of yahoos!! Virginia is a Confederate state: Crackerville writ large. End of story. If Obama tunes up his Progressive hearing piece he'll hear the message. Wall Street dies in the Democratic Party tonite.
ReplyDeleteOTC- On behave of all free-thinkers in the World: "what odds are ya gettin" especially regardin Goldie Hawn: "Can ya hear me knockin" requires that Goldie actually feels the knockin. Good luck with proozin any o this
ReplyDeleteAno-are you a dumb fuck or what cuz you ain't making any sense.
ReplyDeleteInteresting story about the Kente cloth. Got any archived African stories to read?
ReplyDeleteI spaced getting back to you the other day Holte on the same question-sorry!
ReplyDeleteIf in the search engine for blogger at the top of the page if you put in Ghana or Africa or Kenya there will be more than what I thought come up. May not be what you're looking for but I was a bit surprised myself.
Does anyone wear Adidas anymore? Maybe this is why.