Headed west and not north like I thought. Places I've been but need to get out of town. Hopefully a new adventure lurks for the Fly out there somewhere. That would be nice. I'm fortunate that I am able to do this-that is have weekends off and physically able to do so.
Everybody have a fun and safe weekend and appreciate the visit.
Just think we're damn near through seven months of the year. OH MY!
I drove past this between Salida and Cotopaxi on State Highway 50 in Colorado. I had to turn around and tell whoever that I stood with them totally assuming I was correct. I was and got the biggest hug of appreciation for doing so.
From my understanding, there are close to 3000 children being held around this country after being seized from their parents at the border.
Many will never see their Mom and Dad again because Republicans are totally evil.
You bastards!
Stroking Congress War Whores
Telling them just what they want to hear.
Some gems from just another snake oil salesman,
“We will have some bad days ahead, but so long as we hold fast and adapt faster than the enemy, the enemy’s situation will continue to worsen,”
Success in Afghanistan is propping up an Afghan government that is stable enough to keep “extremists” from using the country as a terrorist base.
The U.S.-Pakistan relationship is “trending in the right direction,” he said.
Mattis said he is probably most concerned about Iran, including its desire to enrich uranium that could be used to build a nuclear bomb.
A big win in Afghannystan and move on over and take out that devil of a country Iran. Who says things aren't going according to plan.
Some gems from just another snake oil salesman,
“We will have some bad days ahead, but so long as we hold fast and adapt faster than the enemy, the enemy’s situation will continue to worsen,”
Success in Afghanistan is propping up an Afghan government that is stable enough to keep “extremists” from using the country as a terrorist base.
The U.S.-Pakistan relationship is “trending in the right direction,” he said.
Mattis said he is probably most concerned about Iran, including its desire to enrich uranium that could be used to build a nuclear bomb.
A big win in Afghannystan and move on over and take out that devil of a country Iran. Who says things aren't going according to plan.
Thank You Shirley
And you will win because this piece of shit is guilty. Maybe just maybe others can use this as an example of how to make a stand against the whore right wing media and their daily lies.
Put this prick so far back in the cell they gotta pipe him the food.
Put this prick so far back in the cell they gotta pipe him the food.
Down 71% WTF Anyway
I wish this was a number on the Pentagon"s budget but not in our lifetime kiddies. This number concerns wind power.
No. 1 Texas added 202 megawatts in the first half of the year to extend its total capacity to 9,708.
I been sitting here and just don't know what to really say. Why in the fuck do I have to get this kind of news?
What we should be reading is #'s 10 times the amount above but on the other side of the equation. That our country's Long Term Energy Independence Plan is in full force. That huge numbers of wind and solar projects are ongoing all over the country with many other programs implemented to reach the goal of energy independence from oil in 10 years.
Something like that-know what I mean. We're not going to get that. We were never ever going to get any legislation even close to that. How bad we need quality legislation in these times!
What Does This Have To Do With Pork?
Yea they have problems on the track but it just didn't start and there's more to this than just rather piss-poor racing. Briefly Nascar has fined two drivers for remarks about the sport they made that were not positive. No names cuz there's an image to uphold ya know. Touched on this issue some time ago because this is about corporations and how they screw things up. Bottom line in this case these boys and a girl or two I think as I pay no attention any more just want to race. That's what it's all about. Stick the restrictor plates where the sun don't shine! But no that's not good for the bottom line so we get super shitty racing at least to me.
Ever been to a National drag racing event? If not take my word and spend 60 smackers or so and for once in your life see one. Go on Saturday not for the finals on Sunday because it's nonstop bracket racing on Saturday.
Weekend before last the Mile Hi Nationals were held in Denver. A couple years ago a driver in a Top Fuel dragster was killed in a crash not at this track but another. You get killed in racing that's just the way it can be and they all know that. What do they do but change the rules to help the image. A 1/4 mile is just that. 1320 feet not 1000 like it is now. I want my 320 feet back dammit. The slower classes may still run the full length I'm not sure. I hope some are-after all a drag race is for a quarter mile.
Even at a 1000' and over a mile in altitude the big boys were going through the traps at 320mph. Go see what that looks like. Before you hear them they're half way down the track.
Fly's one for one in this sport. One event one trophy back in '71 or '72. Went through the lights at 106mph with a time of 14.16 sec.and in third gear. This was a mid 12 second car but entered just for the hell of it. You have a car that will turn a 14 sec. quarter mile you have a very fast car. It was a 64 Chevelle with a 327 with close to 400HP. Never got beat in this car. Did I mention I was a Chevy man?
On to the pork. I'm pissed off at the food I get served because 9.5 times out of 10 it's gonna suck a hind teat. Corporations as you know have their paws all over farming and animal mass production for consumption. Pork is so lean and so genetically engineered it has lost its flavor as has many other foods we consume animal and vegetable.
You can't live in the past but every once in a while I'd like some of the real thing for a change.
Cross posted @ Mad Mikes America
Ever been to a National drag racing event? If not take my word and spend 60 smackers or so and for once in your life see one. Go on Saturday not for the finals on Sunday because it's nonstop bracket racing on Saturday.
Weekend before last the Mile Hi Nationals were held in Denver. A couple years ago a driver in a Top Fuel dragster was killed in a crash not at this track but another. You get killed in racing that's just the way it can be and they all know that. What do they do but change the rules to help the image. A 1/4 mile is just that. 1320 feet not 1000 like it is now. I want my 320 feet back dammit. The slower classes may still run the full length I'm not sure. I hope some are-after all a drag race is for a quarter mile.
Even at a 1000' and over a mile in altitude the big boys were going through the traps at 320mph. Go see what that looks like. Before you hear them they're half way down the track.
Fly's one for one in this sport. One event one trophy back in '71 or '72. Went through the lights at 106mph with a time of 14.16 sec.and in third gear. This was a mid 12 second car but entered just for the hell of it. You have a car that will turn a 14 sec. quarter mile you have a very fast car. It was a 64 Chevelle with a 327 with close to 400HP. Never got beat in this car. Did I mention I was a Chevy man?
On to the pork. I'm pissed off at the food I get served because 9.5 times out of 10 it's gonna suck a hind teat. Corporations as you know have their paws all over farming and animal mass production for consumption. Pork is so lean and so genetically engineered it has lost its flavor as has many other foods we consume animal and vegetable.
You can't live in the past but every once in a while I'd like some of the real thing for a change.
Cross posted @ Mad Mikes America
Kerry Is The One Who Is Meaningless
Don't give a shit what he's done in the past and where was this man when needed to fight the Bushes. He was kind of there but gave up and conceded like a good dim does. How stupid was he back then? I think he's dumber now.
I despise this guy and he is another example of why term limits are needed. Kerry loves war and death now that he's a biggy in government. Not so much back in the days before he became a war whore.
How things change. People like this man could make the difference we need to see right now.
But he'll do nothing like all the rest!
I despise this guy and he is another example of why term limits are needed. Kerry loves war and death now that he's a biggy in government. Not so much back in the days before he became a war whore.
How things change. People like this man could make the difference we need to see right now.
But he'll do nothing like all the rest!
Kids Take A Major Hit In Colorado
Read it and weep.
Blame it on whatever but thank Killer Bush and his war for lies that children all over this nation face more poverty than ever before. You never see the military's guns go hungry now do ya.
And what's sad is the sheep will vote for more of the same even though they luv da childruns sooo much.
