The reason horses have not been butchered here since 2007 is because congress eliminated any funding for inspection. That has changed.
Now they didn't allocate any money for inspections but -
"The USDA issued a statement Tuesday saying there are no slaughterhouses in the U.S. that butcher horses for human consumption now, but if one were to open, it would conduct inspections to make sure federal laws were being followed.
WTF anyway! This gets to be old shit. There's much worry in the horsey world. "if you acquire a horse, you should be a responsible owner and provide lifetime care."
You go ahead and do that and it's real special that you are able to care for your animals so well. But you're no different than these religious assholes wanting to dictate to me what is going to be right or wrong. It's the same. Don't tell me I can't eat horse if I want. Pure bull shit. Never have but don't make it a crime if I do want to taste it. Sheez!
There's two here. They're real nice. I feed them at times and pet them. They are not mine and I do not want to own any. Could I eat these?? Cody is a bit younger than Slipknot and it looks like he's capable of putting a pretty decent steak on the table. Do I want to butcher one. No but I could if needed. Fyi cat tastes real real good too and that does not make me a bad person. Will I chop this really nice grey one that showed up here and been feeding? No but if hunger would enter the picture it would be her before Cody.
It's human nature and I understand that but our society cares more about their animals than human beings that are so negatively affected by this country's actions around the globe. We are not allowed to see the death and destruction the real essence of butchering animals or the aftermath of blown apart butchered humans in our name.
If we did this country's position on war and positions taken on human life and animal life would change for the better.
I drove past this between Salida and Cotopaxi on State Highway 50 in Colorado. I had to turn around and tell whoever that I stood with them totally assuming I was correct. I was and got the biggest hug of appreciation for doing so.
From my understanding, there are close to 3000 children being held around this country after being seized from their parents at the border.
Many will never see their Mom and Dad again because Republicans are totally evil.
You bastards!
Klanbagger Duke Arrested In Germany
And for what? What could it be? He loves America and he prayers. He's loved by many. He doesn't wear his sheet anymore at least in public. You say what!!!
No shit Cisco. Fine by me. These Germans have some good taste that is for damn sure.
No shit Cisco. Fine by me. These Germans have some good taste that is for damn sure.
Those Damn Talibans Cheated
Remember the whining about how those insurgents in Iraq who didn't play correctly because they did not engage our Empire with huge numbers preferably in the open so they could be mowed down by our vast arsenal of superior fire power? The latest debacle of death at our hands of the 24 pakistani's happened - well because we were "lured".
In addition it was a "poorly marked border area" and it seems our military is unable to tell where the fuck it's at ya see.
In addition it was a "poorly marked border area" and it seems our military is unable to tell where the fuck it's at ya see.
Pure Prime And Fresh BS On This Monday
The US is going to do some "probing". Yup that is for damn sure.
How many "investigations" over the years has there been when it comes to this country and it's penchant for killing. Hundreds perhaps thousands. And what has become of these over all these years of killing others who want what we have here?
Nothing because it was and still is just lip service and all bull shit.
Meanwhile we continue to look for others to do the same to - and don't forget how sorry we are. Sorry gotta go - there might be something out there that needs to be killed.
How many "investigations" over the years has there been when it comes to this country and it's penchant for killing. Hundreds perhaps thousands. And what has become of these over all these years of killing others who want what we have here?
Nothing because it was and still is just lip service and all bull shit.
Meanwhile we continue to look for others to do the same to - and don't forget how sorry we are. Sorry gotta go - there might be something out there that needs to be killed.
Back Being A Chevy Man Again
I say that a lot and that meant a lot when muscle cars were important. This is a Chevy and it was not purchased because of that but for it's size and condition. You never know for sure what you really have until you get it home and really start looking it over and so far there have been no real surprises and that's real good.
The rear transmission seal leaks but that is easily repaired and I'm having the tranny serviced and it can be done then. This is a 1990 and in 2000 with no add- ons these cost 52K. It's a popup and Westphalia like but better.
Everything so far works and functions well. Have not had the cowling off to look over the motor. 117K and these are noted for getting to 300 consistently. It rides and drives very nice and the previous owner made quite a few nice little tweeks inside and maintained it better than just good. 17mpg like he said and I believe it's not going much higher if at all.
The water system has not been tried. If it's warm again tomorrow that's next. The furnace works great and it has a hot water heater as well. All kinds of problems can crop up with these things but I have a feeling this will all work too. It has both grey and black water holding tank and the bathroom and all of it for that matter is clean and actually usable. I'm into small anyway but it will not get used much if at all. We'll see.
So I'm a Chevy Man again and looking forward to getting away later this month to the southern California desert. I wanted to be able to stand up and be warm and comfortable at the same time. Gas mileage is a bit of an issue but when used the plan is to stay for a while at places visited.
I am very fortunate to be able to do things like this. Very much so!
The rear transmission seal leaks but that is easily repaired and I'm having the tranny serviced and it can be done then. This is a 1990 and in 2000 with no add- ons these cost 52K. It's a popup and Westphalia like but better.
Everything so far works and functions well. Have not had the cowling off to look over the motor. 117K and these are noted for getting to 300 consistently. It rides and drives very nice and the previous owner made quite a few nice little tweeks inside and maintained it better than just good. 17mpg like he said and I believe it's not going much higher if at all.
The water system has not been tried. If it's warm again tomorrow that's next. The furnace works great and it has a hot water heater as well. All kinds of problems can crop up with these things but I have a feeling this will all work too. It has both grey and black water holding tank and the bathroom and all of it for that matter is clean and actually usable. I'm into small anyway but it will not get used much if at all. We'll see.
