I drove past this between Salida and Cotopaxi on State Highway 50 in Colorado. I had to turn around and tell whoever that I stood with them totally assuming I was correct. I was and got the biggest hug of appreciation for doing so.

From my understanding, there are close to 3000 children being held around this country after being seized from their parents at the border.

Many will never see their Mom and Dad again because Republicans are totally evil.

You bastards!


An Arch Now Has A Name

Last year while hiking to explore these different rock formations came across this. It looked like two birds with their beaks together. I thought about giving it a name then but that seemed a bit strange. I was unable the first time to view this from the ground below which is one of the things I wanted to do last weekend and did.

The formation on the right changes a bit from below but the one on the left still looks like a bird.

On the way back to the car a Dinosaur Park ranger stopped and chatted with me and asked if I'd been to the arch. I asked him if it had a name and he said no.

Because it takes a lot more effort to see this from the bottom and it looks more like two birds kissing from the top and the fact it does not have a name it does now.

The name I've given it is "The Kissing Birds Arch",

Why not!

Cross posted @ The Picture Place


  1. IMHO the middle picture looks like a dolphin kissing Darth Vader. Nice pictures, what kind of lizard is it?

  2. It does look like a dolphin as well. No doubt. I do not have that answer for you. There can be a lot of them and I like taking their pictures.This one was only 2-3" long and cooperated quite nicely.

    Thanks for stopping by Mont. I am taking a break from the politics for a time and concentrating on other things that are more important than politics and I'm better off for it. Bad part is that I miss reading my buds but I just don't want to get Drawn back into it at this time. Hope you are good!

  3. I keep trying to avoid 100% politics. I had a post about a golf ball that is difficult to slice. Here is the link so you won't upset your chi. Enjoy :-)


  4. Although not a fan of Nicklaus he said some time ago you control the game with the ball. He's right. I'll be looking for these.

  5. If you find them, use them in good health. That one article has driven more traffic to my blog than anything I thought was important.
    Go figure.