Blame it on whatever but thank Killer Bush and his war for lies that children all over this nation face more poverty than ever before. You never see the military's guns go hungry now do ya.
And what's sad is the sheep will vote for more of the same even though they luv da childruns sooo much.
Was It Task Force 373 ??
You know Task Force Kill and Not Be Caught or Held Accountable
Remember how this country made a point in targeting journalists. We hate them when the ones with all the big guns fear getting called out for war crimes.
My point is simple. When there is no oversight and you have any number of party's whose job is to kill people assigned to them how do you know it wasn't them. Seriously just how the fuck do ya know?
It's worse than ever before and any person who has the power to stop it will not do so.
And the bigger question is have they or are they performing missions inside this country. When you take a country to war on the lies of a few and that policy is supported by new people all cards are on the table!
We are so screwed!
What's Ours Going To Look Like
There will be one - a Afghanistan War Memorial with memory's that will mirror theirs.
Afghan Air Force jets pass in review during a parade commemorating the 15th anniversary of the Mujahideen victory. This occasion marks the capture of Kabul from the communist regime.
Afghan Air Force jets pass in review during a parade commemorating the 15th anniversary of the Mujahideen victory. This occasion marks the capture of Kabul from the communist regime.
Bad Idea
This is a Painted Turtle.
In respect to the gulf turtles they could have held some of them back but they went all in. That's my complaint. These little guys are mine too.
Waited and waited for this guy to come out but he just wouldn't do it. So reluctantly he got stood on end and in other ways too and got his picture taken a bunch.
Mary Was Here Today
The story of Mary is here. Looking excellent - back to work for over a year flying Air Bus 300's all over the place. Remains cancer free. Is now a captain. We chatted for a long time. Don't even know her last name and our hope is that we can converse about the same time next year too.
Luther was here as well. You can actually see Luther here. He must be about a 120. Pretty good for a long term survivor. Look for the short old guy all fired up about deep snow.
These are short stories that to me are examples of what makes things go round.
Luther was here as well. You can actually see Luther here. He must be about a 120. Pretty good for a long term survivor. Look for the short old guy all fired up about deep snow.
These are short stories that to me are examples of what makes things go round.
What's An Ear Of Corn Have To Do With Anything?
Not much with this marmot but he can’t do much besides stand there anyway. I had brought back several ears a few years ago because I thought the local tree rats might enjoy some primo stuff. These are still around so that’s how much I knew about that. In any case just for the hell of it the other day I asked our crew members how many had seen or held an ear of field corn. It was like 3 out of 12. I was very surprised at that. Mankind has sustained itself on maize forever it seems and we all know the story of corn the good and the bad. It’s everywhere. Take this for example.
There are millions of hogs back in the cornfield (cornfield means Iowa-that’s just the way it is) and these are hog confinement buildings where hogs are raised where they eat mostly corn by the way. In these two buildings there are probably 5,000 hogs. Pigs everywhere and what kills me is that you never see one. They won’t let you see one because of disease possibilities. You can find a hog now and then but hogs aren’t raised outside anymore at least in numbers.
We have changed to an urban society and in the future that may turn out to be an extreme negative. We have money for three wars but what we need too is a program for raising organic food or make incentives to do so. Get people back in the country so they can learn what the hell an ear of corn is.
There are millions of hogs back in the cornfield (cornfield means Iowa-that’s just the way it is) and these are hog confinement buildings where hogs are raised where they eat mostly corn by the way. In these two buildings there are probably 5,000 hogs. Pigs everywhere and what kills me is that you never see one. They won’t let you see one because of disease possibilities. You can find a hog now and then but hogs aren’t raised outside anymore at least in numbers.
We have changed to an urban society and in the future that may turn out to be an extreme negative. We have money for three wars but what we need too is a program for raising organic food or make incentives to do so. Get people back in the country so they can learn what the hell an ear of corn is.
Time To Move Along Charlie
But no Congressman Rangel says he's gonna fight. He probably will and that's his choice. There have been accusations of misconduct for years and now it has come out that he has many issues.
As far as I'm concerned these are minor compared to what Repuglicans get caught doing and for the most part aren't held accountable. At least you didn't have a sheep or something else late at night in a corner of the House chamber doing what ever to it.
No matter by being there as long as you have you have been corrupted into thinking that you are special and don't have to follow the rules even though you are a fairly decent fellow. Time to go and thank you for the good things you have done. You are not even close to being a bad guy like so many of the others.
As far as I'm concerned these are minor compared to what Repuglicans get caught doing and for the most part aren't held accountable. At least you didn't have a sheep or something else late at night in a corner of the House chamber doing what ever to it.
No matter by being there as long as you have you have been corrupted into thinking that you are special and don't have to follow the rules even though you are a fairly decent fellow. Time to go and thank you for the good things you have done. You are not even close to being a bad guy like so many of the others.
What Can I Say
This time of year just get run down at times and the chair got me early last night so there's not much to add today except that Monkeyfister is the go to man on top of the gusher that is for damn sure. Was able to get some new stuff up at the Picture Place and that post is on signs. Politics continues it's slide into the crapper and divisions between factions widens as we near November. We are almost through seven months of the year. OH MY !
Pot Doesn't Kill - Alcohol Does
From the Denver Whore Post-
So the implication is that you smoke pot and drive you will suddenly swerve into the other lane and kill yourself and others. Bull fucking shit. Piece of shit fish wrapper tell the goddamn truth that THC stays in your system for 30 days and if the coppers test you and find even a trace they will charge you with DUI-Drugs. If there is a test that shows that you are under the influence of marijuana at any given time it's news and state that to support your charge. Other than that what you write is bull shit and has no credibility--none!
In the same paper on the same day there's poor Betsy who is choking back tears in the courtroom but gets to go home under supervision to make sure she doesn't pull this kinda shit again.
Again pot does not kill and drunks like this don't deserve to go home. Most cops if they are honest will tell you pot is the very least of the issues they face as law enforcement officer.
So we will continue the misinformation campaign against this plant and continue the long lost war on our Third Front. Said for so long that before I'm outta here for good may there be a change in this policy altogether but definitely the legalization of marijuana.
I also understand there is not a chance this will happen. You sonsofbitches in congress love the wars that bring death and mayhem whether it's here or over there way too much. Just fuck everyone of you!
So the implication is that you smoke pot and drive you will suddenly swerve into the other lane and kill yourself and others. Bull fucking shit. Piece of shit fish wrapper tell the goddamn truth that THC stays in your system for 30 days and if the coppers test you and find even a trace they will charge you with DUI-Drugs. If there is a test that shows that you are under the influence of marijuana at any given time it's news and state that to support your charge. Other than that what you write is bull shit and has no credibility--none!
In the same paper on the same day there's poor Betsy who is choking back tears in the courtroom but gets to go home under supervision to make sure she doesn't pull this kinda shit again.
Again pot does not kill and drunks like this don't deserve to go home. Most cops if they are honest will tell you pot is the very least of the issues they face as law enforcement officer.
So we will continue the misinformation campaign against this plant and continue the long lost war on our Third Front. Said for so long that before I'm outta here for good may there be a change in this policy altogether but definitely the legalization of marijuana.