So I'm a Chevy Man again and looking forward to getting away later this month to the southern California desert. I wanted to be able to stand up and be warm and comfortable at the same time. Gas mileage is a bit of an issue but when used the plan is to stay for a while at places visited.
I am very fortunate to be able to do things like this. Very much so!
Chimp&Mice Space Program Was Only A Scam
This story comes from down the road where this man was part of it.
Hance was a laboratory technician and biologist for the program charged with measuring the respiration and analyzing the air supply for the animals as well as studying how much impact mice could sustain from a fall.
You guys probably know all this but it didn't ring any bells for me.
What kills me about things such as this is that it was close to half a century ago. After the chimp was granted unlimited clandestine powers that continues - use your imagination on the possibilities of what we may have been up to since then and you'll probably not be far off.
Hance was a laboratory technician and biologist for the program charged with measuring the respiration and analyzing the air supply for the animals as well as studying how much impact mice could sustain from a fall.
You guys probably know all this but it didn't ring any bells for me.
What kills me about things such as this is that it was close to half a century ago. After the chimp was granted unlimited clandestine powers that continues - use your imagination on the possibilities of what we may have been up to since then and you'll probably not be far off.
Benny The Rat Tries To Shift Blame
Been away and heavily screwing off and looked at the nonsense for the first time in several days and see this bullshit. It may work some places and certainly it will make catholics feel oh so much better about their dysfunctional beliefs concerning the past and ongoing history of pedophile priests.
Listen close Benny! You clean your own house first before saying others need to do it as well. You and yours are by far and for the longest time the guiltiest pass all. You should be on trial because it still goes on. There is no mercy/no discussion/no niceties no nothing when it comes to this topic.
Listen close Benny! You clean your own house first before saying others need to do it as well. You and yours are by far and for the longest time the guiltiest pass all. You should be on trial because it still goes on. There is no mercy/no discussion/no niceties no nothing when it comes to this topic.
Happy Thanksgiving Friends
Enjoy the day everyone with your friends and family. The weather in Denver is perfect and am looking forward to getting fed along with some good conversation.
As always thank you for taking the time to come by here!
Have a good one. TB
As always thank you for taking the time to come by here!
Have a good one. TB
390 Million Smacks From The Coffers Of Deranged believers To The Halls Of Congress
And that's for one year.
Discussions cannot and are not allowed in numbers enough to explain how fundamentally flawed not to mention so very wrong this marriage to government is. And it's the believers in the cornfields all over that want less guvmint. But that guvmint they want must take orders from something that never existed.
That mentality is dysfunctional plain and simple. Get ready for a real ride as the 1% gears up for election day.
Discussions cannot and are not allowed in numbers enough to explain how fundamentally flawed not to mention so very wrong this marriage to government is. And it's the believers in the cornfields all over that want less guvmint. But that guvmint they want must take orders from something that never existed.
That mentality is dysfunctional plain and simple. Get ready for a real ride as the 1% gears up for election day.
What About Yours? Here It's 22%
That's the amount those with out health care has risen in a two year period. 12% a year is dramatic in itself. Next door in a five county area that number is 34%. I bet this county is close and it will be the emergency room for me if attention is needed.
I'm tired of continual shitty numbers from all aspects we get defining the obvious decline of our country and our society.
Merca is tired as well but in the wrong way shaped by the 1%'s media.
I'm tired of continual shitty numbers from all aspects we get defining the obvious decline of our country and our society.
Merca is tired as well but in the wrong way shaped by the 1%'s media.
Benny Turns To Darkies
The Rat is in Africa telling them to be less violent among other things. Rape was not mentioned even with the christian Congo that uses rape as a weapon of war. I respect this man below a great deal!
"The Poop can send a message, calling the faithful and members of the catholic community to be more true to their christian faith. What is the purpose of loving god and hating your neighbor?" said Olupona.
Nuff said but there is another matter that I very much take exception to and needs to be addressed. From the same piece.
Benny is returning this week to Africa, the roman catholic church's fastest-growing region whose pool of aspiring priests is helping to replenish orders in Europe, where congregations are dwindling. In the past decade, Benin's catholic population has grown by half, more than half-a-million converts while congregations in Europe including in Germany and Poland, the countries that produced both the current poop and his successor, are declining.
People have seen through the smokes and mirrors and the threat of eternal damnation and numbers are way down as they should be. So what do you do? Rig the game that's what.
If you were in West Africa and white I believe it fair to say you would be held in awe by many. Baring your teeth with a scowl on your face will send pesky little kids running away pissing their pants in fear. Many and of course not all are easily influenced and when combined with the fear factor no wonder Benny is so proud of his numbers here.
I think it's a crime to do such a thing no matter what sort of religious bullshit it may be. It's just plain wrong!
"The Poop can send a message, calling the faithful and members of the catholic community to be more true to their christian faith. What is the purpose of loving god and hating your neighbor?" said Olupona.
Nuff said but there is another matter that I very much take exception to and needs to be addressed. From the same piece.
Benny is returning this week to Africa, the roman catholic church's fastest-growing region whose pool of aspiring priests is helping to replenish orders in Europe, where congregations are dwindling. In the past decade, Benin's catholic population has grown by half, more than half-a-million converts while congregations in Europe including in Germany and Poland, the countries that produced both the current poop and his successor, are declining.
People have seen through the smokes and mirrors and the threat of eternal damnation and numbers are way down as they should be. So what do you do? Rig the game that's what.
If you were in West Africa and white I believe it fair to say you would be held in awe by many. Baring your teeth with a scowl on your face will send pesky little kids running away pissing their pants in fear. Many and of course not all are easily influenced and when combined with the fear factor no wonder Benny is so proud of his numbers here.
