I drove past this between Salida and Cotopaxi on State Highway 50 in Colorado. I had to turn around and tell whoever that I stood with them totally assuming I was correct. I was and got the biggest hug of appreciation for doing so.

From my understanding, there are close to 3000 children being held around this country after being seized from their parents at the border.

Many will never see their Mom and Dad again because Republicans are totally evil.

You bastards!


bama Says This About Libya

With a little help from you guess who!

A State spokesman said that no decision has yet been made on whether to send U.S. experts to Libya to help prevent the Gadhafi regime's massive arsenal of anti-aircraft missiles from slipping into the hands of terror groups.

U.S. intelligence also has been "keeping a close eye" on Gadhafi's chemical arsenal

Then there's this-
Sens. Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, asked the Transitional National Council to arrest Abdel Baset al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie airplane bomber.

Obama was quick to note that it all happened "without putting a single U.S. troop on the ground" — a policy aides said Obama would maintain. It's come at a cost, though: The Pentagon says that as of July 31, the U.S. had spent about $896 million, including the daily military operations, munitions and humanitarian assistance.

That's all real peachy. Who'll be next in line??


  1. I got a kick out of that line, too. Who does he think he's fooling?

    And not a single troop depends on how you define "troop."

    Who's next? Syria, is my guess. We're probably already there, in some clandestine way, i.e. special ops.

  2. The only believers Teresa are those who feel the need to believe and then there's us few other types.

    They will shoot somewhere else soon that is for sure.

  3. Love the photo in your header btw. Bedrock Depot. Flintstones?

  4. It's a store in Dinosaur. Just another wayside stop along Hway 40 to get crappy food unfortunately.

  5. Great header amigo. That car came a long way to get here.

    I can't help wondering whether, when the TV watching population comes to the place in history where they can predict the evening news before it happens because they've donealready seen it and know it, the news media will start making up news for the novelty.

    Hmm... guess they're already doing that, come to think of it.

    Have a great one amigo. J

  6. Hi Jules, yes they are already doing that. It's easy to predict what's going to be on with Loco news. haven't had tb for a long time and every time I see it I pretty much walk away.

    When I did the whore national tb news the networks would follow at least the same first 2-3 stories in the same order.

    All of us are smarter and more aware than most of those slugs.

  7. It's kinda frightening the ease with which we now replace little tin pot dictators we don't like. It started with Pineapple Face in Panama and the some guy no one remembers in Grenada. There was Slobbo in Serbia and after a false start, Saddam and Mullah Omar in Shitholeistan. Now we chalk up Malomar and act as if it was just another Brooks Bros. riot in Miami. It is getting too damn easy to go in and take them out because we don't like something about them. Like them or not, they were heads of state in sovereign countries. In the name of those great values we hold dear, we violate those values we hold dear.

  8. That was sooo good Mont.

    The way it is.

    The way it's gonna be!

    You bastards!

    Grenada? I member but not the guy for damn sure.