I also understand there is not a chance this will happen. You sonsofbitches in congress love the wars that bring death and mayhem whether it's here or over there way too much. Just fuck everyone of you!
it's da pot mon
Way Back Machine
Not all that far back and the Dare Devils put out such great music in the same genre as Poco and Pure Prairie League. This music and all the others who made similar stuff will continue to live. That's the Ozark Mountain Dare Devils. Those were fine times back then.
Another Report About The Gusher
For information on the gulf gusher Monkeyfister has been going above and beyond what you see in else where and I suggest you take a look at his post titled I Think Matt Simmons Is Being Proved Right.
You need to scroll down the page to see this and there is another post below the link that shows the leak in sea bed that we're not supposed to worry about.
Looking at this stuff I am worried and a big thanks to Monkeyfister for the effort he puts into this. He's been my go to place on this disaster.
You need to scroll down the page to see this and there is another post below the link that shows the leak in sea bed that we're not supposed to worry about.
Looking at this stuff I am worried and a big thanks to Monkeyfister for the effort he puts into this. He's been my go to place on this disaster.
A Nice Thing Happened
Recently I was contacted by Holte Ender and asked to be a contributor on Mad Mikes America. Never been asked to do that so this was pretty cool and of course I accepted.
My first post is here and it is the video about climbing to the ruin in the sky that my friend and I did back in March that was seen here as well.
Thank you Holte and Mike for giving me the opportunity to contribute to a site I spend a bunch of time at anyway.
So if you haven't been over to Mikes do so and chances are good you'll like what you see.
My first post is here and it is the video about climbing to the ruin in the sky that my friend and I did back in March that was seen here as well.
Thank you Holte and Mike for giving me the opportunity to contribute to a site I spend a bunch of time at anyway.
So if you haven't been over to Mikes do so and chances are good you'll like what you see.
Not To Worry About The Leak
It's okay that the leaks from under the cap are doing just that. That's what they're telling me anyway. I'll live with that one for just a bit.
You don't have to worry about the seep two miles away because
There you have it and what's even better is that after Thadley said that BP Plc shares traded up 1.1 percent at 0931 GMT (5:31 a.m. EDT), outperforming a 0.2 percent rise in the STOXX Europe 600 Oil and Gas index.
The seep wasn't there before and the cap gets put on which increases pressure and now there's a seep but it's not related to this whatsoever ya see there you betcha my ass.
Monkeyfister has a video on this seep titled Location of Leak that show it is something to be concerned about.
You don't have to worry about the seep two miles away because
There you have it and what's even better is that after Thadley said that BP Plc shares traded up 1.1 percent at 0931 GMT (5:31 a.m. EDT), outperforming a 0.2 percent rise in the STOXX Europe 600 Oil and Gas index.
The seep wasn't there before and the cap gets put on which increases pressure and now there's a seep but it's not related to this whatsoever ya see there you betcha my ass.
Monkeyfister has a video on this seep titled Location of Leak that show it is something to be concerned about.
Say It Ain't So Old Joe
But he did the dumb shit and he say's Bama thinks the same thing that the Baggers are "not a racist group". Seriously how fucking dumb are you and why in the hell do you want to lose to these imbecillian bastards who want to rip the very guts out of programs that people fought and died for. You must be damn near fucking nuts to say such stupid shit.
Why do I have to explain this to you. You may be partially correct but what you say Joe is that you demand from the Baggers a commitment to tell their followers not bring racist signs to their events that they do all the time
These people are racist and even a dummy can see that. It's that easy and when they don't do that and the signs keep coming which they will then you really have some ammunition for calling the racist bastards out for what they are.
And the gusher is leaking. This is bad shit folks.
Headed to work and the real world right now and try to get something up soon from the weekend. Later-
By the way Palmer can make up new words -so can I and mine is imbecillian.
Why do I have to explain this to you. You may be partially correct but what you say Joe is that you demand from the Baggers a commitment to tell their followers not bring racist signs to their events that they do all the time
These people are racist and even a dummy can see that. It's that easy and when they don't do that and the signs keep coming which they will then you really have some ammunition for calling the racist bastards out for what they are.
And the gusher is leaking. This is bad shit folks.
Headed to work and the real world right now and try to get something up soon from the weekend. Later-
By the way Palmer can make up new words -so can I and mine is imbecillian.
Outta Here
Headed to the ranch as soon as I get done banging this out hopefully to meet up with Strudel Boy where we will attempt a couple videos. One is at a volcano in New Mexico the other at a massacre site in Colorado on the way there and it's not Sand Creek but would like to see that sometime soon as well.
It's 300 one way and I know some don't like driving but not me. It's like going to the movies and that means Nebraska as well. I have taken this drive probably a 150 times and I do not tire of it as it has to be one of the most impressive one can take in this country.
I will not be around the internets until I get back Sunday sometime. Have a fun and safe weekend everyone!!
It's 300 one way and I know some don't like driving but not me. It's like going to the movies and that means Nebraska as well. I have taken this drive probably a 150 times and I do not tire of it as it has to be one of the most impressive one can take in this country.
I will not be around the internets until I get back Sunday sometime. Have a fun and safe weekend everyone!!
Like 1700 of them last Saturday because Mike Finnigan from Crooks and Liars linked to OTC and this post.OH MY! Mike has been very generous in spreading OTC and other smaller blogs around so others are aware. You feel good when something like this happens because some one with clout sees something in your site that is deemed worthwhile. Thank you Mike Finnigan for that! I owe and if there is a way to pay back holler.
I can't imagine what it would be like if even a 1000 showed up a day. For awhile my hits went to something like 140 a day. Hits were coming from the "next blog" at the top of the page. Time spent went from 4min to below one. Now those extra hits have gone away and OTC is back to 60-80 a day and until the big number last Saturday the time was back up.
I'll take the little # of hits but with the length back up there any day. You people and most all you I consider friends thank you for coming to see what's here on a consistent basis. You don't know what might be here because I'm not sure either. It just depends and that's part of maybe why some of us do this. I do know that my link list is where I go to get the majority of my news and information. You guys are good I shit you not and thank you for that as well.
Give'em hell and don't take no shit!
I can't imagine what it would be like if even a 1000 showed up a day. For awhile my hits went to something like 140 a day. Hits were coming from the "next blog" at the top of the page. Time spent went from 4min to below one. Now those extra hits have gone away and OTC is back to 60-80 a day and until the big number last Saturday the time was back up.
I'll take the little # of hits but with the length back up there any day. You people and most all you I consider friends thank you for coming to see what's here on a consistent basis. You don't know what might be here because I'm not sure either. It just depends and that's part of maybe why some of us do this. I do know that my link list is where I go to get the majority of my news and information. You guys are good I shit you not and thank you for that as well.
Give'em hell and don't take no shit!
Nasty Weather
Yesterday evening. Two trees fell on homes here but it really raised hell to the west a couple miles. Pretty isolated and there aren't tornadoes here. Micro burst how about that. These are old trees and at my work place the last several years there have been so many trees lost from wind to insects the whole place has changed in areas. This is a pimple on an ass compared to the Gulf. Just hate to see this happen.
When I left for work this morning I was thinking about just this.
When I left for work this morning I was thinking about just this.
Another Wannabe Governor Steps Onto the Immigration Hay Wagon
In this case it is a former Iowa governor who wants another crack at being even a worse horses ass.
Somebody better get this under fucking control because if it isn't all of us are going to need to carry papers with us at all times. Hell I don't even carry a billfold and haven't for years.