I think it's a crime to do such a thing no matter what sort of religious bullshit it may be. It's just plain wrong!
It Used To Be Acapulco Gold
Yup those used to be the good old days but not any more. Not when you have close to 900 people killed so far this year. What a fun place this must of been. This war front and all the other fronts we battle on now plus the ones coming soon do only one thing beside kill and destroy things that not that long ago were good like Acapulco/Nogales and Ciudad Juarez plus every border town for that matter has changed for the negative. Our ongoing wars do one thing very well and that is they enrich the 1% even more and it is just that simple..
This country alone is responsible for every bit of this and is particularly guilty because they have not stopped
it years ago and to this very day there is no dialog to that effect but only of escalation.
This country alone is responsible for every bit of this and is particularly guilty because they have not stopped
it years ago and to this very day there is no dialog to that effect but only of escalation.
17 For October
Whether they are all confirmed or not this country will continue to feed the Empire young men who after serving the 1% feel there is no recourse but to take their own lives. This is sick and has continued for years and the 1% wants more to protect all they have and are unwilling to share.
"Supercommittee On Brink Of Failure" Really!
That is part of the header I just saw and will not read nor link to. There is no doubt as the deadline looms it will become another example of just how far backwards we have gone. It's a given this was going to be the result from the inception. Like bama reaching across again wanting to get along for the last three years only to have repug steel toed boot slammed up his ass. All this is only a diversion so the real issues are never discussed in the way they need to be. You can basically write the script for our government.
Now the second part and the script. Just say they got the first part accomplished. If for a second one thinks this group who are in the 1% group too could make the decisions we know need to be made you'd be living a delusion.
Our government has been and is now and will be in the future as well incapable of making quality legislation. We are in huge trouble.
Now the second part and the script. Just say they got the first part accomplished. If for a second one thinks this group who are in the 1% group too could make the decisions we know need to be made you'd be living a delusion.
Our government has been and is now and will be in the future as well incapable of making quality legislation. We are in huge trouble.
A Friday Simple Pleasure
For several months now almost every Friday I look forward soooo much to read the ongoing happenings written by two pooches with the names of Fuzzy & Boomer who live and work hard on a farm in Delta,Colorado. Today's post written by Fuzzy and given to Mom to post was so much better than just good.
This is more than just a fun read as there are other interesting things to learn here as well. Even being a former farm boy I learn new things here. As a side note want to say this operation uses decades old mostly Deere equipment along with at least one same age Chevy straight truck. This is great stuff people!
And one more important item is that this equipment is paid for - right Linda?
Thank you!
I copied&pasted this and don't know how it will look. The link above will get you there though.
The Adventures of Fuzzy and Boomer on Friday —Farming
As for Mom and Boom and I well we are in charge of ditches.

Sometime in the afternoon we all head off to one of the ditches…Boomer has decided that he likes to run, sometimes ahead of the four-wheeler and sometimes beside and even sometimes following. He rides when he gets tired, but only then, he doesn’t really like to ride.
Following isn’t very good; I don’t think….it’s the spot where you eat dust all the time.
I used to run alongside….sometimes I feel really good and run a short distance alongside Mom and bark, but mostly I don’t. I really like to go, though, so Mom always takes me. Since I can’t jump anymore Mom picks me up and puts me on the back of the four-wheeler. She has a really neat carpet there that I can lay on or stand on however I feel like doing.
Sometimes I don’t even want to get off, but when we are at the ditches she makes me get off and at least sit by the four-wheeler. She says there might be a mouse or two to chase.
Yesterday was a big day…Dad had a bolt break on the tail gate of the big truck…he lost lots of corn,

but the good thing was he was still in the field when the tail gate broke.

We all went over to help him.

After he got it fixed and he left for the elevator, we picked up most of the corn and put into buckets to dump back into the truck. We had to leave some because the elevator doesn’t like rocks in the corn.
Mom said the wild creatures will enjoy the corn anyway.
After that we went to the corn field Dad was getting ready to start on and Mom started picking up and a stacking the irrigation tubes.

I stayed by the four-wheeler

and Boomer ran around sniffing stuff.

Once Boomer found a really cool poop to roll in but Mom yelled at him…I ran over as fast has my stiff back legs would take me, but Mom beat me too it and buried it.
Darn it!
Both Boom and I agreed it was a really cool poop, even had hair in it…smelled of coyotes. If we could have rolled in it and peeped on it the coyotes would have known some really tuff dogs live and work on this farm.
Mom was busy picking up the tubes and stacking them when suddenly three field mice ran out of the tubes. She didn’t really like it because she was carrying the tubes at the time.
I was on them in a flash! I forgot all about my stiff legs and hard to move hips…
Boomer was way down a corn row but I barked at him and he came running.
I got the first one of the three, and then we kept following Mom and waiting for her to drop another one out of the tube. She got smart and started shaking the tubes before she put them into her arms.
What a blast!
We caught several mice.
Then Mom started picking up the dams…..NESTS! NESTS OF MICE!!
Oh joy, joy, joy!
Tomorrow we are going way up to the upper end and doing the little hay field, then after that is the bean field. Boomer and I can look forward to at least two more days of catching mice, err helping on the farm.

Have a nice weekend everyone, I sure plan too!
This is more than just a fun read as there are other interesting things to learn here as well. Even being a former farm boy I learn new things here. As a side note want to say this operation uses decades old mostly Deere equipment along with at least one same age Chevy straight truck. This is great stuff people!
And one more important item is that this equipment is paid for - right Linda?