Somebody better get this under fucking control because if it isn't all of us are going to need to carry papers with us at all times. Hell I don't even carry a billfold and haven't for years.
Teabagger Takes Sign Down
Well no shit. Then this sack of sack of shit lies like a pig in a mud hole. Said he had to sleep with the windows open. "I had to make sure they didn't bomb the house," said Bob Johnson. The bowling alley where this hate group was meeting has now refused to let them do so. Good for them.
Then this prick lies again. "It was absolutely not the aim to create controversy," Johnson said Wednesday. "Nobody's more surprised about the thing than I am. This billboard was misunderstood. I'm not going to say it was a mistake."
Expect more and more of this because this is where the repuglican are at. This is the party now. And where there is enough backlash they will take a step like here but the fact of the matter is that this is who they are and like here when they get called out they play the picked on card and the media blows them while they're crying.
Then this asshole ends with a partial threat. "But I'm going to tell you something: There's going to be a lot of billboards just like this across the United States."
Then this prick lies again. "It was absolutely not the aim to create controversy," Johnson said Wednesday. "Nobody's more surprised about the thing than I am. This billboard was misunderstood. I'm not going to say it was a mistake."
Expect more and more of this because this is where the repuglican are at. This is the party now. And where there is enough backlash they will take a step like here but the fact of the matter is that this is who they are and like here when they get called out they play the picked on card and the media blows them while they're crying.
Then this asshole ends with a partial threat. "But I'm going to tell you something: There's going to be a lot of billboards just like this across the United States."
A Short Fun Story
UPDATE 7/15 Marcy sent me pictures of her orchid and they appear to be slightly different. You can compare for yourself. What do you think.
This morning I open up the local fish wrapper and what do I see but a picture of an orchid just like mine below. That's interesting they must have been at Dinosaur where they are found.
Then I look and here it was submitted by Marcy who lives over the pass and ranches with her hubby Dave I suppose 60 miles away. The reason I know them is that they bought my pickup that I sold when I got my new ride. I totally enjoyed these two. Cool -off went an e-mail inquiring about this. Plus they have trout and they liked me enough that they're going to let me and my bud come over and fish. I've been looking forward to that.
Didn't hear back and after work the second stop I made was at the grocery store and who's there but these two. Nice! We're going to compare pictures to be sure. The ones they found are much closer to here than the ones I photographed at Dinosaur National Monument. I want to see the ones they found as well.
My point is this. I can't tell you how a big a kick I get outta shit like this and it happens every now and then.
In the big scheme of things it may not be much but it's something anyway. Stuff like this is what makes it go round.
What a treat to see you two today!

Marcy's orchid-
This morning I open up the local fish wrapper and what do I see but a picture of an orchid just like mine below. That's interesting they must have been at Dinosaur where they are found.
Then I look and here it was submitted by Marcy who lives over the pass and ranches with her hubby Dave I suppose 60 miles away. The reason I know them is that they bought my pickup that I sold when I got my new ride. I totally enjoyed these two. Cool -off went an e-mail inquiring about this. Plus they have trout and they liked me enough that they're going to let me and my bud come over and fish. I've been looking forward to that.
Didn't hear back and after work the second stop I made was at the grocery store and who's there but these two. Nice! We're going to compare pictures to be sure. The ones they found are much closer to here than the ones I photographed at Dinosaur National Monument. I want to see the ones they found as well.
My point is this. I can't tell you how a big a kick I get outta shit like this and it happens every now and then.
In the big scheme of things it may not be much but it's something anyway. Stuff like this is what makes it go round.
What a treat to see you two today!

Marcy's orchid-
I getta kick outta shit like this
Another Repuglican Plagerizing Liar
Scott McInnis a gubernatorial candidate plagiarized a piece he was paid big dollars to write. This liar had this to say.
You slugs pull the same shit all the time. Lie cheat and steal until you get caught and then say you're sorry and move on to the next lie like nothing happened.
Anyone with an ounce of brains knows you full of shit. You knew exactly what the hell was going on and the only reason you spoke up is because you got your lame dick ass caught you piece of shit.
Of course our side won't call you out like needed cuz that just wouldn't be nice and the dumb fuck monkeys here will still vote for your lying ass.
You bastard!
You slugs pull the same shit all the time. Lie cheat and steal until you get caught and then say you're sorry and move on to the next lie like nothing happened.
Anyone with an ounce of brains knows you full of shit. You knew exactly what the hell was going on and the only reason you spoke up is because you got your lame dick ass caught you piece of shit.
Of course our side won't call you out like needed cuz that just wouldn't be nice and the dumb fuck monkeys here will still vote for your lying ass.
You bastard!
We Will Teach Our Childruns What We Want
I am not an educator but there is plenty of teaching done except it's not in the classroom. A possible Senate candidate Gail Norton who you may have heard of wants to abolish the Dept of Education. Others can not stand government in or near the classroom.
Not listening to you first off would be a start. When the word socialism enters the dialog you know this comes straight out of the teabagger teapot. I know things aren't perfect out there but one thing for certain is that I want the state and feds making education decisions over dumb fuck parents who think the earth is 6000 years old and think that soon Bama is going to round them up and take them to Gitmo.
Not listening to you first off would be a start. When the word socialism enters the dialog you know this comes straight out of the teabagger teapot. I know things aren't perfect out there but one thing for certain is that I want the state and feds making education decisions over dumb fuck parents who think the earth is 6000 years old and think that soon Bama is going to round them up and take them to Gitmo.
Fish Wo Ho
This is not me. The Fly did not produce. It was a great day. We are going back next week later in the day after playing 9. By then they will more than ready to give themselves up willingly and frequently. We will be prepared.
Early Workday
Up early and to work early to get ready for an important tournament that raises a lot of money for Breast Cancer research.
Fell asleep in the chair last night as usual so I have nothing.
It appears the cap on the gusher may not have worked.
Get off of work early as well and am going to fish a mile of private water on the Yampa River with a bud.
I hope I'm wrong about the gusher.
Have a good one.
Fell asleep in the chair last night as usual so I have nothing.
It appears the cap on the gusher may not have worked.
Get off of work early as well and am going to fish a mile of private water on the Yampa River with a bud.
I hope I'm wrong about the gusher.
Have a good one.
He's Newty And You're Not
He be thinking about a run for the big house. Newty gonna let every one know next year about that. Big ass is very "serious".What a prick!
A couple turds from Newty's mouth.
"I think he will replace Jimmy Carter as the worst president of modern times,"
"He is a disaster," Gingrich said of Obama. "His principles are fundamentally wrong. The people he appoints are more radical than he is and less competent."
Bama is supposed to move to the center to get along. No shit really .
Newty said he wasn't worried that his comments would turn off moderate voters. At a time when the economy remains fragile, Americans want results and aren't worried about personality, he said.
Day in day out this is the message America receives in some form on any given issue. Yes there are some pieces from the other viewpoint but not anywhere close to the numbers that lean to the right. And then there's Fox News that has the ability to manipulate opinion of the nation quickly. It's like playing baseball except the other teams gets to start each inning with men on first and second and every batter has a 2-0 count to start.
Will a dim call out this slug for his bull shit or will you see a response from our side all over the place like you are going to see Newty's mug with this nonsense. No you'll not see much of either if any at all. Our side chooses not to fight very hard and the media favors the right.
This is not news but propaganda.
A couple turds from Newty's mouth.
"I think he will replace Jimmy Carter as the worst president of modern times,"
"He is a disaster," Gingrich said of Obama. "His principles are fundamentally wrong. The people he appoints are more radical than he is and less competent."
Bama is supposed to move to the center to get along. No shit really .
Newty said he wasn't worried that his comments would turn off moderate voters. At a time when the economy remains fragile, Americans want results and aren't worried about personality, he said.
Day in day out this is the message America receives in some form on any given issue. Yes there are some pieces from the other viewpoint but not anywhere close to the numbers that lean to the right. And then there's Fox News that has the ability to manipulate opinion of the nation quickly. It's like playing baseball except the other teams gets to start each inning with men on first and second and every batter has a 2-0 count to start.
Will a dim call out this slug for his bull shit or will you see a response from our side all over the place like you are going to see Newty's mug with this nonsense. No you'll not see much of either if any at all. Our side chooses not to fight very hard and the media favors the right.
This is not news but propaganda.
Major News On Our Third War Front
Now there are submarines to be worried about according to the DEA. Like this one that can/could transport tons and tons of cocaine directly to individuals personal boat slips around our country.
Without watchful eyes this craft could enter the Mississippi and deliver it's hideous cargo to the heartland and we would be unaware because of it's stealth capabilities ya see.
There is no way the craft in this picture given it's size is going to carry tons and tons of anything. This is written to reinforce to the stupids that we have a real threat on our hands concerning our third war front and we must carry on the battle of absurdity at all cost.
Stop the madness!
Without watchful eyes this craft could enter the Mississippi and deliver it's hideous cargo to the heartland and we would be unaware because of it's stealth capabilities ya see.
There is no way the craft in this picture given it's size is going to carry tons and tons of anything. This is written to reinforce to the stupids that we have a real threat on our hands concerning our third war front and we must carry on the battle of absurdity at all cost.
Stop the madness!
Dims Say They Could Lose
They have said that in more than one place as well. Maybe they're-
Is he trying to "light a fire" as the article says. Who gives a shit is what I say. What the hell is wrong with you Gibbs. Why are you talking like a man with a paper asshole?
Kick their monkey nutter ass with a dose of reality of where these people are really coming from. Use examples of how they lie on a daily basis and say so. Why do you feel the need to play nicey nicey?
Haven't heard tough talk from any of you that's worth a shit. You want to lose it seems.
Terrorists On The Move In Colorado
We have to understand that many don't think what was said below is having an impact. Rhetoric from our side is that people like this on the right are just too extreme so credibility just isn't there. Very bad judgment to think that. Don't believe it then check this out.
As possibly expected we're talking a Fox News she bitch and one of the best of contemporary bigots Herr Whore Tancredo himself. A couple quotes from the article and the rest of it is full of the same.
Moochers is the new word.
Malkin said the real threat to America was an America full of moochers. "It's not merely that we have the corruptocrat-in-chief sitting at 1600 Pennsylvania with his team of Chicago thugs, it's that we have too many people who see no shame in waiting for the state to deliver them everything from cradle to career to grave," Malkin said.
Bigot boy throws out the fear card.
"We are the last hope of Western civilization — this country," Tancredo said. "Europe has been Islamicized."
Malkin as well.
Malkin said the government has a duty to protect the states from invasion.
It works and they played this message to a packed house.
At the end of August Rover himself will be here along with others to do more of the same. This is going on all over and along with Fox believe it or not momentum is building.
As possibly expected we're talking a Fox News she bitch and one of the best of contemporary bigots Herr Whore Tancredo himself. A couple quotes from the article and the rest of it is full of the same.
Moochers is the new word.
Malkin said the real threat to America was an America full of moochers. "It's not merely that we have the corruptocrat-in-chief sitting at 1600 Pennsylvania with his team of Chicago thugs, it's that we have too many people who see no shame in waiting for the state to deliver them everything from cradle to career to grave," Malkin said.
Bigot boy throws out the fear card.
"We are the last hope of Western civilization — this country," Tancredo said. "Europe has been Islamicized."
Malkin as well.
Malkin said the government has a duty to protect the states from invasion.
It works and they played this message to a packed house.
At the end of August Rover himself will be here along with others to do more of the same. This is going on all over and along with Fox believe it or not momentum is building.
Is It Fair To Blame Junior For This Too?
I like dogs very much and almost always get along real good and have a lot of fun. I do not own one.
This dog I saw yesterday does not want to be friends so don't attempt to pet.
These are the dogs at issue.
These animals revert to their basic animal instincts and this is out of control when there are as many as this.
People have been attacked and yes something had to be done. There are enough guns around and I wonder why these numbers got so high but they did. Some would say that they should have been rounded up and disposed of humanely but I think in this case that is not practical.
I have blamed Bush and rightfully so for all the deaths in Iraq from the beginning of his lies to now and including any others who die in the future.
I sure as hell don't want to hear about thousands of pooches being shot either. Killer Bush gets a slight pass on this but still bears some responsibility as this situation should never have been allowed to reach these levels when some civility returned to Baghdad society.
This dog I saw yesterday does not want to be friends so don't attempt to pet.
These are the dogs at issue.
These animals revert to their basic animal instincts and this is out of control when there are as many as this.
People have been attacked and yes something had to be done. There are enough guns around and I wonder why these numbers got so high but they did. Some would say that they should have been rounded up and disposed of humanely but I think in this case that is not practical.
I have blamed Bush and rightfully so for all the deaths in Iraq from the beginning of his lies to now and including any others who die in the future.
I sure as hell don't want to hear about thousands of pooches being shot either. Killer Bush gets a slight pass on this but still bears some responsibility as this situation should never have been allowed to reach these levels when some civility returned to Baghdad society.
Read It And Be Pissed Off
UPDATE 10AM MST: FYI I see where six of our guys and 12 Afghan civilians have been killed today.
Bits of bull shit from this article.
Slow, deadly road to peace for U.S. troops in Kandahar.
The reason the insurgents are putting up a tough fight in Arghandab is because the district forms a gateway to Kandahar from the north and the militants do not want to give that up.
Instead of launching a massive offensive as in Helmand earlier this year, however, commanders are talking of bringing a slow wave of security to the area with alongside more effective government and backed up with economic development.
"It gets really frustrating trying to walk the line between a counter-insurgency fight and not harming the populace and trying to kill the enemy,"
If there is anything in this piece that is correct it is this.
"In 2007 I was getting blown up and shot at. I come back now and guess what, I'm getting blown up and shot at. Nothing changed,"
Now there is talk of changing the rules of engagement to make it easier for our troops to shoot. The rules will be changed and yes there will be plenty more shooting going on.
And nobody gives a shit here that we have been at this for 10 years and the deaths keep coming ours theirs and everyone else. Congress members beat each other off on both sides of the aisle and appropriate more funds time after time. History of the area and this country of course is not discussed and concern over civilians deaths is there but the same happens daily and nothing changes. We got basketball and hollywood to talk about after all.
They say maybe Monday a new cap "may" stop the gush. Well maybe and let's hope so but til then all we got is squat in the gulf and a country that loves it's perpetual wars because we fear so much so lock and load and let's go get them baddies even though we're not quite sure how to do it. We'll just shoot anyway wtf!
Bits of bull shit from this article.
Slow, deadly road to peace for U.S. troops in Kandahar.
The reason the insurgents are putting up a tough fight in Arghandab is because the district forms a gateway to Kandahar from the north and the militants do not want to give that up.