Thank you!
I copied&pasted this and don't know how it will look. The link above will get you there though.
The Adventures of Fuzzy and Boomer on Friday —Farming
Posted on November 18, 2011
Well, here it is! The end of the farming season! Boomer and I have been helping Mom do all her chores while Dad harvests the last of the crops. He is combining corn, even as I speak.As for Mom and Boom and I well we are in charge of ditches.
Sometime in the afternoon we all head off to one of the ditches…Boomer has decided that he likes to run, sometimes ahead of the four-wheeler and sometimes beside and even sometimes following. He rides when he gets tired, but only then, he doesn’t really like to ride.
Following isn’t very good; I don’t think….it’s the spot where you eat dust all the time.
I used to run alongside….sometimes I feel really good and run a short distance alongside Mom and bark, but mostly I don’t. I really like to go, though, so Mom always takes me. Since I can’t jump anymore Mom picks me up and puts me on the back of the four-wheeler. She has a really neat carpet there that I can lay on or stand on however I feel like doing.
Sometimes I don’t even want to get off, but when we are at the ditches she makes me get off and at least sit by the four-wheeler. She says there might be a mouse or two to chase.
Yesterday was a big day…Dad had a bolt break on the tail gate of the big truck…he lost lots of corn,
but the good thing was he was still in the field when the tail gate broke.
We all went over to help him.
After he got it fixed and he left for the elevator, we picked up most of the corn and put into buckets to dump back into the truck. We had to leave some because the elevator doesn’t like rocks in the corn.
Mom said the wild creatures will enjoy the corn anyway.
After that we went to the corn field Dad was getting ready to start on and Mom started picking up and a stacking the irrigation tubes.
I stayed by the four-wheeler
and Boomer ran around sniffing stuff.
Once Boomer found a really cool poop to roll in but Mom yelled at him…I ran over as fast has my stiff back legs would take me, but Mom beat me too it and buried it.
Darn it!
Both Boom and I agreed it was a really cool poop, even had hair in it…smelled of coyotes. If we could have rolled in it and peeped on it the coyotes would have known some really tuff dogs live and work on this farm.
Mom was busy picking up the tubes and stacking them when suddenly three field mice ran out of the tubes. She didn’t really like it because she was carrying the tubes at the time.
I was on them in a flash! I forgot all about my stiff legs and hard to move hips…
Boomer was way down a corn row but I barked at him and he came running.
I got the first one of the three, and then we kept following Mom and waiting for her to drop another one out of the tube. She got smart and started shaking the tubes before she put them into her arms.
What a blast!
We caught several mice.
Then Mom started picking up the dams…..NESTS! NESTS OF MICE!!
Oh joy, joy, joy!
Tomorrow we are going way up to the upper end and doing the little hay field, then after that is the bean field. Boomer and I can look forward to at least two more days of catching mice, err helping on the farm.
Have a nice weekend everyone, I sure plan too!
Jailed Utah Child Raper Says The World Will End
This is kinda funny in a way well because -
What I get a kick out here is that apparently many who received this nonsense shit canned it right outta the box. Good on them! 264 pages of pure bull shit. I forgot just how much free time this raper has on his hands.
What I get a kick out here is that apparently many who received this nonsense shit canned it right outta the box. Good on them! 264 pages of pure bull shit. I forgot just how much free time this raper has on his hands.
Always Money For A Bigger Bomb
And one has arrived that's 10 times bigger the it's predecessor.
Of course this has nothing to do with any fear mongering or out right lies concerning Iran and our dear friend Israel.
Of course this has nothing to do with any fear mongering or out right lies concerning Iran and our dear friend Israel.
Still Dying In Irak
And by an IED. All the technology and bull shit talk about just how good of job we the invaders and occupiers have done can't stop the simplest of devices that have not changed and continue to kill. It's what the 1% wanted and they always get what they want to this day. And the sheep bleat.
Spc. David E. Hickman, 23, of Greensboro, N.C., died Nov. 14, in Baghdad, Iraq, of injuries sustained after encountering an improvised explosive device.
Spc. David E. Hickman, 23, of Greensboro, N.C., died Nov. 14, in Baghdad, Iraq, of injuries sustained after encountering an improvised explosive device.
bama Pepper Sprays And Beats Old Women & Pregnant Teen
As I go around and see what's happening as always there is outrage about how crowds of protestors are being treated by the badges/beater/sprayers and whatever else they use.
What is the surprise here as there should be none. This is what our government does. They beat the holy shit out of whoever stands in their way.
How many tea baggers got beat? None of any consequense. Why? Because they're so fucking dumb with the positions they take they actually are supporting the 1%. Hell no bama won't beat them.
Bottom line this president so many dims love to death is the one person on the end of the tools used to torture innocents right here right now and that's a fact. LINK
What is the surprise here as there should be none. This is what our government does. They beat the holy shit out of whoever stands in their way.
How many tea baggers got beat? None of any consequense. Why? Because they're so fucking dumb with the positions they take they actually are supporting the 1%. Hell no bama won't beat them.
Bottom line this president so many dims love to death is the one person on the end of the tools used to torture innocents right here right now and that's a fact. LINK
Road Problems - Two Cents A Gallon Worth
Back 10/20 put a post up about what seemed to me the massive amount of oil and gas traffic around Bloomfied, NM. This morning I see the Bloomfield city council approved a resolution for the 2012 election a gas tax of 2 pennys a gallon.
I don't know enough to comment on the particular dynamics there - associations or agreements that may be in place except to say I believe it's fair to say the oil and gas corporations are responsible for the deterioration of the streets there. Make them pay if you can. Hell of a lot easier to say than get done.