Instead of launching a massive offensive as in Helmand earlier this year, however, commanders are talking of bringing a slow wave of security to the area with alongside more effective government and backed up with economic development.
"It gets really frustrating trying to walk the line between a counter-insurgency fight and not harming the populace and trying to kill the enemy,"
If there is anything in this piece that is correct it is this.
"In 2007 I was getting blown up and shot at. I come back now and guess what, I'm getting blown up and shot at. Nothing changed,"
Now there is talk of changing the rules of engagement to make it easier for our troops to shoot. The rules will be changed and yes there will be plenty more shooting going on.
And nobody gives a shit here that we have been at this for 10 years and the deaths keep coming ours theirs and everyone else. Congress members beat each other off on both sides of the aisle and appropriate more funds time after time. History of the area and this country of course is not discussed and concern over civilians deaths is there but the same happens daily and nothing changes. We got basketball and hollywood to talk about after all.
They say maybe Monday a new cap "may" stop the gush. Well maybe and let's hope so but til then all we got is squat in the gulf and a country that loves it's perpetual wars because we fear so much so lock and load and let's go get them baddies even though we're not quite sure how to do it. We'll just shoot anyway wtf!
Damn Near A Must Watch At Least For A Little Bit
This piece by Max Blumenthal and several others is dramatic!
First it shows how Fox News can manipulate public opinion in this country at will and that is fact.
If you watch anything go towards the end where you see the panel discussion.In that Max frames the teabaggers in a way that I've never heard before and it's the best. He so very correct on this.
The reason I put this up is I believe it validates what OTC has been posting. We are losing and this is the proof. Yes we are and our side does not even realize it. We are in deep shit. It said when I played the video that it was 40 minutes in length but it stopped well before that just so you know.
Got this over at Scared Stiff. Thanks Tim!
Max Blumenthal goes inside the Tea Party from Ram Bam on Vimeo.
First it shows how Fox News can manipulate public opinion in this country at will and that is fact.
If you watch anything go towards the end where you see the panel discussion.In that Max frames the teabaggers in a way that I've never heard before and it's the best. He so very correct on this.
The reason I put this up is I believe it validates what OTC has been posting. We are losing and this is the proof. Yes we are and our side does not even realize it. We are in deep shit. It said when I played the video that it was 40 minutes in length but it stopped well before that just so you know.
Got this over at Scared Stiff. Thanks Tim!
Max Blumenthal goes inside the Tea Party from Ram Bam on Vimeo.
Mennonites Boo Hooing
UPDATE 4/12 A couple months ago I saw where the Mennonites won this case. Seems odd to me .
Say they're getting picked on because they are being ticketed for using steel cleats they put on their tractors that rip up the county's roads.
Bull shit it does.
Old Order Groffdale!! Sounds like a bunch of dark age hooey to me. What the hell is that supposed to mean and who gives a shit anyway.
The defense says the Amish put steel cleats on their horsey's horse shoes. Lets get this straight. Horses and tractors on black top roads are two separate things. Mennonites are not Amish.
You stupids you. My dollars paid for these roads and no you do not get to add devices to the wheels of your tractor that rip my dollars to pieces. It's just that simple.
Keep crying and maybe the beck whore will pick up your cause.
Say they're getting picked on because they are being ticketed for using steel cleats they put on their tractors that rip up the county's roads.
Bull shit it does.
Old Order Groffdale!! Sounds like a bunch of dark age hooey to me. What the hell is that supposed to mean and who gives a shit anyway.
The defense says the Amish put steel cleats on their horsey's horse shoes. Lets get this straight. Horses and tractors on black top roads are two separate things. Mennonites are not Amish.
You stupids you. My dollars paid for these roads and no you do not get to add devices to the wheels of your tractor that rip my dollars to pieces. It's just that simple.
Keep crying and maybe the beck whore will pick up your cause.
How's That Work'in Out For Ya In Iraq
Pretty damn swell for our guys and that's as it should be finally. For Iraqi's it's the shits. Death and mayhem plenty.
Care to read the rest of the terror people experience on a daily basis go here. Plenty to peruse.
It wasn't like this before the invasion perpetrated by a few all reasons based on pure lies.
The death and destruction carried out on a daily basis is our legacy.
I don't give a shit what any body says Iraq is a failure and the ones responsible should swing like Saddam did.
My offer of pulling the trip rope on these monsters who did this remains open!
Care to read the rest of the terror people experience on a daily basis go here. Plenty to peruse.
It wasn't like this before the invasion perpetrated by a few all reasons based on pure lies.
The death and destruction carried out on a daily basis is our legacy.
I don't give a shit what any body says Iraq is a failure and the ones responsible should swing like Saddam did.
My offer of pulling the trip rope on these monsters who did this remains open!
Our Country Needs A Clue On Solar
Well here's a good example right here.
We need a massive program in alternative energy sources,R&D and their implementation that will create long term decent paying jobs.
We sure as hell have a massive ongoing effort on weapons systems but that's a given because of our love affair with war and death because god told us that it is good.
Whether it's solar or other issues our government needs and should make intelligent decisions for the future of our country and the planet. We need this now not later.
If anyone thinks this congress or the ones after this one are going to achieve real historic legislation so badly needed you are living an illusion.
We will get nothing from these people.
What we will get is less but will get more war.
There is the possibility the gusher could change some priorities but I'll only believe that if it happens.
An experimental solar-powered plane completed its first 24-hour test flight successfully Thursday, proving that the aircraft can collect enough energy from the sun during the day to stay aloft all night. The project's overarching purpose is to test and promote new energy-efficient technologies.
We need a massive program in alternative energy sources,R&D and their implementation that will create long term decent paying jobs.
We sure as hell have a massive ongoing effort on weapons systems but that's a given because of our love affair with war and death because god told us that it is good.
Whether it's solar or other issues our government needs and should make intelligent decisions for the future of our country and the planet. We need this now not later.
If anyone thinks this congress or the ones after this one are going to achieve real historic legislation so badly needed you are living an illusion.
We will get nothing from these people.
What we will get is less but will get more war.
There is the possibility the gusher could change some priorities but I'll only believe that if it happens.
Morman Polygamists Deny Water To Disabled Man And Family
Include sewer in that as well and now they are getting sued for violation of this family's civil rights as they should be.
Why-because this man is no longer a member of a sect that practices polygamy.
Prosecutors say the denial is a violation of state fair housing laws and want a judge to order the utilities connected and impose fines. They also want the defendants barred from using religion as the basis for denying utility services in the future to other residents who aren't church members.
These people did everything asked of them to comply and still they were denied for two friggin years!.
This is what happens when you are born of other inbreds and religiously insane.
You think this is bad just wait until the religious insane gain control of this government more so than now and their idea of a good time will be coming after us. I shit you not.
A story like this probably gets Hatch and Romney all hot and bothered. Trouble for their 50 or 60 wives tonight.
Why-because this man is no longer a member of a sect that practices polygamy.
Prosecutors say the denial is a violation of state fair housing laws and want a judge to order the utilities connected and impose fines. They also want the defendants barred from using religion as the basis for denying utility services in the future to other residents who aren't church members.
These people did everything asked of them to comply and still they were denied for two friggin years!.
This is what happens when you are born of other inbreds and religiously insane.
You think this is bad just wait until the religious insane gain control of this government more so than now and their idea of a good time will be coming after us. I shit you not.
A story like this probably gets Hatch and Romney all hot and bothered. Trouble for their 50 or 60 wives tonight.
You try to fudge the system these days and chances are you will lose. The badges have and suits have all the weapons on their belts in their trunks and at the end of their radios and cell phones. If they want you or you have screwed up they will eventually get you. Used many other places ALPR has come to the Rocky Mountains.
It scans your license plate and throws it into a data base that will come back with all sorts of shit they can fuck with you for. That's life these days and that's just the way it is with this technology. I do what ever I can to stay away from the badges and not draw attention to myself. I get real nervous when approached by someone with a gun and his hand on it.
Much less leg work now and the donut factor is gonna wreak havoc on the waistline.
It scans your license plate and throws it into a data base that will come back with all sorts of shit they can fuck with you for. That's life these days and that's just the way it is with this technology. I do what ever I can to stay away from the badges and not draw attention to myself. I get real nervous when approached by someone with a gun and his hand on it.
Much less leg work now and the donut factor is gonna wreak havoc on the waistline.
The Crying Whining And Bitching Begins
Appears Herr Whore Cornyn may be the leader of the pack.
We ain't seen nothing yet. Could Texas start enforcing some of it's own laws that are on the books regarding illegals and hiring before it places blame where it doesn't belong.
It will all be Bama's fault before it's all over rest assured.
27000 Of What Kind Of Wells
Abandoned underwater wells you know. Oh you didn't know. Nor I but we do now.
I suppose if a number of these were leaking we would know about it. If there are rules and regulation in place to see that leaks are prevented then given the environment these wells are in the oil need to be held accountable and it's just that simple.
We don't make massive profits on selling oil they do. Not enough people to inspect and regulate then hire some more what's so hard about that? Given recent circumstances can someone take charge and hold these terrorist accountable.
I suppose if a number of these were leaking we would know about it. If there are rules and regulation in place to see that leaks are prevented then given the environment these wells are in the oil need to be held accountable and it's just that simple.
We don't make massive profits on selling oil they do. Not enough people to inspect and regulate then hire some more what's so hard about that? Given recent circumstances can someone take charge and hold these terrorist accountable.
They Censored This
A comment made on this article in the Denver Whore Post about hanging a picture of Obama at the capitol where other presidents pictures hang as well. The comments left for the most part are mean and vicious. Here are a couple of examples-
I think Obama's portrait should be in Denver, Colorado Springs, and wherever there is a US post office on the FBI's most wanted criminals list.
How about a nice landscape with Pres. Obama walking along the tarballs in the Gulf. Now that would be fitting.
Or since the lefties are so into recycling, how about we just put his name under Pres. Jimmy Carter's portrait since Obama has proven to be the worse President in history?
hang his picture?-he can't prove that he exists-he has no birth certificat-he is not white-his middle name is Hussein-he went to Harvard-he is muslim-he is socialist-he only cares about black folks-he is anti American-he is anti Israel-his preacher is a radical-he was a community organizer on and on and on. The tea people will not be happy.
The comments go on and on pretty much in that vain.
This is the e-mail I received about my deleted comment which is in quotes.
The following is a warning which has been issued to you by an administrator or moderator of this site.
I think Obama's portrait should be in Denver, Colorado Springs, and wherever there is a US post office on the FBI's most wanted criminals list.
How about a nice landscape with Pres. Obama walking along the tarballs in the Gulf. Now that would be fitting.
Or since the lefties are so into recycling, how about we just put his name under Pres. Jimmy Carter's portrait since Obama has proven to be the worse President in history?
hang his picture?-he can't prove that he exists-he has no birth certificat-he is not white-his middle name is Hussein-he went to Harvard-he is muslim-he is socialist-he only cares about black folks-he is anti American-he is anti Israel-his preacher is a radical-he was a community organizer on and on and on. The tea people will not be happy.
The comments go on and on pretty much in that vain.
This is the e-mail I received about my deleted comment which is in quotes.
The following is a warning which has been issued to you by an administrator or moderator of this site.
So it's not alright to point out what the real reason is for the comments made by these people but is perfectly okay to post obvious hate and lies about this man. So I'm headed back over to the Whore Post to put this link up in a comment and end with a final -Comment deleted, trying to bait others into arguments, also, please refrain from posting the exact same thing: "b b b b b but he's black"
Air Cars Work
Long ago put a post up about these machines powered by air that perform even in their infancy quite well.
Given the circumstances why aren't members of congress screaming that we need to go in a different direction in respect to transportation.
I don't give a shit we need things like this right fucking now but of course we will not here those screams or anything else from the likes of congress.
I know the answer why and you have heard it enough here to not here it again.
Here is a short video on a different type of air motor that show much promise.
Another that touches on different aspects of the same.
Things could be so much better but when you have the mentality that pervades the minds of our society and media and guvment in these times well we'll take war for lies any old fucking day-you betcha!
Given the circumstances why aren't members of congress screaming that we need to go in a different direction in respect to transportation.
I don't give a shit we need things like this right fucking now but of course we will not here those screams or anything else from the likes of congress.
I know the answer why and you have heard it enough here to not here it again.
Here is a short video on a different type of air motor that show much promise.
Another that touches on different aspects of the same.
Things could be so much better but when you have the mentality that pervades the minds of our society and media and guvment in these times well we'll take war for lies any old fucking day-you betcha!
Meet Mommy
Had never seen this before. Sitting outside and this weird looking spider came buy. There was going to be a picture for sure and when I flicked him so he wouldn't get in the grass several dozen little bitty ones fell or dropped off. This is borderline gross and I don't think we could ever be friends so most did not survive.
Would You Believe
It's the fifth of July and there was a frost this morning. Not a heavy one but frost none the less. It's 8AM and the temp is a whopping 42*.
When I was changing the header picture the cursor jumped and somehow embedded the icon to an online dictionary. It won't go away and can't be seen on Mozzilla, I had saved a template some time ago and later will try to get rid of this thing. I will have to be so careful as I would be very unhappy if I lost what is in this site.
When I was changing the header picture the cursor jumped and somehow embedded the icon to an online dictionary. It won't go away and can't be seen on Mozzilla, I had saved a template some time ago and later will try to get rid of this thing. I will have to be so careful as I would be very unhappy if I lost what is in this site.
Wuzzlebucker Shows Up In The Cornfield
The skin headed sonofabitch had this to say-
Then a crazy black ass talk show prick from Georgia was the main draw for simpleton tea nutter attendees. I suppose since he is a man of color that gives him acceptability into the world of bigoted whites when he hates another black man and guvment too. From his pecan hole-
Herman Cain got loud approval from the crowd with jabs at President Barack Obama, including when he said the president is "trying to weaken this nation" in order to eventually make the United States a communist country.
So the whore Des Moines Register uses in the title that these baggers are "jabbing" the GOP because in it is a line that little Bush spent too much money. Of course these piece of shit slugs weren't around then were they.
Dumb ass people love to listen to other dumb asses talk to them particularly when they're saying the dumb ass shit they love to hear.
Then a crazy black ass talk show prick from Georgia was the main draw for simpleton tea nutter attendees. I suppose since he is a man of color that gives him acceptability into the world of bigoted whites when he hates another black man and guvment too. From his pecan hole-
Herman Cain got loud approval from the crowd with jabs at President Barack Obama, including when he said the president is "trying to weaken this nation" in order to eventually make the United States a communist country.