The council also approved a resolution to include on the March 2012 city election ballot a 2-cent tax on every gallon of gasoline sold in Bloomfield. The tax will be used to pave and repair Bloomfield streets.
I don't know enough to comment on the particular dynamics there - associations or agreements that may be in place except to say I believe it's fair to say the oil and gas corporations are responsible for the deterioration of the streets there. Make them pay if you can. Hell of a lot easier to say than get done.
The council also approved a resolution to include on the March 2012 city election ballot a 2-cent tax on every gallon of gasoline sold in Bloomfield. The tax will be used to pave and repair Bloomfield streets.
Gloria Living In Denial
Update: Just after posting this I see Cain has fallen off his media perch. Many still love his persecuted ass deeply. And who knows - he's repug and a male and loves his Jeebus hates the same things they all hate.
Poor girl. Daddy Cain is just a good human being all the way around. Gloria says -
She said it so it must be true and Papa Cain is still the alpha male of the deranged pack of crazy bastards.. Didn't believe Thomas and sure as hell don't this guy either. Looks like he's skating on this just as his bro did.
Poor girl. Daddy Cain is just a good human being all the way around. Gloria says -
She said it so it must be true and Papa Cain is still the alpha male of the deranged pack of crazy bastards.. Didn't believe Thomas and sure as hell don't this guy either. Looks like he's skating on this just as his bro did.
This was news to me. Somebody will probably want to do something. The amount needed to harm yourself is small and one has to really want to do this. If tampons start getting regulated there's always jenkem to fall back on. YIKES!!
You can figure the rest out.
You can figure the rest out.
One Who Saw The Light
I have so much respect when people come over from the dark side because they actually took a moment to really think about the issues. This is a good story but not enough of. Face it - people who work the land tend to be conservative more than liberal. This fellow will be able to educate other that he knows and that's the hope.
Michael Bowman is somewhat of an iconoclast in his hometown of Wray — a life-long Republican turned Democrat after a holistic farming seminar put him on the path of renewable energy. When he was in his mid-30s, Bowman attended a Michael Martin Murphy concert in Alamosa where he happened to sit next to a board member of Holistic Management International. This Albuquerque nonprofit teaches a whole-farm planning system for sustainability.
Holistic Management International Link
Michael Bowman is somewhat of an iconoclast in his hometown of Wray — a life-long Republican turned Democrat after a holistic farming seminar put him on the path of renewable energy. When he was in his mid-30s, Bowman attended a Michael Martin Murphy concert in Alamosa where he happened to sit next to a board member of Holistic Management International. This Albuquerque nonprofit teaches a whole-farm planning system for sustainability.
Holistic Management International Link
Mexico Will Play By Our Rules
From a post here less than three months ago Calderon said this after 50 were massacred -
After another air related crash yesterday that killed Mexico's second in charge and other important officials Calderon had this to say -
"I am convinced that the best way to honor his generosity and loyalty ... is to intensify the struggle," Calderon said in a national address announcing Blake Mora's death along with seven others outside the capital. "We will continue with renewed vigor and zeal."
There really aren't that many who agree with some of my opinions and I'm fine with that and in the last year or so an effort was made to be a bit kinder and gentler but not so much this morning.
There's a reason Calderon changed his mind and I'll tell you what it is. He got taken to the back room and was made an offer he could not fucking refuse. Know what I mean. Here in the US the same happens to key players who are big enough threats to the 1%. Why do think Kucinich caved at the last minute with the health care benefit package to the corporations? He may not have gotten the complete "or else" but he sure as fuck got something.
Dusty on her first radio program yesterday that I will listen again to next Friday and suggest that you give it a try if you can as I enjoyed it and learned. She raised the optimism level here for a bit and that's good.
Fact of the matter is - this country kills and it kills a whole fucking bunch and is responsible for many others!
It kills thousands of innocent people who did nothing wrong except to be at the receiving end of a device paid for with yours and my money.
We target women and children and some who wave white flags as we did in Falloogeh not once but twice.
We funnel weapons to the gangs/cartels in Mexico that increased the killing and raise our hands like so what when found out.
We hire/outsource our killing to other killers like blackwater who then kill at will because we give them immunity so there is no blood on anyone's hands but only in the minds of the relatives of the innocents killed in our name.
The 1% took this country to war on lies in 2003 and killed at will as this country cheered the death and carnage that lasts in various forms many places to this day. Even when the sheep were told about the lies two years later in '05 they still bleated for more.
Just recently this country-your country-our country outright fucking killed a US citizen. Just how goddamn sick is that! We kill and the 1% revels in it and takes the position of righteousness which is sold then bought by many with their media corporation mind fuck machine.
I suppose if one is optimistic about the future as a whole you can't think like this. I sure as hell do not in any way belittle optimists because that is needed. But - over the years optimists - you know people that are supposedly on the same side blame me and others like me for the problems we have and that ain't no shit!
Just because this particular position is taken does not mean you don't try to make change/participate/educate others about the issues/vote/ contribute in other ways or what the fuck have you.
I just say I do not believe at this time it's possible to take control of our country and the world's destiny from the 1%. The 99'rs offer a tiny and only a tiny glimmer of hope. And understand I also think that if the 1% feels extremely threatened the chances of them killing at will here is greater than not.
What a suck position that is! Sheez.
Over 50 massacred and this is just the latest.The President (not ours) called these killers "true terrorists" and he's correct. Just like killers here who are not terrorists but really are ya know.