So the whore Des Moines Register uses in the title that these baggers are "jabbing" the GOP because in it is a line that little Bush spent too much money. Of course these piece of shit slugs weren't around then were they.
Dumb ass people love to listen to other dumb asses talk to them particularly when they're saying the dumb ass shit they love to hear.

Sis Boom Bah
Here he is lighting the punks.
Chester goes on to say-
"Protecting those we are here to help nonetheless does require killing, capturing or turning the insurgents. We will not shrink from that."
Hell no there will be no shrinking not even a little bit. The fireworks will commence shortly.
Chester goes on to say-
"Protecting those we are here to help nonetheless does require killing, capturing or turning the insurgents. We will not shrink from that."
Hell no there will be no shrinking not even a little bit. The fireworks will commence shortly.
Success Kind Of
Let's just say if multitudes needed to be fed today almost all would have gone hungry. You're looking at the catch of the day and I'm glad I got this one. Wind was howling and I missed the three others that gave me a chance. One chased it so good and tripped the trigger too early. Water is still high but next week it will be real good down there.
Had new waders on that I thought would work so well. Wrong - I fell three times because they have no traction on the rocks and something will have to be done.
A few other pictures from today and a short video of how not to run rapids.
So sorry you have to go to bed hungry kiddies-really.
There wasn't much action and it took a long time before I even saw a fish. When I got home fished out back and nice water but again not a fish was stirring for the one fly that I use. Whether is was here or there I had a blast today and feel so fortunate I am able to go and do what I did today.
Had new waders on that I thought would work so well. Wrong - I fell three times because they have no traction on the rocks and something will have to be done.
A few other pictures from today and a short video of how not to run rapids.
So sorry you have to go to bed hungry kiddies-really.
There wasn't much action and it took a long time before I even saw a fish. When I got home fished out back and nice water but again not a fish was stirring for the one fly that I use. Whether is was here or there I had a blast today and feel so fortunate I am able to go and do what I did today.
Rested I Think
The days of summer are a catch 22 for me because when the weather does turn to the best it can be at least for me you hustle your ass off all day long and don't go to bed until it's dark and then get up well before 5 after awhile it catches up with you.
It's been like that always for me and I can't operate on less than seven a night. I was pooped yesterday and came home took a nap ate supper and went to bed and stayed there till damn near 6:30.
Now it's 9am and headed to the river. There will be some fish caught today I tell you.
Have fun today with whatever you may be doing.
It's been like that always for me and I can't operate on less than seven a night. I was pooped yesterday and came home took a nap ate supper and went to bed and stayed there till damn near 6:30.
Now it's 9am and headed to the river. There will be some fish caught today I tell you.
Have fun today with whatever you may be doing.
A Bit Of Good News
As small as this is and no matter where it's at that it may not be much but it's something anyway. This is from a right wing haven and I can tell you for a fact it's a different breed of cat out around Grand Junction Coloraddy.
Balanced Education for Everyone, the national campaign linked to an unsuccessful effort to remove the teaching of man made global warming from Mesa County schools, has disbanded.
I do not know where this effort stands other places in the nation but one thing is for certain is that the kids and the people out there were mind fucked enough without having this thrown into the mix as well.
Balanced Education for Everyone, the national campaign linked to an unsuccessful effort to remove the teaching of man made global warming from Mesa County schools, has disbanded.
I do not know where this effort stands other places in the nation but one thing is for certain is that the kids and the people out there were mind fucked enough without having this thrown into the mix as well.
There's Gonna Be A Study In The Gulf
You betcha there is and I can not help but to be a real sarcastic smart ass here.
One doesn't need no study and the answer is simple. Oil and life cycles of plants and animals do not mix so the answer is-
It's gonna fuck'em up very bad if not kill everything.
One doesn't need no study and the answer is simple. Oil and life cycles of plants and animals do not mix so the answer is-
It's gonna fuck'em up very bad if not kill everything.
21 More And Not In Ciudad Juarez
Just outside of Nogales another gun battle.
What's all important here is this-
More than 23,000 people have been killed by drug violence since late 2006, when President Felipe Calderon began deploying thousands of troops and federal police to drug hot spots.
Of course what does our country do but the exact same thing. No one in congress says a damn thing as after all it's mostly the brown people killing each other and above all else our country loves da killing aspect of doing business outside our borders.
What's all important here is this-
More than 23,000 people have been killed by drug violence since late 2006, when President Felipe Calderon began deploying thousands of troops and federal police to drug hot spots.
Of course what does our country do but the exact same thing. No one in congress says a damn thing as after all it's mostly the brown people killing each other and above all else our country loves da killing aspect of doing business outside our borders.
All On Board With Petraeus
These assholes in the senate sure as hell can vote in lock step when it comes to who they're going to blame when da mission fails in Afghannystan that is for damn sure.
99 to zip. One hell of a score.
Could just one have voted no and said it wasn't the man he was against but the almost decade old war our country can not sustain anymore which has been the reality for some time.
Hell no-you're not going to see one of these fuckers say no to war. They love it way too much and prefer to make war against us by taking things away that we need and have helped fund ourselves.
Nothing is going to change people. War funding will increase. Death will increase and our country will continue to deteriorate even though the drum bangers will scream we are the biggest and the bestest.
Waving the flag on the 4th won't do shit to help and doesn't mean a fucking thing about patriotism.
99 to zip. One hell of a score.
Could just one have voted no and said it wasn't the man he was against but the almost decade old war our country can not sustain anymore which has been the reality for some time.
Hell no-you're not going to see one of these fuckers say no to war. They love it way too much and prefer to make war against us by taking things away that we need and have helped fund ourselves.
Nothing is going to change people. War funding will increase. Death will increase and our country will continue to deteriorate even though the drum bangers will scream we are the biggest and the bestest.
Waving the flag on the 4th won't do shit to help and doesn't mean a fucking thing about patriotism.
Alex Is The Bad Guy My Ass
I actually sat down at the table and had me a piece of cow and a bit of sweet corn and watched a bit of news?
An example how media re-frames issues. This is going to be short.
From Brian Williams at the very beginning "The last thing this clean up operation needs is any kind of disruption. It's happening none the less." and this goes on in the same vane with another reporter explaining how hurricane Alex is messing things up.
This is what happens this time of year down there. It's been that way for a long time. I don't live there but I know that and understand that this is just one of the many reasons wells like this should not be allowed.
Don't imply that if the weather was peachy life would be so much better. Alex is not the problem assholes.
Stick your news up your ass!
I also saw a fairly long segment on the "Russian spy's". After watching you have one word on your mind and that is guilty. How many times have we seen similar and it's turned out to be a farce.
They may very well be but I tink I smell somting here.
An example how media re-frames issues. This is going to be short.
From Brian Williams at the very beginning "The last thing this clean up operation needs is any kind of disruption. It's happening none the less." and this goes on in the same vane with another reporter explaining how hurricane Alex is messing things up.
This is what happens this time of year down there. It's been that way for a long time. I don't live there but I know that and understand that this is just one of the many reasons wells like this should not be allowed.
Don't imply that if the weather was peachy life would be so much better. Alex is not the problem assholes.
Stick your news up your ass!
I also saw a fairly long segment on the "Russian spy's". After watching you have one word on your mind and that is guilty. How many times have we seen similar and it's turned out to be a farce.
They may very well be but I tink I smell somting here.
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