A visibly angry Calderon urged the United States to do more to curb demand for illegal drugs and stop weapon trafficking into Mexico. "If ... they are resigned to consuming drugs, then they need to find alternatives ... and establish clear points of access different from the border with Mexico, but this situation can't keep going on like this," he said.
A visibly angry Calderon urged the United States to do more to curb demand for illegal drugs and stop weapon trafficking into Mexico. "If ... they are resigned to consuming drugs, then they need to find alternatives ... and establish clear points of access different from the border with Mexico, but this situation can't keep going on like this," he said.
After another air related crash yesterday that killed Mexico's second in charge and other important officials Calderon had this to say -
"I am convinced that the best way to honor his generosity and loyalty ... is to intensify the struggle," Calderon said in a national address announcing Blake Mora's death along with seven others outside the capital. "We will continue with renewed vigor and zeal."
There really aren't that many who agree with some of my opinions and I'm fine with that and in the last year or so an effort was made to be a bit kinder and gentler but not so much this morning.
There's a reason Calderon changed his mind and I'll tell you what it is. He got taken to the back room and was made an offer he could not fucking refuse. Know what I mean. Here in the US the same happens to key players who are big enough threats to the 1%. Why do think Kucinich caved at the last minute with the health care benefit package to the corporations? He may not have gotten the complete "or else" but he sure as fuck got something.
Dusty on her first radio program yesterday that I will listen again to next Friday and suggest that you give it a try if you can as I enjoyed it and learned. She raised the optimism level here for a bit and that's good.
Fact of the matter is - this country kills and it kills a whole fucking bunch and is responsible for many others!
It kills thousands of innocent people who did nothing wrong except to be at the receiving end of a device paid for with yours and my money.
We target women and children and some who wave white flags as we did in Falloogeh not once but twice.
We funnel weapons to the gangs/cartels in Mexico that increased the killing and raise our hands like so what when found out.
We hire/outsource our killing to other killers like blackwater who then kill at will because we give them immunity so there is no blood on anyone's hands but only in the minds of the relatives of the innocents killed in our name.
The 1% took this country to war on lies in 2003 and killed at will as this country cheered the death and carnage that lasts in various forms many places to this day. Even when the sheep were told about the lies two years later in '05 they still bleated for more.
Just recently this country-your country-our country outright fucking killed a US citizen. Just how goddamn sick is that! We kill and the 1% revels in it and takes the position of righteousness which is sold then bought by many with their media corporation mind fuck machine.
I suppose if one is optimistic about the future as a whole you can't think like this. I sure as hell do not in any way belittle optimists because that is needed. But - over the years optimists - you know people that are supposedly on the same side blame me and others like me for the problems we have and that ain't no shit!
Just because this particular position is taken does not mean you don't try to make change/participate/educate others about the issues/vote/ contribute in other ways or what the fuck have you.
I just say I do not believe at this time it's possible to take control of our country and the world's destiny from the 1%. The 99'rs offer a tiny and only a tiny glimmer of hope. And understand I also think that if the 1% feels extremely threatened the chances of them killing at will here is greater than not.
What a suck position that is! Sheez.
Muslim And Live In Detroit - Beware
There's a whole shit load of religiously insane fanatics from the Call in town now who hate Muzzys and are praying starting tonight in a 24 hour non-stop hatefest. Gonna wish these Americans and wanna be Americans all kinds of bad shit because well see below -
And that means you Islamic fellers in Detroit for many reasons the biggest maybe because you're not right ya see and ya just gotta go some way or another. They're gonna sic the invisible non-existent cloud being on you and boy oh boy is all hell gonna break loose.
And that means you Islamic fellers in Detroit for many reasons the biggest maybe because you're not right ya see and ya just gotta go some way or another. They're gonna sic the invisible non-existent cloud being on you and boy oh boy is all hell gonna break loose.
Straight From The Horses Ass
And this prick should know. This is considered news here. No wonder the Empire is in such a steep decline.
Newty Gingrich says rival Herman Cain has handled the sexual harassment allegations against him well
wall street With A Boot Up It's Ass
The reality of the pile of shit we're standing in is in many ways pretty simple. This is excellent and I wish he would have mentioned accountability. Got this from Monkeyfister's place. Thank you!
Folks it is identical to what the bush killers did with Iraq. No one gives a shit and it appears all these criminals will skate for these terrible crimes that have harmed our country so badly.
I refuse to help in anyway shape or form as they say to rewrite history in a way that all these crimes were something other and had a noble cause involved.
Folks it is identical to what the bush killers did with Iraq. No one gives a shit and it appears all these criminals will skate for these terrible crimes that have harmed our country so badly.
I refuse to help in anyway shape or form as they say to rewrite history in a way that all these crimes were something other and had a noble cause involved.
We Train Them And Then They're Used Against Us
From the mouths of the oil and gas industry - -
When the amount of money involved is as great as it is and the funds available to pursue these riches is unlimited that opens up the door to stuff like this. They say it's only to assist communities in adopting local ordinances and such but that's pure bull shit.
Psyops techniques are just that and I don't give a shit - this ain't right. We don't have any kind of national energy policy that would lessen our dependency and use soldiers trained in psychological operations to manipulate the process at local level to benefit the industry who would drill in your living room if they could.
When the amount of money involved is as great as it is and the funds available to pursue these riches is unlimited that opens up the door to stuff like this. They say it's only to assist communities in adopting local ordinances and such but that's pure bull shit.
Psyops techniques are just that and I don't give a shit - this ain't right. We don't have any kind of national energy policy that would lessen our dependency and use soldiers trained in psychological operations to manipulate the process at local level to benefit the industry who would drill in your living room if they could.
Democraps Who Are Just That
Until the definition of democrat used by Big Whore Media remains as is now chalk it up as another huge tool the right owns. We're talking the personhood vote in Mississippi.
Whether it's the democrats above or democrats in office everywhere who support right wing causes like this and say Social Security as another example are not Democrats but something far different and in a huge negative way and need to be called out for that.
Here Colorado's two democrat senators Udall&Bennet have offered up Social Security on your behalf to the super committie.
I can not think of any one liberal/progressive who would do the same and we're all thrown together by BHM for the most part.
If that pisses you off given the dynamics of SS alone I'll send a message along for you as well and will not vote for the sonsofbitches. They exist to serve their corporate masters just like most of them.
Whether it's the democrats above or democrats in office everywhere who support right wing causes like this and say Social Security as another example are not Democrats but something far different and in a huge negative way and need to be called out for that.
Here Colorado's two democrat senators Udall&Bennet have offered up Social Security on your behalf to the super committie.
I can not think of any one liberal/progressive who would do the same and we're all thrown together by BHM for the most part.
If that pisses you off given the dynamics of SS alone I'll send a message along for you as well and will not vote for the sonsofbitches. They exist to serve their corporate masters just like most of them.
bama Plants An Even Bigger Kiss On The Ass Of Oil Companies
Thanks a lot buddy you're a real pal of definitely not "we the people" but "us and the corporations"!
This sounds even worse - In the western and central Gulf, by contrast, the proposal puts all unleased acreage up for sale.
We know what can happen along our coasts or anywhere else for that matter. My bitch is that we have no energy policy that would save enough that we would not have to drill in these very special areas.
We will not get an energy policy from these guys or the ones that come after them. What we will get is plenty more drilling in the places we know it should not happen.
After all it's the "New Merca for the Corporations". They have rights too ya know.
This sounds even worse - In the western and central Gulf, by contrast, the proposal puts all unleased acreage up for sale.
We know what can happen along our coasts or anywhere else for that matter. My bitch is that we have no energy policy that would save enough that we would not have to drill in these very special areas.
We will not get an energy policy from these guys or the ones that come after them. What we will get is plenty more drilling in the places we know it should not happen.
After all it's the "New Merca for the Corporations". They have rights too ya know.
Not Just A Bomb - A Ticking Bomb
Defective electronic parts getting in the Pentawhores parts supply putting "our troops at risk". And the bad guy is China.
Our country's largest budget expenditure is for the war machine we feed better than anything else.We love war but cannot produce all that we need to sustain the Empire and need to outsource to our biggest challenger in the quest to rule the most of any other country.
You can't support yourselves in the quest for world dominance and depend on your competitor to do so - - - it's long past due you get the hell out of the business of forever war and find other ways to get along rather than using guns!
Our country's largest budget expenditure is for the war machine we feed better than anything else.We love war but cannot produce all that we need to sustain the Empire and need to outsource to our biggest challenger in the quest to rule the most of any other country.
You can't support yourselves in the quest for world dominance and depend on your competitor to do so - - - it's long past due you get the hell out of the business of forever war and find other ways to get along rather than using guns!
99'er War Working Well for The 1%
You betcha - probably better than our other war fronts.
If you as an American and using the same analogy that worked so well against those opposed to the bush bastard's war for lies that if you did not support it you were not a true American.
So - having said that how can you repug lovers of war call yourselves patriotic Americans when your support for war is greater than feeding the hungry in our own country?
If you as an American and using the same analogy that worked so well against those opposed to the bush bastard's war for lies that if you did not support it you were not a true American.
So - having said that how can you repug lovers of war call yourselves patriotic Americans when your support for war is greater than feeding the hungry in our own country?
Dummy's (Hunters???) Killing Moose's Instead Of
ELK! That's right and in addition moose do not look like elk. If you are unable to tell the difference you don't deserve to have a gun in your hands. This fishwrapper is calling these accidents. They are not accidents
Link to two other accidents.
Link to two other accidents.
Holy See Issues New Batch Of Hooey
And the robes are not all that please with da new "Missal". ‘‘How can I say those words? It doesn’t make sense,’’ said Iwanowski, who has been a priest for 36 years. ‘‘It separates religion from real life.’’
Whatever it does will not change the reality about the all powerful finger snapper in the sky. An example of the change from the Nicene Creed I'm sure all are aware of that will take believers to new levels of - - we'll just leave it there.
In the new translation, in the Nicene Creed, the phrase ‘‘one inBeing with the Father,’’ will change to ‘‘consubstantial with theFather.’’ When a priest prays over the Holy Communion bread andwine, he will ask God for blessings ‘‘by sending down your spiritupon them like the dewfall.’’
Yup - that should do it.
Whatever it does will not change the reality about the all powerful finger snapper in the sky. An example of the change from the Nicene Creed I'm sure all are aware of that will take believers to new levels of - - we'll just leave it there.
In the new translation, in the Nicene Creed, the phrase ‘‘one inBeing with the Father,’’ will change to ‘‘consubstantial with theFather.’’ When a priest prays over the Holy Communion bread andwine, he will ask God for blessings ‘‘by sending down your spiritupon them like the dewfall.’’
Yup - that should do it.
For Right Or Wrong
I'm driving north to look at this. Been all over the place on this and am back to the beginning it looks but understand I'm gonna stop at REI and look at two of their tents that might work too and they don't need petrol.
McStupid And Grahamcracker Don't Want To Play
Before they start with this bullshit I think another leisurely shopping stroll through Baghdad or Falloogeh is in order so they can see once again how hundreds of billions of my money worked out.
Understand people - it may be made to look like here are cuts in the defense/pentawhore budget in the end but the reality will be something other.
Kissing Ronnie's Dead Bony Ass In The Cornfield Tonight
They'd probably chew on them given the chance and then howl at the moon while getting wood. Sorry - just can't make it.
I stop at a lot of cemetery's and try to be as respectful as I can. If given the chance to view this mans hole in the ground and thought I could get by with it well it might just get pissed on.
I stop at a lot of cemetery's and try to be as respectful as I can. If given the chance to view this mans hole in the ground and thought I could get by with it well it might just get pissed on.
Let's Get Out Of The Business Then
Bitch and moan - whine and cry.
As we all know the system is so screwed up the military is unable to address the health issues of soldiers in that one category let alone the rest of them.
This is what you get when your country and leaders prefer perpetual war over what is best for "We the People".
You know what we call whining like this around here - tough shit!
As we all know the system is so screwed up the military is unable to address the health issues of soldiers in that one category let alone the rest of them.
This is what you get when your country and leaders prefer perpetual war over what is best for "We the People".
You know what we call whining like this around here - tough shit!
Juarez Activism Is Important Too
There is action on our southern War Front by people who say no to the death that it has caused. Please if you have the time check out Billie's posts at Border Explorer.
The latest -
The latest -
El Paso Rights Groups condemn arrests, jailing of activists in Juarez
bama The Bullshitter
Well bama lovers stick this where the sun don't shine.
The Pentagon is poised to move at least 4,000 soldiers from Iraq to Kuwait at the end of the year
When you say things like this “will definitely be home for the holidays" you damn well better know what the hell you're saying.
This move is part of a "still-developing Pentagon strategy". We all know we're never going to leave or be able to force our war-loving politicians to stop this nations imperialism around the globe. This man knew this when he said what he did.
There are going to be a lot of broken hearts and tears from many when they learn mom or dad or both will not be home for the holidays.
The Pentagon is poised to move at least 4,000 soldiers from Iraq to Kuwait at the end of the year
When you say things like this “will definitely be home for the holidays" you damn well better know what the hell you're saying.
This move is part of a "still-developing Pentagon strategy". We all know we're never going to leave or be able to force our war-loving politicians to stop this nations imperialism around the globe. This man knew this when he said what he did.
There are going to be a lot of broken hearts and tears from many when they learn mom or dad or both will not be home for the holidays.
bama Didn't Say Squat About These Student Loans
I can tell you why - because it would have shown just how big a bullshitter he really is. His folksy bush like friendly ways about how hard he had it work for many but if you take a second and listen - - well. These new rules for grad students even though they start in July of next year are harsh to say the least. Straight from the 1%'rs in the District of Whores!
I suppose if one has a bit of money these changes don't amount to a whole hell of a lot but if you don't have much these changes are significant.
I suppose if one has a bit of money these changes don't amount to a whole hell of a lot but if you don't have much these changes are significant.
Under a law passed by Congress this summer, graduate studentswill be required to pay more for loans beginning in July. Graduate students also will lose rebates for on-time payment ofloans as part of changes that are expected to save the federalgovernment $21.6 billion over the next 10 years.The new law eliminates the graduate student loan interestsubsidy. That means that interest will keep accruing while studentsare still in school. Students will start owing interest immediately on loans issuedafter July 1. Students can still defer payment on the loans untilafter graduation.
They Sure As Hell Will Fail - On Purpose
But not for their corporate masters you can bet on that. Them and the whores in the Pentagon will not be denied. Watch it happen while the dims help the 1%'rs take more from us. It won't be any other way but that. It was never intended to be anything but that. The two dim senawhores from Colorado are on record for offering up my and your Social Security plus other things as well. The top 1% and corporations will have very little or no tax increases. The middle class will bear the brunt of this! We need leadership from the top but bama is one of them. Has been from the very beginning.
And The Number Is
So deaths of American forces in Afghanistan is not as high compared to last year at this time that number means squat. And note we don't use the total bullshit term of Nato troops because we die more than anyone else who's in da coalition.
This morning there's some whining going on from Kandahar.
Tough shit! Call the goddamn repuglicans and let's get the hell outta there now.
This morning there's some whining going on from Kandahar.
Lawmakers from Kandahar said Tuesday that Afghan forces are far from ready to assume full security responsibility in the province that was the birthplace of the Taliban
Tough shit! Call the goddamn repuglicans and let's get the hell outta there now.
Year | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Total |
2001 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 12 |
2002 | 10 | 12 | 9 | 5 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 1 | 1 | 49 |
2003 | 4 | 7 | 12 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 1 | 48 |
2004 | 9 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 8 | 5 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 7 | 1 | 52 |
2005 | 2 | 1 | 6 | 18 | 4 | 27 | 2 | 15 | 11 | 7 | 3 | 3 | 99 |
2006 | 1 | 17 | 7 | 1 | 11 | 18 | 9 | 10 | 6 | 10 | 7 | 1 | 98 |
2007 | 0 | 14 | 5 | 8 | 11 | 12 | 14 | 18 | 8 | 10 | 11 | 6 | 117 |
2008 | 7 | 1 | 8 | 5 | 17 | 28 | 20 | 22 | 27 | 16 | 1 | 3 | 155 |
2009 | 15 | 15 | 13 | 6 | 12 | 25 | 45 | 51 | 40 | 59 | 18 | 18 | 317 |
2010 | 30 | 31 | 26 | 20 | 34 | 60 | 65 | 55 | 42 | 50 | 53 | 33 | 499 |
2011 | 25 | 20 | 31 | 46 | 35 | 47 | 37 | 70 | 42 | 29 | 0 | 0 | 382 |
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